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Well that was fun and all, but I’m never doing it again.

After getting far enough away from the devourer, I turn around to see what’s happening. But all I find for a few seconds is the devourer just frozen in place, unmoving.

Then he lets out a loud roar of pain as purple and green light begin to leak from between his scales, followed soon after by a purplish-green mist that has me backing up even further. But the mist suddenly explodes outwards, moving so quickly that it envelops me in mere moments despite the significant distance.

The mist isn’t hard to see through though, and to my surprise, it’s not actually doing anything to me that I can tell.

Although, considering that it was given to me to use on the devourer, I kind of doubt they’d give me something that’d hurt me. Pestilence’s progenitor is a ‘friend’ of Fenrir after all.

I sense something approaching, making me glance to the side to find the wolf pup floating near me again.

Oh, right. Almost forgot you existed.

I swear the wolf narrows its eyes at me as if it could hear my thoughts, but that’s probably just my imagination.

On that note, I turn back to the devourer to see… it shrinking? Huh?

The devourer is just shrinking. And shrinking. And shrinking. And shrinking some more all the way till it’s down to about a tenth of its previous size.

Which is still massive considering that it was previously the size of a damned planet.

But it’s not over yet as after it finishes shrinking, a trail of black electricity begins running across its body, making the creature roar out even louder than when it was shrinking. Then everything stops all at once, leaving the devourer slumping in place for a bit.

That was a very good poison.

There was no way I’d be able to even have a chance at winning this without it. The stupid devourer already ate every boss on this floor from what I can tell, not to mention, well, everything elseon this floor.

And without bosses to defeat, I can’t open an exit. Meanwhile secret exits don’t appear on sponsorship floors.

So the event boss is literally my only choice to advance.

I watch for several seconds, just waiting for the devourer to get back up. But the creature only starts moving after half a minute has passed, following which he begins to raise his head.

Come to think of it, the event boss really is a real person. I’m not really used to fighting real people down here.

Everything has been monsters up till now, most with no intelligence, some with basic animalistic intelligence.

Hmm. It really is hard to keep myself from calling him an it out of habit. But I think I’d done well so far, so that’s good.

Still trying to kill him though.

The devourer – no, I should use his name. Taloreth lets out an incredibly loud roar before turning his gaze directly onto me with a lot of rage in his gaze.

He’s not happy.

“What the hall did you do to me?!” Taloreth shouts, his voice echoing just like before, except not as loud.

Great! Now my ears aren’t ringing from his shouting anymore!

I feel more than a little pleased by that, but my attention quickly focuses on the devourer when I finally notice the biggest difference in him.

Unlike before, the devourer feels a lot weaker. And not just in size either.

It’s almost as if the devourer was some sort of container filled with liquid – with its elemental energy being the liquid – and the poison went and sprung a leak in the container, letting out a vast majority of it before the leak was repaired.

Like a deflated puffer fish in some weird way that might not make sense.

“No idea,” I honestly shout back at the devourer, giving the man pause. Then he only seems to grow even angrier.

“Are you fucking kidding me?! Cure me now!” he shouts, reminding me that devourers can’t use magic. Not that it would matter, considering the poison harbinger’s variant element making curing it impossible unless it’s Pestilence doing it. Probably his progenitor too.

“Um…” I mutter with a frown before tilting my head and bluntly asking, “Why would I do that? We’re fighting to the death here, remember?”

Silence fills the abyss we’re in.

Did he really forget that?

I’m starting to question this devourer’s intelligence.

Especially considering that all he’s been doing so far is shout at me while chasing me like a damned dog.

The devourer lets out another roar, apparently deciding that he probably shouldn’t be asking me for help when he’s trying to eat me. Then he begins moving towards me, going faster than before. Likely due to his reduced size.

Just like when I first tried attacking him, I rush forwards while striking with my claws. But unlike the first time, I’m not sent flying this time.

Or at least, not as far. I’m still sent flying, and it still hurts.


I manage to stop myself again right on the verge of the devourer’s monologuing, “Did you really think you could defeat a devourer?! A measly little creature like you?”

Yeah, yeah, devourers are great, blah blah blah.

Anyways, I think now’s a good a time as any to use the Blue Moon Armaments.

So without hesitation, I pull out the Sword of the Blue Moon, immediately making the transformation occur.


You are now under the effect of the Blue Moon Armaments.

This effect is not of the Void System and therefore any equipment of The Reaper’s System is now unequipped, and you are completely locked out of any System related activities including accessing your status until this effect ends.

While under this effect, all of your physical and magical capabilities are tripled, your voided eternal ice is transformed into eternal ice of the blue moon with its void related properties removed and its eternal ice properties enhanced, your weaknesses are temporarily removed, and your immunity to the void element is enhanced to 75%.


But for some reason, the transformation is slightly different this time. I feel like I have more control over the eternal ice of the blue moon, and there’s an odd purplish-green light that I see briefly flash right after the transformation finishes.

Huh. Strange, but I don’t have the time to deal with it now.

I can deal with whatever that poison’s mist did – and it was most likely that considering the color – later.

After I teach this devourer some manners.


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Jalil Hayes

What the hell did you do to me instead of hall