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    Alexander North
Nearly a week later

I let out a satisfied sigh after absorbing another crystal. My fifth one at this point.

Something I learned from those crystals is that the crystals don’t always grant a new ability. Some of them just act as normal energy, others enhance an ability. To the point that my fourth crystal gave me an entire stat point in strength. A stat I was lacking in before.

And the third crystal gave me an enhancement to my cold energy arc throwing ability. Because now I can launch multiple arcs with a single swipe of my claws.

Some rather nice improvements overall.

Meanwhile this fifth crystal seems to have given me enhanced vision.

If before I was able to see some vague heat sources through a single object like a thin wall, now I can see heat sources through multiple objects, not just one. So while it’s not an enhancement to my physical strength or combat prowess, it’s still a welcome enhancement.

Well, ignoring the fact that I don’t know how to turn it off, and seeing everyone’s silhouettes through the walls will likely be annoying and awkward.

Then again, I don’t know if I’ll be able to see as clearly through the walls at the base.

I can only hope that I can’t, or at least that I can figure out how to turn it on and off.

|This unit recommends opening your analysis as this unit has updated the analysis.|

That has me blinking in surprise and confusion.

“Sure, open it,” I tell the terminal with a shrug.

/ Current Analysis of user Alexander North \

Strength: 11.52
Agility: 11.33
Reflexes: 10.75
Constitution: 10.81
Immunity: ???
Senses: 10.79
Energy: 27.7/27.7

Abilities: Cold Energy Claws, Cold Diffusion, Thermal Vision, Cold Energy Arcs, Cold Blood, Cold Energy Absorption

Body Malfunctions: N/A
Error: Cannot determine Immunity of user’s current species without the user getting sick to collect data.
The average of a human being without a symbiont is a 1 across all stats except for Energy.
The Energy statistic is determined with a 1 being set as the user’s original starting statistic for Energy.

\End of Analysis/

Oh. That’s pretty useful.

But while Cold Energy Claws, Thermal Vision, Cold Energy Absorption, and Cold Energy Arcs are easy to figure out, what’s Cold Blood and Cold Diffusion?

Actually, just give me a rundown on each of the abilities just in case I figured them incorrectly.

|Cold Energy Claws coats your claws in cold energy that is then directly injected into anything the claws touch. Cold Diffusion passively diffuses cold energy into anything you make physical contact with. Thermal Vision coats your eyes in cold energy, allowing you to see objects that do not contain cold energy regardless of other objects between them. Cold Energy Arcs allows the user to send out arcs of cold energy through using your claws as an intermediary with the air. Cold Blood makes cold energy run through your veins, significantly increasing the resistance you have towards outside cold energy attempting to interfere with your body. Cold Energy Absorption draws in cold energy from your surroundings to grow your own cold energy source.|

Huh. Not bad.

I have more abilities than I thought I had. Although that’s mostly because I didn’t really consider some of those as abilities.

|This unit determined any power not within the user’s body prior to this change as an ability.|

Guess that’s fine. They’re all things I need to know about after all.

On a different note, my stats are looking rather nice.

It’s just too bad the cold energy that I absorb from weaker frozen ones seems to have less effect on my stats than it has from stronger ones. Diminishing returns.

Then again, I’m already growing strong far faster than any human would be able to. Even with Symbionts.

I briefly glance at the rather large and very dead wasp next to me. The frozen one whose nest this used to belong to.

This should be the last nest within a three hundred kilometer range of Delta base. With the exception of the largest nest located about two hundred and fifty kilometers to the West of the base, along with one tertiary nest – a nest the size of the nests I’ve been clearing out – about fifty kilometers East of that large nest. The large nest containing a frozen one about a fourth of the way between Tier 3 and Tier 4. Something the doctor calls a secondary nest, with the main nests being called primary nests.

The secondary nest is still too powerful for me to deal with, but the tertiary nest is fine. In fact, part of my current mission is to finish clearing out the tertiary nests. So I need to go deal with that one.

So far the doctor hasn’t given me any orders to do anything I wasn’t already going to do, and Alexia has been doing fine at the base as well. I’m also surprisingly enjoying tossing around those soldiers to train them.

The soldiers seem to be enjoying it as well. Sorta. Well, most of them are.

They like my training, they don’t like being beaten up and tossed around like children.

I don’t mind though.

It also gives me training in dealing with a large number of enemies.

Some of the Symbiont Hosts at the base have even started asking for training as well, which has really served me well. Since I’m pretty sure we’re eventually going to be facing other Symbiont Hosts.

That chairperson wasn’t the only scumbag in power after all, and he won’t be the last.

I frown at the thought of him before shaking my head and beginning to leave the rather large beehive I’m in. One made by that large Tier 3 bee queen frozen one that was guarding the crystal.

The creature wasn’t very hard to kill, to be honest. In fact, it was rather easy. Especially after I cut off its wings with my cold energy arcs.

Apparently frozen one bees can’t move very well without wings.

I do wonder what the next nest will have, both in terms of frozen ones and what the crystal will give me.

After leaving the nest, I quickly begin making my way to the next nest.

Then I can head back to the base afterwards.


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Samantha Sandlin

Did you mean to flip between wasp and bee when describing the frozen one? Also, wanted to tell you that I am really enjoying this story. It is one of my favorites that you write.