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As I already said on Dungeon from the Void and Eternal Winter and Winter Wolf, After this week's post(this post), Wrath and all of my other secondary stories (secondary stories being any of my stories except for Wolf of the Blood Moon, Reaper's Resurgence, and Crimson Eternal) will be put on a temporary hiatus until I finish The Undying Magician book 3. Since the deadline for that is one month from now.

During this time there will be near daily chapters for The Undying Magician.


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Year 820 | Month 5 | Day 8

To my surprise, an orange energy begins to leak out of the abomination before moving out within the water. Then the orange energy – which is obviously Gluttony energy – begins to coalesce just like how my Wrath energy does. And how it is doing right now as I summon monsters.

But the glowing orange energy fades soon enough underneath the water, leaving behind nothing but shadows in oval and circular shapes. Making me narrow my eyes ever so slightly.

Is it really…

A bunch of creatures begin jumping out of the water with ravenous looks in their eyes. Some of them are piranhas, others leeches and the like, and even a couple sharks jump out of the water.

What surprises me the most isn’t the sight of the monsters, but the sight of the sharks.

Sharks that are no doubt undead, with half of their body torn apart. To the point of revealing their ribs in some locations with some missing the flesh around their eyes.

Rather… creepy.

Guess physical undead really do tend to be of the Gluttony Sin after all.

If they’re of any Sin that is.

Since undead aren’t always made of Sin energy. The only type of monster that isn’t always made of Sin energy.

They can be made of death energy too. Miasma.

Dad shouts out orders for the soldiers to back away when the Gluttony monsters begin trying to eat them like rabid and starved wolves. To the point of hurting themselves just to get their fill of meat.

Meanwhile I point in the direction of the coast, sending my monsters to fight with the Gluttony monsters. And my monsters all let out roars of rage, filling the air with their noise as the mixture of monsters rushes at the other monsters. With my monsters mostly being salamanders, lions, angry spirits and wraiths, and the like.

All of the soldiers quickly retreat back to the ships and further into the shore as I our monsters all clash.

Then I frown at the abomination whose gaze is completely locked on me.

I can’t transform right now. The Calling of Wrath is still on cooldown due to my repeated use earlier.

Which means I’ll be at a disadvantage.

But… just what is Gluttony doing?

The creature is just slugging along like a slug, ignoring the attacks that are devoured by the Gluttony energy moving around the surface of its body. Heading directly towards me without stopping and without attacking back.

Other than the Gluttony monsters that keep spawning around it.

Looks like the abomination’s leveled up its monster summoning skill a lot more than I’ve leveled up mine.

So to start things out, I use Wrathful Inducement, trying to infuse some of my Wrath into the abomination. But the creature’s own Gluttony energy blocks it in a visible clash of energy. And to my surprise, the creature seems to send some of its own Gluttony energy outwards after my attack, visibly making the humans closest to it hungry.

Just like with how its Gluttony energy fought against my Wrath energy, my own Wrath energy clashes with the creature’s Gluttony energy when it reaches me. Most likely trying to infuse some of its Gluttony into me.

In the end, neither of us managed to do anything to the other.

Okay, that’s unexpected.

I send a bolt of Wrath lighting at the creature, but it surprisingly opens up some black and orange hole in the air in front of it, absorbing the Wrath lightning.

My eyes narrow a little before I spread my arms out and begin to absorb the Wrath from nearby creatures to empower myself. All of which are humans in the area.

Let’s see if my theory is correct…

As if on cue, the monster begins to draw in an orange energy from the nearby humans, just like I’m drawing in a crimson energy. Confirming my theory.

“Dad, retreat fully,” I shout without taking my gaze away from the abomination.

He looks surprised for a second before he quickly nods his head and gives out the full retreat order. And just as quickly as that, the ships all begin to move away. And so does the frontline of the soldiers on the shore.

At this rate, having them here will just cause trouble. The abomination is clearly devouring their attacks, so the only use they’d be is for their cannons to drain away some of the creature’s Gluttony energy. And the cannons can still fire from further away.

Meanwhile having the soldiers nearby puts them in danger without them being able to help. Since they’ll be targets for the gluttony monsters and for Gluttony’s skills.

And since Gluttony is clearly copying all of my attacks, using their Wrath to empower myself won’t do anything either. What with it using their Gluttony to do the same.

So I watch on for a bit as the Wrath and Gluttony monsters fight it out amongst themselves, with Gluttony itself gradually making its way through the water towards me.

Everything I can tell up till now points to Gluttony being just as unintelligent as I’d heard. It repeats its versions of my attacks back when I use my own Wrath versions. It charges straight at me to devour me since I’m a Sin. And it does everything on instinct.

I almost pity whoever they were before turning into Gluttony.

And, more importantly, I feel relieved that I was chosen by the Heart of Wrath rather than the Stomach of Gluttony.

Because the idea of becoming this abomination sends a chill down my spine.

I got lucky. But Gluttony didn’t.

So I really want to put it out of its misery.

I spread both of my arms out before building up Wrath lightning on both hands, my eyes narrowing further. Then I clench both of my fists, making the Wrath lightning run through them while also creating more Wrath fire bolts above me to launch at Gluttony as I charge forwards.

Let’s see if it can copy my Wrath Manipulation attacks.


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