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Year 2850 | Month 12 | Day 14

The months begin to fly by without much action from the barons, with all of them focusing solely on making a spell that’ll capture me. Although the intel I’ve got suggests they aren’t being too successful on that front.

Beyond that whole fiasco, the war for the baron’s territory finally settles down. And the baron who managed to claim it in the end turns out to be some ice specialized magician of the water affinity. A variant magician. Who also, from what I’ve heard, doesn’t tend to deal with the other barons very often. Just keeps to himself and his territory.

He’s been a surprisingly good neighbor to me as well. Hasn’t done anything to attack me and has even kept the other barons out of his territory and therefore out of mine around the inner ring bordering his turf.

I’ve also heard he’s a pretty okay guy too. For a magician of the Kingdom of the Fallen.

Which is to say that he’s not actively murdering people for tiny slights against his reputation.

I narrow my eyes ever so slightly, my thoughts coming to a brief halt as I reach a particularly difficult part of the spell I’m currently crafting. The one I’ve spent the last three months working on.

This one is actually a counter for a couple of the affinities I’ll be facing when I go up against the barons and baronesses. A spell that isn’t aimed at the enemy, but instead damages me. Blows me to smithereens and takes those near me out as well.

Mostly meant to snap me out of any illusion or traps I’m stuck in.

Should work well against those metal chains or other metal spells. And it doesn’t cost anywhere near as much mana as it would normally cost for a spell of this magnitude.

Simply because I’m using more than just mana to make the spell. I’m using my own flesh and blood too.

Something some people call black magic. Also a type of magic no one ever uses because any damage dealt by black magic can’t be healed without time magic. And a magician would never sacrifice a part of their body permanently. It just wouldn’t happen. That’s why black magic isn’t even taught about in the academy.

But that’s not an issue for me. Considering my body’s state.

I even tested it out on a fingernail, and it reverted fine just like it always does. Then I tested it out on more and more of my body just to make sure. Increasing the amount each time until I blew my entire body up.

Only thing I noticed was that it seems to heal a tiny bit slower. But not much slower. Like a few seconds slower at most.

Although even if the black magic decreases the cost of mana, it still costs a good deal of mana to use the spell. So it’s not a permanent ‘get out of capture free’ spell or anything.

It’s not even finished, actually.


I grit my teeth as I test out the spell again, making my body implode before I regenerate a few dozen seconds later without a scrap of clothes on within my lab.

…it hurts and is annoying to test out.

Can’t exactly wear anything of importance when I’m testing it since it would just be blown up along with me. Other than my storage device, of course. Which is special. Along with my weapons.

Holster for my weapons isn’t in the same boat though, unfortunately.

I walk over to the protective panel on the other side of the room before voicing out, “Open.” Making the panel open to reveal a screen that I quickly press play on to watch how the spell occurred.

One of the other major issues with making a spell like this.

It’s kind of hard to see the results of when I’m blowing myself up and going unconscious for a few seconds.

No one is allowed in this room while I experiment though. For more reason than one.

Seeing as I’m not exactly dressed for visitors, and they probably don’t want to be blown up either.

Doesn’t help that I also made it so miasma is produced in the blast. So this room has more than a little miasma in it.

Might end up killing a normal human just from staying a few minutes in the place.

I continue studying the explosion on the screen before remembering back to what was happening before it. When my body from the center outwards was turning into pure mana, just disintegrating into those blue particles.

The issue with the explosion this time was that it took up too much mana. And it was also focused in one direction more than the others.

So it wasn’t balanced.

Although I guess there is one bright side to making a spell like this.

The entire point of the spell is to cause me pain along with the others so that I can snap out of an illusion while breaking free from a trap and attacking at the same time. So messing up the spell doesn’t matter whatsoever.

Since exploding is the entire point of it in the first place.

So that’s nice.

But I still want the spell to be perfected. And it would be nice to figure out a way to not leave me naked after use, but that isn’t an absolute priority. Definitely a major plus, but not being captured and imprisoned is far more important than my modesty.

Besides. I’ve already been completely erased and then put back together in front of quite a few people at this point.

No matter how unpleasant that was.

I look blankly up at the ceiling, wondering just what’s happening with my life.

Then I sigh again and close the panel before walking up to the center of the room.

And once again activating the spell, making my mana and flesh go wild as the spell circle forms inside of my own stomach. Then a loud spurting sound echoes out along with a very strong flash of pain.

And just like with the last usage, everything goes dark after that. Only for my senses to return as I’m reforming again.

I better not get any flak from that skeleton for making a spell like this.

Either he’s joking, or he just can’t get it through his thick skull that I don’t enjoy this pain.

He’s annoying regardless.

I begin walking over to the panel once again.

Ready to take more notes.


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