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A Large Hall within the Outer Ring
Year 2850 | Month 8 | Day 25

“So? You’ve been running one attack after another against them for months now, you must’ve figured out something by now,” Baron Cedric Whitmore asks while tapping his finger against the armrest of his throne. One of three thrones located within the hall.

But Baron Henry Cavendish merely grits his teeth and answers, “Nothing. There were no results to the test, other than he has no weaknesses that we’ve managed to find.” And a complicated look crosses his face. “Even that bird of his doesn’t seem to be able to die.”

“Right, I heard bout that,” Baroness Elara Nightshade says while tapping her chin. “Something about a force of magicians who went to attack the black and red flamed monster while it was away from the Undying Magician, only to find the creature regenerating from all of their attacks and plain ignoring them as it went about its business.”

Cedric looks increasingly more alarmed by everything told to him by the other two barons before he exclaims, “Are you bullshitting me? It’s been how many months now since the brat was discovered and we still haven’t learned anything about how to deal with him?”

Henry grits his teeth, not entirely sure how to respond to that. Meanwhile Elara just twirls her hair with one finger, not seeming interested in her honor at all.

“Damnit,” Cedric mutters, seemingly angry enough to almost slam his fist into his throne’s arm rest. But he holds back. “At this rate I might as well go deal with the child myself.”

Both Henry and Elara share a glance before Henry turns back to Cedric and says, “I wouldn’t suggest doing that unless you have a surefire method of capturing him.”

Cedric stares at the two, looking back and forth between them for a few minutes, his gaze shifting through an array of emotions until he finally breaks and says, “Damn you two and your ‘surefire methods.’” Then he stands up from his throne and begins to step down the dais, heading towards the entrance of the hall while waving his hand behind him and leaving only a few more words, “I’ll be taking the brat for myself from now one. You two can do what you want.”

And without another word, the doors shut behind the man.

Henry and Elara share another look before Henry eventually opens his mouth to speak, only for Elara to cut him off by saying, “I know, you’re going to need more time to make a new plan for capturing the Undying Magician now that we’ve lost our suppression magic user.”

The man’s mouth closes again.

“Thought so,” she says while leaning back in her throne with an irritated look on her face.

Silence fills the hall for a little while.

Then Henry finally speaks again with a slightly intrigued tone of voice, “Well, at least we can see how the Undying Magician handles a Class B magician.”

Elara glances at him for a moment before nodding her head and muttering, “Yeah, you have a point there.”

The silence returns once again.


     Adalwolf’s Death Treant
Year 2850 | Month 8 | Day 25

King Adalwolf Giese watches from atop the enormous, undead tree as events play out all across his kingdom. As the lowest of the low nobles begin to grow rowdier, one even finally beginning to go on the offense against his successor. As the successor in question continues making progress in the child’s understanding of fire and death magic, partially thanks to his tutorage along with the strange bird who Adalwolf believes might be a sort of phoenix. And as the war begins to pick up outside of the Kingdom of the Fallen thanks to Doctor Leodmir Archeron’s loss of his most powerful offensive attacking Class S magicians not too long ago.

Everything’s playing out rather swimmingly so far. I just hope things continue moving along at this pace.

The skeleton was rather surprised by the discovery of the assumed phoenix, but quickly decided that it would be a benefit to his kingdom if his successor was taught equally in his understanding of fire as well as death. Because a disbalance in anything is generally not a desired outcome.

Adalwolf watches as the baron – he believes the man’s name was Cedric or something – leaves the meeting hall located in the middle of the three baronies and begins to head towards his own capital city. All while discussing plans with some of his most trusted aides.

One issue Adalwolf will have to deal with personally is to protect the inhabitants of that Undying Caverns his successor has made. Because he feels like his successor has no real attachments to it and may simply leave it behind if things come down to it.

And he can’t have that. Not when a successor needs a kingdom of subjects to rule over after taking the reins.

Adalwolf casually taps the treant beneath him as he sits at the edge of one of its branches, making the branch begin to lower him towards one of the treant’s entrances. Then he enters the creature and home and begins to walk towards his lab.

His life has been a lot more entertaining ever since his lovely successor fell into his treant.

Never would he have imagined the magical anomalies that have wrapped their way up inside of the boy so strongly that they’ve become a part of him being possible, much less happen on accident while someone is out on a hike of all things. Nor would he have imagined that mutagen he had on hand turning out to be useful after all.

Especially when he was sealed away and unable to test it on anything.

Adalwolf continues walking through his lab until he finds what he’s looking for and begins to head out of the lab towards a different wing of the treant, where the beginnings of a residency area can be seen in development.

And now he can’t help but wonder just what that boy will do next.


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