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To start things off, I send a wave of quantum flames throughout the room, glitching out everything they come into contact with. But the fox lord manages to dodge each and every flame, leaving the boss completely unharmed. So I snap my fingers, making several Quantum Singularity Implosions appear around it, drawing in the energy near them along with the remaining corpses of some of its fox summons along with the fox lord. Then they just reach a critical point and send a burst of quantum energy outwards, sending the fox lord flying with a yelp before it crashes into a wall.

I walk a few steps forwards with my arms folded and my lips pursed.

This creature seems to either be a Tier 1 or Tier 2 Chaos Monster, so it’s on par with either a Class B or Class A species. Most likely Class A if I had to guess.

And since it’s the same level as me, there really isn’t all that much competition.

As if on cue, I feel a light pain blossom from my back, sending me flying forwards to crash into the wall.

I let out a light grunt before getting out of the crater I made in the wall and stretching my arms slightly as I look back to where I was just standing. And what I find is rather surprising, considering the fox lord standing where I was just at.

Hmm. Stronger than I expected I guess.

No idea how it managed to do that though.

Wait, can it teleport?

I glance back at where the smoke is still clearing from the implosions, only to find the glitchy remains of the fox lord there. But no System Message ever came about the kill, and…

My gaze turns back to the fox lord hopping from one foot to the other right back where I was before it kicked me.

…there’s that issue too.

After pursing my lips for a second, I just shrug and teleport right behind the fox lord, making it let out a yelp in surprise. But I don’t give it time to spot where I’ve ended up as I send a quantum bolt straight into its back, launching it flying across the room to land in another crater.

And then I get hit in the back again, sending me to make yet another crater.

If these craters keep forming, then the stupid castle is gonna crumble…

I keep my inner grumbles on the inside as I get out of the crater and focus on the third fox lord that’s appeared, only briefly glancing at the corpse of the second one.

Okay. Maybe it is cloning itself?

Not sure why it keeps reappearing behind me though.

Well, if I’m being honest, the nuisance of being sent flying across the room aside, this boss isn’t really doing much of any damage to me. I do have eighty percent immunity to physical damage after all, and it’s only hitting me with physical attacks.

At most it may’ve bruised me a bit.

Maybe a scratch.

Which also seems to be confusing the fox lord in question, considering its tilted head.

I teleport behind the guy and send another Quantum Bolt through its head. But this time I immediately teleport away again, finding myself watching another fox lord appear right behind where I was before it raises its claws to strike. Only for it to end up hitting nothing but thin air, leaving it confused.

Some sort of substitute? Or maybe it has a limited number of lives?

Could also just be clones, like I thought before. And that I just haven’t seen the real one yet.

Well, not like there’s anything keeping me from trial and error.

Considering that its magic doesn’t work on me, and physical attacks don’t really work either. Especially not at the same level with my stats being higher as a Class S species.

So without further ado, I go ahead and teleport behind it, blast it with a Quantum Bolt, teleport away, teleport behind the new one that appears, blast it with a Quantum Bolt, teleport away, and repeat the process. Over. And over. Again

For as long as it takes for me to get bored. Which is about five to ten minutes.

Not really counting.

No matter how many times I kill it though, nothing actually changes. So I begin to ignore the thing entirely while searching around the throne room for a possible source of these most-likely-clones, even as the most-likely-clone tries to bite my leg and just kinda latches on as I walk.

I ignore the thing as I just drag it along with me without much trouble.

This is not how I foresaw this boss fight going.

I slowly walk around the throne room, just inspecting everything. But nothing really stands out to me. Other than maybe the throne.

On that note, I begin to walk over to said throne, only to feel the fox lord at my ankle biting harder and harder the closer I get.

Oo, so that means something’s at the throne, right little foxy?

The fox boy biting my ankle, of course, doesn’t answer me. But that’s fine. I just continue walking to the throne before raising my hand and blasting it with a Quantum Bolt, making the fox lord at my ankles suddenly fade away in a white mist. Then another fox lord appears yelping while being flung away from the throne.

I raise a brow at the creature as it scrambles to its feet.

“Sneaky little foxy bastard,” I mutter while crossing my arms and glaring at the creature. A creature that is currently panicking as it tries to run away, its form flickering as it does so.

Invisibility it is then. Along with cloning itself.

The thing just sat on the throne while I pummeled its clones.

How rude.

I raise my hands and cause several more implosions, but this time around the real one.

And just like that, I get the System Message about the dungeon boss’s defeat.

Although I don’t get any EXP, seeing as I’m already level capped.

So I go ahead and begin walking towards the chest which spawned in front of the throne.

Please give me something good.


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