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Alexander North

How did I not hear this? It should’ve been rather loud if a damned hallway was collapsing…

Terminal, I don’t need air, right? I’m pretty sure I don’t.

|Your assumption is correct. Your body does not need air to survive, however it will drain your energy should you attempt to survive without it.|

And how fast will it drain my energy?

|A hundredth of a point every ten minutes without air.|

That’s fine then. I have almost thirty points of energy.

It should last me for more than long enough. With plenty of leftover energy to spare for battles.

I hope.

Oh, wait, that also means that I won’t be able to regenerate my energy…


Terminal, how fast do I regenerate energy right now?

|An exact measurement is impossible right now.|

Then give me as close to an exact measurement as you can get.

|You are regenerating about two tenths of a point every ten minutes, outweighing the amount you’re losing by a large margin.|

Oh, that’s fine then.

Go ahead and show me my body’s current analysis.

/ Current Analysis of user Alexander North \

Strength: 11.57
Agility: 11.43
Reflexes: 10.97
Constitution: 11.11
Immunity: ???
Senses: 10.99
Energy: 21.7/30.6
Abilities: Cold Energy Claws, Cold Diffusion, Thermal Vision, Cold Energy Arcs, Cold Blood, Cold Energy Absorption

Body Malfunctions: N/A
Error: Cannot determine Immunity of user’s current species without the user getting sick to collect data.
The average of a human being without a symbiont is a 1 across all stats except for Energy.
The Energy statistic is determined with a 1 being set as the user’s original starting statistic for Energy.
\End of Analysis/

Hmm. Well, I should probably stay up here and recover my energy a bit before I continue further into the unknown. Probably to about ninety percent.

Then I can go ahead and continue making my way down. Because even if the base is built differently from the base I was assigned to, it should still have emergency stairs on each floor. And I won’t even need the location of the stairs this time.

All I’ll need to do is take out the source of the energy so that I can finally sense the flow of energy in this place. Then I’ll be able to tell where the energy is flowing out of the floor, leading me straight to the emergency exit.

I briefly glance back at the rubble before pursing my lips for a second and trying to grab some of the rubble and move it out of the way. Since I’m far stronger than a normal human being.

But it doesn’t work out. I don’t even manage to budge the rubble.

|It would appear that the rubble is frozen together.|

Yeah. And whatever froze it is able to freeze something so strongly that I can’t budge it.

Unless I can shatter it with a punch?

|Hypothesis. The user will most likely damage their fist and waste energy trying with little success.|

So no punching the rubble. Got it.

Guess I’m gonna be sitting here for a while.

Let’s see… if I’m regenerating around two tenths of a point every ten minutes, it should take around seven or so hours of waiting to regenerate it all. Which… is probably gonna be boring.

I let out a sigh before lying back on the ground with my back against the rubble.

Here’s hoping the serpent doesn’t decide it wants to eat this part of the base.

On that note, I wonder how Dad’s doing? We still haven’t been able to contact each other since I woke up, so he’s bound to be worried.

He doesn’t really need much protection though, so I’m not too worried about him. He’s a Tier 5 Symbiont Host after all. One of the most powerful in our nation.

I’d be more surprised if he got hurt than otherwise.

As for the emperor… not really sure how Uncle would do in this, but if he’s with Dad, he’ll be fine. If not? Well… I’ll try not to think about that. For Cynthia’s sake.

And my own a little, since the man was always a good uncle to me. Even if the majority of the time he would visit during me, and Cynthia’s childhood was to drop Cynthia off at our house so he could work. Mostly because he doesn’t particularly trust strangers with his kid, and he didn’t want to leave her surrounded by nothing but soldiers when he couldn’t be with her. He wanted her with those who genuinely cared about her.

So he’s a pretty good father to her at the very least.

Either way though, I hope he’s okay too.

I do wonder how the rest of the universe is faring right now though.

The silence filling this stairwell is honestly a little disturbing. And I’m not normally the type to be frightened.

Just sitting here at the top of a stairwell that I know leads to a floor full of frozen ones. Any of whom could come up here at any time and begin attacking.

Makes relaxing a little more difficult.

Not to mention the powerful energy just filling the entire stairwell, radiating out from the lower floors.

I let out a sigh at that before frowning and glancing down at my chest, where my artificial heart now turned whatever it is is still beating.

It’s kind of dark to think about how things would’ve been if I didn’t have this artificial heart. If I’d have just been normal and healthy in that regard.

Very dark.

Although I’m sure Dad probably finds it ironically hilarious.

The thing he always felt bad about turns out to be the thing that saves my life.

Irony at its finest.

My thoughts come to a halt when the base starts shaking, making dust fall from the ceiling. But it doesn’t just end there.

The base slowly begins to shake more and more violently before my eyes widen and I jump to my feet and into the stairwell.

Then a large serpent – albeit smaller than the enormous one from before – breaks through the wall and enters the tunnel.


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