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I glance to the side as the Demigod Vampire watching over me appears. But to my surprise, he doesn’t look like he’s planning on saying anything. Just standing there watching.

So I refocus on Leon again, finding him looking relieved by the sight of the Vampire not declaring any opposition to this.

“You do understand that I have no control over them, correct?” I ask him with my brows furrowed together. And he quickly nods his head. “And you’re still offering the Dragon’s Core to me?”

He nods his head again while answering, “Yes, I am.”

“Let me get this straight,” I state while sitting down. “You want me to try to convince the Vampires to assist you, and in exchange, you’ll give me a Dragon’s Core. Even if I don’t manage to convince them.”

Leon seems to hesitate for a moment before nodding his head again.

That’s… surprising.

If I had to guess, he’s trying to get into the good will of the Vampire currently watching this conversation by doing this. A risk one way or another for him and the nation above, but I’m not going to complain.

They’re probably at their last rope, with no chance of winning. Even if they tries using the Dragon’s Core themselves. So they’re willing to throw it away for the slightest chance at getting aid.

“Very well, I will try to convince the Vampires to aid you,” I eventually tell Leon with a nod of my head while standing up again. “But don’t expect me to succeed.”

Leon quickly nods his head, a look of minor relief on his face before he takes out a black and red sphere that instantly floods the cavern of my dungeon with that same aura as the dragons napping beneath my dungeon. Albeit weaker than them.

Which is interesting. Because if this core would raise me by an entire Tier, what would their cores do?

Of course, I know perfectly well that if I tried killing those dragons down there I’d be dead before I knew it.

But it’s good to know for the future. And I might be able to get Nosferatu or Leviathan to aid me if I really wanted those cores.

Although I’d probably have to give them both one of them in exchange.

But with there being three dragons down there, it should be fine.

The real question would be whether or not two Gods would be able to defeat three dragons.

I use my own core to float the Dragon’s Core in the air and take it back to my core. Then I give Leon a look and he quickly makes a hasty retreat from the cavern before waiting right outside.

And without hesitation, I turn towards Vladmir before asking, “Well? Would you consider helping them?”

Vladmir stares at me directly in the eyes for several seconds without saying a word. And for some reason I get the feeling he’s communicating with Nosferatu.

So I just wait patiently for him to finish.

Only for a swirl of blood to appear in the room, following which it fades again to reveal Nosferatu here in person.

“Do you wish for us to intercede on the Hybrid’s behalf?” Nosferatu asks point blank.

I feel surprised for a second before answering, “What happens here doesn’t concern me, but I would like to uphold my end of the bargain. So yes, I would like that, if it’s at all possible.”

Nosferatu stares for several seconds before I decide to mention something else.

“On a side note, would you be interested in some Dragon Cores for the taking?” I ask while tilting my head a little.

That has him stiffening up. Then his eyes narrow a little and he asks in return, “Do you know where we can locate some?”

I blink at that, feeling more than a little surprised that he hasn’t sensed the slumbering dragons beneath us. Because I was pretty sure he’d sense them the moment he arrived here.

What with him being a God and all.

Of blood at that.

“Yeah,” I answer before pointing my paw downwards at the floor, “there are the three dragons slumbering under my dungeon.”

Nosferatu’s eyes widen in shock, and it’s not just him as Vladmir – who had gone silent and simply stayed out of the way since his God arrived – lets out a gasp while glaring at the ground as if he could burn a hole in it with just his gaze.

Huh. Guess they really didn’t know about them.


“I started moving my dungeon into the void after I broke into the cavern where the three dragons were slumbering a while back,” I add with a light shrug. “None of them have woken up since then. But they could probably make for some nice Dragon Cores like this one I just got.”

Nosferatu glances at the Demigod before looking down at the ground, blood beginning to swirl around his eyes. Then, after a pause, he raises his head to look at me again and says, “It looks like we have no choice but to deal with this war. Those dragons will wake up if it continues.”

That makes me freeze.

“And you’re not strong enough to even survive being near the battle were Leviathan and I to take on the dragons,” Nosferatu adds, terrifying me in the process. “So until you are strong enough, we can’t let them wake up.”

The God of Blood glares at the ground before turning his glare onto the ceiling, where the battle is no doubt currently going on. Then he focuses on the Demigod and declares, “Vladmir, gather the Demigods. Either deal with the war above us or bring it far enough away to not disturb the dragons.”

“As you command, Your Eminence,” Vladmir declares with a bow before vanishing from my sight. And without hesitation, Nosferatu does the same, leaving me alone in my cavern as I recover from what I just heard.

Well, that went… differently from how I expected.


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