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The 250th Floor

Fenrir floats next to his child in the form of the small part of himself he separated to send into the dungeon. But he doesn’t do anything to help him as the boy writhes in pain with a pure blue color spreading through his veins, marking itself as Fenrir’s own venom.

While Fenrir may be the Progenitor of Ice, many people tend to forget that he is also the Progenitor of Wolves, and the very first werewolf.

Just that no one, not even the progenitors, have ever seen Fenrir in his humanoid form before.

The devourer continues roaring, its sanity seemingly vanishing as it rushes forwards to attack. But Fenrir simply makes a barrier of indestructible ice around him and Wolf before ignoring the devourer entirely.

Grim no doubt finds this situation entertaining, so he won’t stop me from my plans. On the other hand, it’s a different matter entirely if I kill the event boss myself.

So Fenrir proceeds to continue ignoring the devourer slamming its body on his ice as he watches the changes going on through Wolf’s body.

Unlike with the last time Wolf was bitten by a werewolf, this time, the blue venom coursing through his veins is different. It’s pure and filled with eternal ice that is mixing with everything else Fenrir has prepared in his body.

The boy’s own eternal ice. The voided eternal winter element. The void element. The mixing agent that Fenrir had Jormungandr make while hiding it in a poison made by his blessed. And even the small hints of Radiance element still dormant in the boy from his ancestry leading back to Titania.

Fenrir watches everything slowly mixing together under the guidance of the mixing agent and his own venom, slowly beginning to form one substance. A new substance.

But the substance is still too unstable, and the boy’s own bloodline too weak. So it begins to grow wild, very nearly collapsing before the two bloodlines in Wolf’s body clash together under the guidance of Fenrir’s blood within the amulet that has now reappeared on Wolf’s chest.

Just like the Progenitors of Void and Radiance fighting in the universe, the two bloodlines begin to clash after being instigated by Fenrir’s bloodline. Meanwhile Wolf’s skin begins to ripple, a pale blue energy shining like moonlight beneath his skin as he groans in pain despite being unconscious.

The two bloodlines don’t manage to fight for long before the new substance created within Wolf’s body latches onto the bloodlines and forcefully drags them into the substance as well, using them as a stabilizing agent.

And as if a bomb went off inside of Wolf’s body, the substance bursts outwards, spreading across his entire body.

Then a large shell made of that very same substance appears all around Wolf, blocking off even Fenrir’s own senses. A feat in and of itself, even with Fenrir’s senses being limited due to his current form.

Fenrir pauses before looking upwards and stating to the spectators watching him, not the viewers but the other spectators, “If anyone interferes, know that you are declaring war.”

As if scared away, all of the gazes of other progenitors Fenrir felt on him vanishes, leaving only his allies and Grim’s gazes left.

“Now why would I interfere with something this entertaining?” Grim exclaims, sounding more than a little amused by this whole affair.

Just as Fenrir expected he would be.

“Remember our deal,” Jormungandr’s voice fills the area.

“Of course,” Fenrir says with a nod of his head in response. “I always fulfill my promises.”

“Very well,” Jormungandr says, sounding pleased. “I wish you luck in achieving your goal. And I wish your pup luck as well.”

Then Jormungandr’s gaze just grows stagnant on Fenrir, almost as if he is still watching but not actively focused on him.

A brief pause fills the space as the pale blue light shining from the shell, seemingly hardened into a cold yet soft material emitting a sense of eternity, takes ahold of the progenitors attention. A substance never before seen in any universe.

“At the very least, should you fail at your goal, you’ve succeeded in creating a new element,” Poseidon states, sounding intrigued by it. “If your pup survives, make sure to bring him over to my realm. I would like to study this new element.”

Then Poseidon’s gaze grows stagnant as well, leaving Fenrir largely alone with Grim’s gaze being the only one actively on him. And even his gaze is only half on him, since he’s in the middle of a battle.

“The System has already decided on a name for this new element,” Grim says, sounding a little bit more serious than he normally is.

“I’ll wait to hear it from my child’s mouth,” Fenrir says, stopping Grim from saying it out loud.

Which just leaves the Progenitor of Void laughing as his own gaze grows stagnant.

Now, left alone once more, Fenrir focuses all of his attention on the shell made of the new element, simply studying the element as he does so.

He can easily feel the sense of eternity that it no doubt got from Fenrir’s own variant, and the cold is from the ice element as well. On the other hand, he believes that the very faint sensation of emptiness must come from the void element, with the glow and sensation of calm the radiance element.

The element feels to him as if it’s an icy light that will freeze for eternity those whom the light’s master designates as enemies, while also bringing peace to those designated as allies.

A conceptual element. There’s no doubt about it.

Fenrir continues watching for a few minutes before frowning and looking up, only to wave his paw, sending a pulse of eternal ice outwards while freezing every last livestream screen showing this event, startling any viewer watching. Then he turns back to Wolf with a worried expression on his face.

Please work. It has to work…

The worry turns stronger the longer he can’t see what’s happening inside of the shell.

I can’t lose him…


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Jalil Hayes

He basically said fuck around and find out to all his enemies