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After a moment of staring, I open the beta dictionary for the mini boss.

I stare at the beta dictionary entry for a few seconds, then at the massive cockroach. Then at the entry some more. And finally at the cockroach again.

“A cockroach and a basilisk…” I mutter, only to shudder at the thought of those two getting together. A thought that also makes me glad that I have aphantasia and can’t visualize things in my head. “Let’s just act like we didn’t see…”

My words trail off when I find Sapphire having returned to her large form as she chases after the cockroach as a giant spider even larger than the roach. Meanwhile the lunar ice of eternity elemental energy she’s letting off completely overwhelms the cockroach, eventually leaving it growing more and more sluggish as they run.

After watching for a little while as the fans cheer for Sapphire, I find the girl finally catching up with the cockroach and killing it.

Then I promptly turn around because I’m honestly not sure if she’s gonna eat the thing or not. And the idea of my daughter eating a massive cockroach is not a pleasant one to think about either.

Yeah, I do kind of forget she’s technically a spider sometimes. But at least if she’s eating it, then she’s doing so quietly. Since I don’t hear-

Sapphire walks around me, making me blink. Then I look back to find the cockroach frozen solid and shattered to pieces.

I look back at Sapphire again to find her frowning as she mutters, “I hate those things. They’re gross.”

The noise of the crowd watching us fills the arena for a few seconds as I pointedly keep my mouth shut.

Eventually the mini boss chest appears at the center of the room, so I quickly move over to open it. And after finding some random piece of trash item I’ll never use in my life, I just casually toss it towards the bleachers.

Right when I’m about to walk over to the exit to the next floor though, a loud commotion rises from where I tossed the item – which was a pair of gauntlets using the roach’s carapace as materials.

So I turn to look at what’s causing the commotion, only to surprisingly find the people swarming around the gauntlets.

Gauntlets that are somehow on their side of the barrier.

“Huh?” I utter, feeling more than a little confused about what just happened.

Sapphire turns to look, having also been headed for the exit, and she freezes up as well when she sees what’s going on.

Then pandemonium breaks out amongst the audience as they all begin cheering, calling out my and Sapphire’s names while clearly wanting freebies.

So I share a glance with Sapphire and shrug.

Well, we have a lot of spare garbage we haven’t gotten rid of, and it’s not like I can sell this junk.

I’ve already used the dimensional pad to send quite a few useful Tier seven and above items back to the others. Items that have helped them all quite a bit from what I’ve heard.

Meaning that the trash Tier one through six items I have are… pretty bad. In comparison. And will never see the light of day.

With that thought in mind, I bring out a giant pile of hundreds of trash Tier one through six items. Then I lift them into the air with my lunar ice before tossing it all into the bleachers without a care.

Sapphire and I sit back and watch the scrambling begin with more than a little amusement on our faces.

“This is gonna be on the forums soon enough,” Sapphire says, predicting the obvious.

“Yep,” I answer with a nod. “If it’s not already.”

At that, she opens the System Forums, and low and behold, it is already on the System Forums. News about me and Sapphire giving out freebies.

No new people enter the bleachers though. Probably because they’re already jam packed. To the point of not having any seats unclaimed.

In fact, the people are quite literally crawling all over each other to grab the items, there’s so little room.

It’s rather amusing to watch.

So I keep throwing more random trash items, most of which I can’t even use since it uses a different element.

And apparently, just like when I was a harbinger, a progenitor can’t use anything but their own element. Or I guess a pseudo progenitor technically.

A pity, but it’s not like I actually expected anything else, so it’s fine.

After tossing out most of the trash items, clearing up some much needed space in my storage ring, I finally stop pulling them out of the ring. To the major disappointment of the crowd.

That was fun.

I glance over at Sapphire to find her chuckling at whatever she’s reading on the System Forums. So I walk over and read it as well to find it mostly about people complaining that they can’t get into the arena as well.

Basically what I expected.

At this point, I’m not even sure how many followers I have.

Actually, might as well check.

Total Competitors: 41
Wolf Adler | The Winter Wolf | 1,861,204,146,683,750 Followers | 12 Current Sponsors | The Winter Wolf
Norbert Heinrich | Nosferatu | 221,841,653,451 Followers | 14 Current Sponsors | Dhampir
Crystal Leblanc | Deadshot |202,349,643,750 Followers| 10 Current Sponsors | Human
Ariana Silverheart | Silver Siren |201,156,481,074 Followers | 11 Current Sponsors | Siren
Lily Veldon | Crimson Rose | 200,106,401,145 Followers | 12 Current Sponsors | Human
Christopher Sinclair | Unbreakable | 200,106,401,145 Follower | 10 Current Sponsors | Human
Ruth Maci | Thorn | 189,146,411,115 Followers | 9 Current Sponsors | Forsaken
Adriana Heath | Adriana | 187,116,471,915 Followers | 13 Current Sponsors | Elf
Dewey Hobbs | Dark Shadow | 182,106,071,716 Followers | 12 Current Sponsors | Shadow Panterra
Karunn Kegale | Kegale Smithing | 161,005,472,764  Followers | 14 Current Sponsors | Arctic Lycanthrope

Yeah, that’s a lot. Far more than second place has.

What even is that number? Over one quadrillion followers?

Certainly a lot of people spending too much time watching me go about my day.

As for the sponsors, it doesn’t seem to count repeat sponsors more than once. So that current sponsors counter is rather pointless.

Especially at this point where everyone is getting a sponsor for each slot. Although I get fewer sponsors than the others now.

Not that it matters.

Anyways, I stretch for a second before asking Sapphire, “Ready to go?”

She quickly closes out of the forums and says, “Yep.”

Then we both head off to the next floor.

Ignoring the disappointed people in the bleachers, of course.


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A Cockacret is a massive monster based off of   the insect known as a cockroach.

They are naturally born with poison manipulation   and creation abilities, and thanks to being descendant of a basilisk, they   have gray eyes.

Eyes with the ability to petrify all they   look at.


Level – 3321


Myles Beyl

Why did you put it as polar ice? Isn't it lunar ice of eternity


It's been fixed. Not sure why, but my mind keeps wanting to put polar ice. So I keep ending up doing that and then later fixing it to lunar ice.