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Click here for chapter 39! It is 1530 words long! Also the last chapter of the night.



Thanks for the Chapter


If word of this gets out, I could almost see entire swaths of the universe taking part in some kind of interstellar auction event where the prize is to be able to be the next one to get a chance at possibly contracting the Lady of Death in some way, purely for the passive insurance that she could provide against their world being wiped out by a Greater Death Spirit lol


Of course disclaimers would have to follow in that there is no guarantee that she would either take the contract in the first place or worse still 𝑒𝑛𝑐𝑜𝑢𝑟𝑎𝑔𝑒 the Death Spirit to wipe out the world in question instead. The latter outcome, of course, being most easily avoided by simply making sure that you at least treat her a little nicely lol


Thanks for the chapter! Good, that's one more of the big empires that will leave her alone for a while. I wonder how they found out Death was on this planet? If their spies found out, her enemies might have as well

Briar Rosier

So are sundays CE days?

Briar Rosier

Today was only CE. I think one or two of the past few sundays have been only CE as well.


No... I ended up canceling the rest of today's chapters due to spending the day formatting WBM. I have a schedule clearly stated in my Patreon ya know. Just look at that.


Is it a reaccuring theme, that the enemies of her summon a death Spirit to lose the war?


Suicide by death spirit seem pretty common xD


If it's supposed to be a trump card for desperate people, guaranteed to annihilate everybody on the planet, it makes sense


The only reason I see this *not* being a possibility is if the part about "not disturbing her and letting her grow" was heard by more than just the summoner and they don't want to piss off a death spirit.


They could make it a job offer where all Aria needs to do is be on a planet in case a death spirit gets summoned and in exchange they offer her accomodations plus access to hunter spots. Then if multiple places give her the offer she can negotiate for best terms and stuff.


Best termes = Best coffee shop with easy hunting spot / Forrest nearby (her new purpose being woodcutter now xD)


A magical forest that grows back cause otherwise she'll become a deforestation menace lol


there is more than 1 trilion tree on earth, so she still needs some levels before being able to do planetary deforestation :p


I feel like Death Spirits summon is like a nuke button, just you don't know where the nuke will land xD


Thanks for the chapter


Preferably a magic one where the trees grow quickly, so that she wouldn’t have to wait a few years before starting up her deforestation efforts again lol


You do remember that the trees in the Grand Tree pretty much infinitely respawn, right?


Yeah but that’s just for this world, I’m talking about the potential benefits that an interstellar nation might be able to offer Aria to stay over at their place for a while to give them her apparent passive protection against parties who might want to summon a Greater Death Spirit lol Of course, whether or not such a scheme would even work in the first place is another matter entirely XD


I think you accidentally wrote "Red Dynasty" instead of "Rex Dynasty" at the part where the Death Spirit first speaks. Nice chapter though, I'm enjoying it so far.