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Well this is certainly an unexpected albeit not entirely unwelcome surprise.

The moment I regained consciousness, it felt like had been sleeping for nearly an entire month for some reason. And to top that off, I felt… power. Absolute power. I felt control over the new element that I somehow know was born alongside my evolution.

But that’s surprisingly not what comes as a surprise to me.

What surprises me is that the moment I tried to access the System, I got a System Error telling me that I couldn’t access it anymore because something about me not being a mortal anymore. Then some strange knowledge flooded my head, an odd connection of sorts made itself known that quickly started sapping a tiny amount of my new element from me, and my status appeared before me.

Just that it is now made of my new element instead of the void element.


Name: Wolf Adler

Species: The Winter Wolf

Privileges: Beta Tester

Level: 3001

EXP: 10223/310100

System Points: 14565.20

Viewing Room Profits: 38829


System Communications

Beta Administrator Dungeon

Beta Administrator Dungeon Beta Tester

Administrator Dungeon

System Terminal

System Map

System GUI


I can’t help but frown at the differences in the status though.

What happened to my class and ability?

Then again…

I hold out my hand, palm upwards as I directly control all of the new element around me, making it swirl around.

This new element feels like it’s a part of me somehow. And I know pretty much everything about it as well.

The element-

My thoughts cut off when I feel a small draw on my element and a System Menu appears in my vision made of that very elemental energy.


The Winter Wolf

The very first being to break past their mortality and into the realm of the immortals. The beings who never age. Beings who control an element all of their own. Whose bodies are formed from and within that element.

A progenitor.

The Winter Wolf is the Pseudo Progenitor of the Lunar Ice element, with direct control of the variant element, Lunar Ice of Eternity.

Lunar Ice

The Lunar Ice element is a brand new element created and introduced to the multiverse.

It has attributes related to three different elements, including the ice element, void element, and radiance element, and controls the concept of lunar ice. Lunar radiance with the properties of ice, naturally freezing over whatever the light reaches.

Lunar Ice of Eternity

Similar to the Progenitor of Ice’s variant element, the Lunar Ice of Eternity grants the wielder the properties of eternity.

The ice shall never melt without its master’s command.

It shall never shatter without its master’s command lest done so by a being completely overpowering its master.

And the light shall never die out, lest the blue moon itself fall to ruin.


Well, guess those are certainly some poetic ways of describing my new element.

On that note, I glance up at the image of the blue moon high above my head.

Lest the blue moon itself fall to ruin.

Basically, if that image is shattered, then the eternity properties of the light I have currently in use nearby will fade. But only the light. Not the ice made by the light. So others will be able to extinguish the light, but not the ice made from it. Not without the usual procedures.

Oh, and I’ve lost my vulnerability to fire completely. A rather nice benefit if I do say so myself.

“You are finally awake?” the devourer states, half as a question and half as a statement, interrupting me from my thoughts over my new element. And when I look past the System menus made out of lunar ice, I find the devourer’s eyes fully open with its gaze locked onto me. “Very well. Then we shall recommence our battle.”

I feel slightly confused at its suddenly calm and rational speaking.

Did it snap out of that rage it was in while I was asleep?

I frown at the thought before eventually shrugging it off, deciding I don’t really care one way or another. Since I’ll be fighting it anyways.

Although… am I actually physically stronger than I was a month ago? Or is it just my element that’s changed?


Guess I won’t know unless I try.

I fly forwards, quickly finding myself to be far faster moving now that I’m using the lunar ice element instead of the ice element. Which if I had to guess is because of the radiance element mixed in. The fact that it has the form of light before it freezes things.

And light is fast.

It takes me mere seconds to arrive at the devourer with my fist pulled back to strike, only to remember that I’m in my human form. So seconds before I hit, I shift to my hunter form again, following which a shockwave radiates out from where my fist struck.

To my surprise, the devourer’s scales actually show some denting from my hit.

Guess I did get a physical enhancement as well.

The devourer doesn’t look surprised though. Which intrigues me enough that I back off – totally not using this moment to adjust to my newfound strength and element – and ask, “Why aren’t you surprised?”

It looks at me for a second, not chasing me despite seeing that I’m messing around with the lunar ice of eternity around me as it answers, “It’s to be expected of a pseudo progenitor, complete or not.”

Oh. Interesting.

Actually, that might be why he’s a lot more respectful now. Because I’m not a mortal anymore.

Maybe that automatically earns me brownie points with him?

Once again though, not that it actually matters. We’re still trying to kill each other after all.

Anyways, I raise my hand in front of me with a small orb of pale blue light that’s directly freezing reality around it. Something I found the lovely element could do.

Or maybe it’s just because my control over this element far eclipses my old control over the ice element and eternal ice element?

Because this element is mine. Unlike the other ones which were borrowed.

I grin and tilt my head slightly at the devourer as I state, “Let’s get this battle truly started, shall we?”

He nods his head without a word. Which looks odd considering his massive size.

Then I push my hand out towards him, sending the lunar ice of eternity flooding outwards in a massive wave.


And now all of the convoluted stuff surrounding Wolf and his powers have been merged into one :)


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Jalil Hayes

It makes sense though all those properties together

Briar Rosier

Maybe I’m not understanding correctly, but what part did the void influence? Cause radiance is the light, and ice is ice, but where’s the void? Or is that something that comes into play if/when the light is destroyed? Also, fenrir’s element is ice, specifically eternal ice, so how would fenrir’s be special besides his innate power since wolf’s encompasses eternal ice as well?


For your first question, keep reading and you'll see. For your second, that's why Wolf's is a concept element and Fenrir's is an elemental element. Conceptual elements often involve multiple different elemental elements. They're stronger in their usage, but a lot less common in the multiverse and therefore can't be used as freely.