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After judging several more matches, I decide to do something productive with this time and open my status to check on the skills I’ve gained since my leveling spree began.

As the match down below is going on, I open the descriptions of each of my new skills.

{Nullification Resistance – The user becomes resistant to the effects of magic-nullifying or dispelling powers, ensuring their own magical powers remain intact even within null magic zones.}

{Blood Life – The user gains a pseudo immortality, making it so that as long as they have blood within a five hundred kilometer radius around them, they will always be able to reform their body.}

{Lesser Blood Runes – Allows the user to form and learn the lesser Blood Runes from the Runic Alphabet.}

{Blood Bond – Allows the user to establish a blood bond between individuals by exchanging blood, granting them shared strength, senses, and even the ability to share pain or injuries.}

I tap my chin while reading through the descriptions and occasionally glancing down at the fighting below.

They’re all very good, even if I haven’t exactly been able to test them out much.

The Red Plague kind of just makes my other skills a moot point right now, since it eats everything. Except really powerful beings, that is. Apparently, according to the Fae King, if I tried to devour a Knight of Humanity or a Demon Lord, or Gramps for example, it would basically just work as an incredibly dangerous attack that would damage their reality and potential future. But it wouldn’t kill them or devour them right away. Especially Gramps. It might not even work on him at all beyond some pain.

For now at least.

I’m not planning on testing it, though. So this theorizing doesn’t matter.

The match in the arena ends, so I quickly call out the winner, send the two combatants out of the arena, let the next two in, and pick a random arena that ends up being a field of flowers. Which is a little awkward considering the two ghouls fighting each other, but I don’t really care. I just focus on my skills descriptions again.

Lesser Blood Runes is an achievement-locked skill I got from Leonidas, the lesser version of Blood Runes. And Blood Life is the achievement-locked skill that I got from Gramps, the lesser version of his Blood Immortal Title-Bearing Mythic skill.

That said, Lesser Blood Runes is a little useless at the moment since all I know is a tiny spark of inspiration on how to figure out a rune. Since this skill works differently from any other skill I’ve had thus far. Just like those people who have Rune Magic.

Not something I can just activate because I want to.

So a pain.

And I can’t test out Blood Life without dying. And dying probably isn’t fun.

Tar snorts at that but doesn’t say anything.

It’s too bad that I don’t get SP from devouring things with the Red Plague. Makes for a waste, if I’m being honest.

Although I do still get the SP from achievements at least.

I don’t get as many achievements though, which is also a waste. Since the Red Plague is so powerful, there’s not really many grand achievements that I can get through it.

The System just doesn’t work that way.

Giving me a bunch of really good achievements for that would basically just be giving away free stuff to a powerful person for being powerful. Especially since I’m not really doing much to level up right now. Just kinda sitting back and letting the Red Plague eat stuff.

As for Blood Bond and Nullification Resistance… yeah, I can’t really use those. The only person I know with null magic aside from me is Amelia. So the only use for Nullification Resistance is that I won’t have to worry about my own use of null magic affecting me as much anymore. Which is a plus at least.

But for Blood Bond, I can’t use that. Or rather, I can’t use it on me. Because I can’t exactly swap my blood with someone else.

Not unless they want to catch the Red Plague, that is.

And I doubt they do.

I can use it on other people though. But I haven’t had a chance to try yet.

Also, since Bane of Corruption is ironically a little useless for me right now, considering my immunity to corruption, I started focusing my Skill Points on Crimson Overdrive. Since it’s my best purchased combat skill.

Once again, not that I’ve had a chance to test it out since the Red Plague.

“You almost sound like you’re complaining about the Red Plague,” Tar comments from my lap.

I tilt my head with a slight yawn.

Hmm, well, it definitely has it’s uses, but it is also rather annoying. Imagine having something writhing around under your skin from time to time. It’s just plain uncomfortable.

Tar doesn’t say anything for a few seconds before muttering, “Yeah, I can see that.”

A loud bell rings across the artificially created universe, following which I find myself suddenly appearing in the middle of the bleachers. And when I raise my head to look above the arenas, I find a different set of competitors overlooking them.

Cool. My job’s done here.

I turn around, only to be faced with a bunch of fans.


“You still can’t punch him,” Tar says before I can even ask.



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For those of you who can't view the image:

Name: Scarlet Art Asger de Archeron

Human/Blood Lycan Warden

Magic: Blood, N/u**ll


The Apex Predator, Bane of   Corruption, Warden of the Red Plague

Age: 21

Level: 1871

SP: 6


Physical: 10,008

Mental: 10,007

Magical: 10,007

Physical/Level: 5

Mental/Level: 4

Magical/Level: 5

Free Points: 0

Mana: 350,490,171/ 350,490,171

Free Points/Level: 10

Active Skills:

Bloodborne Apocalypse

Skill Level: 9


Pain Diffusion

Skill Level: 30


Null Magic Field

Skill Level: 30


Blood of Ruin

Skill Level: 30


Metallicized Blood

Skill Level: 29


Power Drain

Skill Level: 28


Blood Nullification

Skill Level: 27


Rain of Blood

Skill Level: 26


Blood Transformation

Skill Level: 21


Healing Reversal

Skill Level: 16


Blood Control

Skill Level: 15


Beast Transformation

Skill Level: Static


Partial Shift

Skill Level: Static


Blood Swarm

Skill Level: 30


Bane of Corruption

Skill Level: 15


Blood Plague

Skill Level: 35


Crimson Overdrive

Skill Level: 35


Vampiric Ascendancy

Skill Level: 30


Scarlet Aegis

Skill Level: 20


Eldritch Blood

Skill Level: 20


Blood Bond

Skill Level: 5


Blood Shadow

Skill Level: 30


Blood Retribution

Skill Level: 20


Passive Skills:

Lycan’s Regeneration

Skill Level: 11


Warden of the Red Plague

Skill Level: Static


Blood Manipulation

Skill Level: 30


Lesser Blood Runes

Skill Level: 1


Nullification   Resistance

Skill Level: 1


Blood Life

Skill Level: Static


Princess’s Decree

Skill Level: Static


Apex Predator

Skill Level: Static


Bloodwell Keep

Skill Level: Static


Blood Thirst

Skill Level: 30


Bloody Thorns

Skill Level: 30




Um why is her level lower in this chapter wasn't it higher then the knights and demon lords a couple chapters ago? Is that a typo?

Briar Rosier

Could she use corruption nullification to nullify the red plague, at least enough to not devour the other person’s reality in order to use blood bond?


Nope. That would kill her. You're forgetting that her blood is the Red Plague. She lives on it. If she runs out of it, she dies.


Nope. Also, the skill wouldn't work anyways. It's not strong enough to purify the Red Plague even if she tried. The Red Plague is a sapient creature after all. Not just a basic corruption. She'd need a rarity of skill higher than mythic to purify it.

Briar Rosier

Ah. So the only people she could use it with are possibly the knights and lords, and probably gramps?


No. No one can. Period. No one has a skill rarity above mythic. And even if they did, they'd need null magic. So the only one with even the slightest chance of getting a skill like that is Amelia. And she doesn't have something that strong.


Scarlet won't be getting a corruption nullification skill above mythic. So no one will ever be able to nullify it. She'll never have a reason to try for something like that since it'd kill her, nor does she have anything hinting at it being possible. She will get skills above mythic rarity, but none related to corruption nullification. The Red Plague is a universal level threat for a reason after all. Not even Tiamat and all of the fae working together could erase it. It's why they sealed it away.


Shouldnt she have the mythic skill ‘Bane of Corruption’?


She did, but I forgot to update the image in the chapter with the new screenshot. It was correct in the text version at the bottom of the chapter. It's updated now.