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Imperial Stream

Diane finds herself frozen in shock after hearing the words of the Progenitor of Ice. Words that he didn’t even bother hiding from the entire universe watching the livestream.

The progenitors consider… Wolf the Progenitor of Ice’s child?

“Just how many parents is that guy gonna collect…?” Leo mutters, making Diane turn to a glare at him. And he quickly raises his hands in a placating gesture.

She turns her gaze back to the now-frozen solid screen. Something none of the rulers within the room believed to be possible. To freeze a System screen or menu.

One of the rulers within the room attempts to melt the screen with fire, but nothing happens to it. Then, a few seconds later, the screen shatters into chunks of ice. As if it were a normal object.

The rulers all begin to mutter amongst themselves, talking about Wolf and his possibly becoming a progenitor. And almost right away, that shifts all of the sides of the little secret war going on between the Abyssal Ruler’s faction and Diane’s faction that hadn’t already picked a side straight to Diane’s side. Since not only did the Abyssal Ruler end up being punished by the System and sent to an unknown location, but now The Winter Wolf may become a progenitor himself.

And only an idiot would go against a progenitor.

But despite the support, Diane can’t help but feel terrible about this situation.

Because she knows that Wolf is only in danger because Fenrir put him into it.

Her mind goes back to the amulet Wolf was given a while back, making her realize that whatever Fenrir has been plotting, he’s been doing it for a long time. And she knows that if he’s already done this much to him, just what else has the Progenitor of Ice done?

He was the one who blessed Wolf, making him a harbinger in the first place. Which, now that she thinks about it, was the reason he survived being bitten by a werewolf. It was how he became a new species. It was how he survived in the dungeon. How he got some of his enemies.

What all has that progenitor done to Wolf… and why would a progenitor of all things care so much about him? Is it his bloodlines? His personality?

Diane does understand that there were other things Wolf could’ve done to survive the dungeon though, so his being blessed wasn’t the only reason he survived.

She wouldn’t have taken an interest in him if that were the case after all.

Her eyes narrow slightly on the fractured remains of the screen.

Is turning Wolf into a progenitor what Fenrir has been planning all along?


All across the Universe

Chaos fills the Void Stream after every last screen within it freezes before shattering into pieces that fall all over the ground. And if Mikaela is being perfectly honest, he doesn’t know what to do either. So he understands the chaos.

After a brief pause, Mikaela opens the System Forums. But every last thread on the forums right now is about what just happened.

So many threads…

Millions of threads all across the System Forums talking about the same subject, with every single one of the top trending threads being about Wolf potentially becoming a progenitor.

This may change everything…


A loud shout echoes through the Progenitor Battlegrounds as Katie tears across the battlefield in a rage, slaughtering both the fae and the void creatures as she rushes to find a portal to the void realm. Something people can occasionally find across the battlegrounds where the void creatures enter from the void.

Before she can make it far, her father appears in front of her with a frown on his face.

“No! I won’t let-” Katie shouts, only for her father to shout back, “Stop it! There’s absolutely nothing you can do!”

Despite her anger, Katie understands that perfectly well. But she doesn’t want to understand it. She just wants to rush to the void to save her older brother.

After continuing charging forwards, right at her dad for a few seconds, she eventually breaks down, slowing to a crawl before falling into his arms in tears.

“He better not fucking die!” she screams into his chest.

She feels her father nod his head in agreement without a word.


“This can’t be happening…” the Sovereign of the Devils mutters, staring in shock at the frozen solid shards of the screen in front of his throne. “It can’t be… no mortal could possibly… but it’s… no…”

The Sovereign feels his mind running wild, unable to lock onto any singular thought as he tries to process the information that the man he and the leviathan have been trying to kill… may become a progenitor himself.

Eventually he feels his grip tightening more and more on his throne before the arm rest of it shatters and he finally lets out a roar of absolute rage that sends all of the nearby devils to their knees.

However, a splash of water appears in the room, after which the leviathan appears within the orb. Then the man sneers at the insane Devil Sovereign and shakes his head, sending water out all around him to counter the black flames that are starting to leak out of the Sovereign.

“Calm down!” The man shouts, his voice echoing throughout the chamber as many of the devils end up burnt to a crisp or shredded by water from the two uncaring rulers.

The Sovereign manages to regain some of his control at the shout and attack. Enough of it to push down the rest of his rage and clear up his mind entirely.

“We still have a chance even if he becomes a progenitor,” the leviathan states with his eyes narrowed on the Sovereign. “His level won’t change just because he became a progenitor. Do you understand what I’m saying?”

It takes a moment, but the Sovereign manages to nods his head and mutter, “Brute force it is. But what of The Reaper?”

The leader of the Arc grins as he quietly says, “The Reaper has sent me a message.”

That takes the Sovereign by surprise for but a moment before he quickly asks, “Tell me.”

And as soon as the leviathan tells him, the Sovereign breaks out into a maniacal laugh.

“That could work,” he says in between laughs. “That. Could. Work.”


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Jalil Hayes

Wolf collecting parents like they pokemon lol