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Realm of Eternal Ice

Fenrir lets out a slow breath, the very air he breathes freezing everything it touches forever in eternal ice. Meanwhile the ice elementals around him all rush to absorb the ice element contained within his breath, and more ice elementals begin to be born from that breath, only stopped by the ice elementals around him absorbing the ice element contained within.

But the Progenitor of Ice doesn’t pay this any mind as he focuses on the screen he made from ice, copying Grim’s void element screens with his own element.

The time is drawing nearer…

Fenrir silently stares at the screen showcasing his future pup rushing around the two hundred and forty-eighth floor of the dungeon, trying desperately to avoid touching any black holes. Not that it would do him any harm. Because if Fenrir had to guess, the blackhole would end up exploding from his ice element before it could swallow him.

Several minutes go by as Fenrir quietly inspects his pup’s body, focusing on the ice element and void element within his body.

Something that neither the viewers nor Wolf himself can see appears in Fenrir’s vision. How the void element within his body is gradually begin replaced by a luminescent blue light thanks to the amulet hanging around Wolf’s neck. One just like the blue moonlight Wolf releases when using his Blue Moon Armaments.

It’s almost at the breaking point. Then all he’ll need is something to push him to the absolute limit.

Fenrir continues watching for a while before letting out a huff of air and dismissing the screen. Then he closes his eyes, thinking of everything he has put into this experiment.

The Progenitor of Ice has never cared about participating in any of the political maneuverings the other progenitors messed around with. He’s just kept to himself, only interfering when they were going too far.

He is the eldest amongst the progenitors after all. The others are mere children in his eyes.

Ice came before all, beginning with the great freeze.

Very few other progenitors were around at the same time, and none of them were as powerful.

But over time, Fenrir has grown bored. Grown indifferent to life.

Fenrir sighs as he thinks about this experiment. One that he never would’ve gone through with a few dozen millennia ago.

The first part of the experiment. To create a new species.

A lycanthrope.

The second part of the experiment. To merge bloodlines, empowering the new species.

Reaper of the Blue Moon.

And the third and most important part of the experiment.

Fenrir thinks back to the elemental changes in his pup’s body.

The creation of a new element.

After thinking back on the past millennia of working on this plan, he lets out a sigh.

In the end, none of this would’ve worked without the pup’s own work driving it all. His own will. His own luck, and his own power.

The Progenitor of Ice opens another screen to watch his pup. The only being in existence that he cares even the slightest bit about.

He really is a unique existence.

His thoughts are suddenly interrupted when he turns an annoyed gaze towards a wall while gazing beyond it and the entirety of his realm itself.

Damned brats are at it again.


All Across the Universe and various Realms

In the depths of the void, a single vertical eye seemingly made out of nothing but void element appears, pointing towards the Beta Dungeon. Meanwhile every void creature within the void feels an immense chill run down their spine just from the pure power radiating from the eye, making them all realize in an instant what had just appeared.

Within the Void Stream, the void creature watching over the stream pauses and glances in the direction of the eye as a faint smile stretches across his face.

Inside of the Progenitor Battlegrounds, the various void commanders stop in the middle of whatever it is that they were doing to turn their own attention towards the void. Even if they were in the middle of a battle. And at least half of them begin to show glee, confusing any other creature near them.

All across the universe, every being of level ten thousand or above feels a chill run down their spine from a source unknown to them.

Back in the void, the eye blinks once. Then twice. And finally, one more wave of pure power shoots out from the eye as a bout of muted laughter fills the void.

Laughter from the being everyone knows as The Reaper.

Within the land of the fae, Titania slowly opens her eyes from her place seated on her throne. And without any hesitation, she floats up into the air and spreads her wings, a bright radiant light shining from her body as her form begins to dissolve into the realm itself. The Queen of the Fae and Progenitor of Radiance returning to her original form in preparation.

The form of her realm itself.

Then the two realms slowly move closer in the mortal universe until they almost clash. However, before they can begin fighting with each other, a wave of ice appears between them, following which it envelops both realms.

“Take your squabbling to the wastelands,” Fenrir declares, following which he drags the two progenitors in the forms of their realms off to the wastelands between universes. Empty spaces without a single sign of life.

Neither of the progenitors enjoy being treated like children, but they also don’t say anything either. Instead they wait for Fenrir to leave before clashing again.

“You’re still as lovely as ever, little fairy,” Grim says the moment their two realms collide, sending radiance and void elements scattering all around the wastelands, tearing apart everything they touch.

Titania scoffs and doesn’t bother saying gracing him with a response as the two repeatedly clash over and over again.

Meanwhile several other progenitors begin to appear in their physical forms nearby to watch the spectacle, none of them bothering to stop them.

Thus begins the first real clash of progenitors in eons.


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Jalil Hayes

Well damn Fenrir said stop acting like children and finish this mess


Fenrir feels like the grandpa who is tired of the kids crap and throws them outside in the yard to get peace and quiet.