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“So…” Sapphire mutters as we both stand in front of a floor’s secret exit. “Were these things this easy to find before, or are we just getting lucky in this floor theme?”

I stare at the door for several seconds before answering, “Probably the latter. But I’m not gonna complain.”

She nods her head in agreement and we both reach out to touch the door.

There’s no reason to stay behind and level up on this floor when the level of the monsters in each floor is based on our own level upon entering the floor. So raising our level to the level of the monsters on the two hundred and forty-seventh floor wouldn’t do anything for us on the two hundred and forty-eighth floor, since the monsters would still be the same number of levels above us as they would’ve otherwise been.

It’s best to just hurry on through the floors to give the corrupted arachnae and greater arachnae less time to absorb elements.

Not to mention the event boss.

The exit shines with the usual light before we find ourselves on a rather strange floor. Instead of an elemental energy, it’s a conceptual element filling the floor.


And to say it’s… bizarre… is putting it mildly.

The gravity on the floor seems to constantly be shifting, making it incredibly difficult to keep my balance. And it’s not just the intensity of the gravity, but the direction it’s pulling us in.

Sometimes the gravity pulls us down as it should, others to the side, others up, to a random angle, and even sometimes in more than one direction at once. All with various different intensities.

An incredibly disconcerting feeling, even if the strength of the pull isn’t that intense thanks to how strong me and Sapphire are physically.

A spider rounds the corner.

I stare at it next to Sapphire. Then Sapphire and I share a glance and both rush over to the thing, grabbing it before it can do anything.

The spider quickly tries to increase the gravity on us, but I don’t give it the time of day as I smack the back of its head, finding this one to be a magic improving spider as well. Just like the poison element spiders were.

Then I give a victorious grin as I begin lugging the spider around, making use of the lovely effect the creature has.

In absorbing the gravity element around us, the thing seems to cancel out that annoying gravitational pull near it. Including on everything it’s touching.

So I’ve just found my new best friend on this floor.

Sorry Aidan.

“I call dibs on the next one,” Sapphire says, making me nod my head.

Although I don’t know why she wouldn’t get the next one when it’s not like I need more than one.

I lug the spider around on my shoulder while in my hunter form as Sapphire quickly captures her own spider and transforms into her spider form to carry it. Then we move on to the window, only to immediately wish to leave the floor.

“Dad,” Sapphire asks, “is it just me, or are those mini black holes?”

“That’s what they look like,” I admit with a nod of my head as we look out the window.

The outside of the spaceship… is very different from the other floors. Instead of the regular cobwebs, there are random blackholes scattered across the space between ships. Which makes me wonder if it’s particularly safe out there, but the spiders seem to just be ignoring the gravitational pull of the black holes.

It’s also the first floor without any cobwebs in space.

Instead of cobwebs, the spiders seem to just be floating through space using their gravity magic. While also devouring all of the gravity element they pass through in the process.

Sapphire and I continue watching for a while as the spaceships just casually float through space without anything controlling them, somehow avoiding the blackholes in the process. Then we both turn away, deciding to travel via spaceship for this floor as well.

Because neither of us want to test whether we can survive a blackhole.

“We should be fine as long as we have these guys, right?” Sapphire says while bouncing the spider on her back.

I purse my lips before muttering as I walk, “I certainly hope so.”

Silence fills the corridor of the spaceship. And amidst the silence, I open the System Forums and begin searching through the latest threads.

Most of what’s being talked about though is the death of the Lucky Lizard. A long-time favorite Competitor of the viewers.

Personally, I didn’t have many interactions with him. I think the guy entered my store in the Conjunction a few times, but other than that, I never ran into him in the Administrator Dungeon before entering the Beta Dungeon. Or at least I don’t remember running into him.

From what I understand, the lizardman made a name for himself in the beginning simply due to his luck. That and how often he would try his luck on loot boxes.

He was always tempting fate just for the thrill of the challenge. Even actively searching for Pandora’s Boxes as often as he could, simply because of the thrill.

The lizardman was much worse than Techral in that regard. Except that he didn’t have that unnatural luck that Techral has.

To my surprise, as I walk and kill a few spiders, I find some threads on the System Forums talking about some memorials meant for the Lucky Lizard.

They didn’t really do things like that for the other Competitor’s who have died. Or at least, not on this scale. So I’m kind of surprised they’re doing it now.

Guess he’s just that popular? But he wasn’t even in the top eight most followed Competitors…

Well, either way, he’s still a fellow Competitor. So I’m glad to see him receiving the honor he’s due.

After reading through a few more threads, I close out of the System Forums and focus on moving through the spaceship alongside Sapphire.


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