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Void Stream

Almost every single one of The Winter Wolf’s fans watch with bated breaths for their favorite competitor to return to the livestream. But over the course of a few days with no livestream returning, more and more of the fans start focusing on other things while only briefly glancing to check. Then after over an entire week has passed, the Void Stream lies nearly barren of viewers. The majority of them having decided that either The Winter Wolf isn’t coming back any time soon or they don’t need to be waiting constantly for him to return.

More weeks pass with no word from his livestream and some of his fans begin to focus on watching some of the other Competitors instead, having grown tired of waiting.

However, after an entire month has passed, a loud shattering sound akin to breaking glass echoes throughout the entire multiverse. After which small specks of pale blue light appearing to freeze the atmosphere around them begin to appear everywhere. And from those specks, a new element emerges into the multiverse.

Throughout every last universe, under the watch of every last progenitor, regular person, and harbinger, a new element is truly born.

And for three entire days after this event, history records the temperature throughout every single known place within existence to have dropped by ten degrees until resettling ever so slightly colder than it was before.

Meanwhile a certain subset of the beings within The Reaper’s universe all focus their attention on one thing in particular.

A notification they hadn’t seen in a very long time.

In mere moments, trillions of viewers begin to flood the Void Stream, with more coming soon after news spreads on the System Forums. And the very first thing they see is the sight of a large screen made out of a dark energy known by now to the viewers as the void element in the very center of each and every stadium within the viewing room.

On that screen, the viewers all witness a sight none have ever beheld before.

A large, pale blue orb shattering, sending the same new element that many of the viewers within the viewing room has seen appearing mere seconds ago across the 250thfloor of the Beta Dungeon. Then a man appears amidst the new element, seemingly at home amongst the pale blue light and frost.

The man is in the form of a massive, four-meter-tall werewolf with pale blue and glowing eyes that appear to be like two pale blue moons, both releasing a powerful wave of the new element from them. He has pure white fur with glowing pale blue lines running beneath it looking like veins of power, with razor sharp claws releasing a pale blue light that appears to freeze the very air around them.

Meanwhile, above the man appears the faint image of a large blue moon shining down for all to see.

As soon as the man appears, many people all across the multiverse share very different reactions. The progenitors all stop whatever they’re doing to witness the birth of a new pseudo progenitor. The first pseudo progenitor in history. On the other hand, The Winter Wolf’s family all begin crying or smiling in relief, his enemies glaring at the screen, fearful but ready to move forward with the next steps of their plan, and his allies all relieved that they chose correctly in backing him.

Lastly, the devourer that has been waiting for an entire month right in front of where The Winter Wolf was sitting finally begins to stir, waking up from the slumber it had fallen into.

After a few seconds of silence, cheering immediately breaks out amongst the viewers watching The Winter Wolf, only for the cheering to pause when the man transforms back into his humanoid form. And they quickly find that the lines that were running beneath his fur, visible over his armor, are still present even in his humanoid form. His eyes are still the same as with his hunter form, and his skin as white as snow.

He looks down at his form for a few seconds as the devourer pulls itself awake, the crowd quickly cheering in excitement again, before he focuses on the devourer itself. Only for strange System Menus made out of the new element instead of the void element to appear in front of him.

Every last viewer within and outside of the viewing room immediately begins watching on the edges of their seats, if they’re sitting down. Because this battle has been delayed by an entire month, leaving all of the viewers having been shut down when The Winter Wolf began his evolution.

Never before has a large battle like this within an Administrator Dungeon, or in this case, Beta Dungeon, been halted in the middle of the battle and finished at a later point in time. Competitors have paused battling to battle someone or something else, but they have never been flatly interrupted and then let continue later on before.

Especially this far into the dungeon.

Even the Competitors within the Administrator Dungeon try to stop whatever it is they’re doing to focus on The Winter Wolf’s livestream. Many of them entering viewing rooms to do just that.

And under everyone’s gaze, The Winter Wolf cracks a very faint grin, clenching his fists and unclenching them again a moment later. Then he turns his focus on the devourer whose eyes are slowly beginning to open.

Right when he does so, the usual Competitor level, name, title, and species appears above the screen. Each shown using the new element instead of the void element, surprising everyone within by the pale blue color of the text.

And when everyone sees The Winter Wolf’s species, a wave of shock radiates all across Grim’s universe, followed shortly after by amusement and pride.


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System Notification

The following Beta Tester within your following list has begun livestreaming: The Winter Wolf

Name: Wolf Adler
Unique Species – The Winter Wolf
Level: 3001


Jalil Hayes

So his title became his species that's pretty damn cool


"The man is in the form of a massive, four-meter-tall werewolf" Is that another new form or is he no longer a lycanthrope?


They look the same. Werewolf, lycanthrope. There isn't any difference in their appearance other than the ice part of Wolf's body, which wasn't even part of a normal lycanthrope.