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Void Stream

“I’m glad I’m not on that floor with him,” Mikaela says, his lips pursed slightly at the sight of the bright light shining in the two hundred and forty-seventh floor of the Beta Dungeon. “I can only imagine how uncomfortable that floor must be for him.”

A wave of agreement comes from the audience, only for Mikaela to add, “Although a floor full of the sound element might be worse for our resident lycanthrope.”

Silence fills the stadium for a second before chatter fills it, discussing what Mikaela had just mentioned.

Mikaela watches silently as The Winter Wolf makes his way through the floor, killing one arachnae after another while also receiving burns every time he makes contact with one. But those burns all heal seconds after he receives them, so he simply ignores them to slaughter the spiders.

After watching this for several minutes, Mikaela feels himself growing slightly bored. So, just to change things up a bit, he changes the screen to show the ongoing event boss fight in the Administrator Dungeon. And very quickly after that the conversations in the stadium slow to a crawl as the viewers focus on the battle which is nearing its peak.

On the screen, the massive charybdis is currently still fighting back strongly against the Competitors, but several of its tentacles can be seen severed from its body. Meanwhile its scales all across its body are damaged, although without any of the flesh beneath visible.

Meanwhile the Competitors fighting it all appear exhausted to the viewers, without a single one not panting in exhaustion.

“It looks like we made it just in time,” Mikaela exclaims as the Competitors all gather together and begin to use what the vampire believes to be their most powerful skills at once. “Crimson Rose is using the skill she got from the two hundredth floor to combine all of their attacks into one.”

Just like what he said, all of the attacks from the various Competitors immediately change course after they’re launched to form one massive orb instead. Then the orb fires straight at the giant sea monster event boss, crashing against an orb of water that the sea monster summons to counter it. But the electricity in the orb fired by the Competitors from Crimson Rose’s railgun ability along with the flames from Lucky Lizard’s fire based Tier 9 skill quickly begins to evaporate the water, allowing the Competitor’s orb to continue on its path to the charybdis.

After the orb makes contact with the charybdis, it explodes outwards, using the telekinesis control from Silver Siren to force the orb into covering the charybdis’s body all over. Meanwhile Thorn’s empowered miasma eats away at the creature’s remaining scales while slivers of metal from Unbreakable’s metal control sneak into the cracks to pry the scales apart.

And finally, once openings in the scales open up, a rain of arrows from Deadshot’s skill fire straight into the gaps, exploding repeatedly and allowing the other attacks to follow, digging out parts of the charybdis in the process.

“It’s a pity that The Winter Wolf is left dealing with his event boss on his own should he run into it,” Mikaela says as he watches the Competitors push themselves to the brink just to deal this last finishing attack to the event boss. “It’s taking all these seven have just to take theirs down, and theirs should be weaker than the one in the Beta Dungeon.”

The attack continues assaulting the charybdis, making the massive monster let out a loud roar of pain. But it doesn’t just sit there and take it, instead spreading all of its remaining tentacles out and raising its head, making the tentacles each point inwards. Then lasers made of pure water element shoot out from each tentacle before connecting with a larger laser fired from its mouth. And all of the lasers break straight past the attack covering those parts of it.

“Wait, they may be in trouble!” Mikaela shouts as the audience goes crazy watching.

To everyone’s horror both within the viewing room and in the dungeon itself, while most of the Competitors manage to barely dodge out of the way of the laser, one Competitor isn’t so lucky and takes it head on.

The laser instantly cracks a layer of protection the Lucky Lizard had, following which it bleeds straight through the armor he is wearing to cut into his skin, passing from one side out to the other in a single second and bisecting the lizardman in half.

Shouts of anger and rage, screams, and even cries of sadness echo throughout the stadium from those who happened to like the Lucky Lizard. Meanwhile Mikaela grits his teeth, feeling slightly angry at the sight of another dead Competitor within the dungeon.

He’s used to seeing dead Competitors over the years, but this Administrator Dungeon is different since he’s spent most of his time watching over just a single Competitor ever since the Void Stream began. And even before that he spent most of it watching The Winter Wolf.

The upset fans in the crowd don’t go quiet. Not even after the attack from the Competitors finally begins to finish off the event boss.

Mikaela turns to look at the void creature, just to find it with an indifferent expression on its face. One that clearly shows that the void creature doesn’t care in the least about what just happened.

So the vampire turns back to the screen again while clenching his fist.

After the Competitors finish off the event boss, the exit appears floating on its corpse, which isn’t vanishing. But the Competitors don’t pay it any mind, instead walking over to Lucky Lizard’s corpse and each giving him something as their way of showing respect. Whether it’s a bow of their heads, a bow of their entire bodies, a rose, or some other item.

Even Thorn – who usually shows no interest in the other Competitors other than what she can steal from them – crouches down and places a rose on his chest, pulling his hands up to place it within them. Then she pats his hands once and gets up, beginning to walk over to the exit.

The audience finally begins to calm down a little after seeing the other Competitors paying their respects to their fallen Competitor.

But Mikaela knows this wasn’t the first death, and it most certainly won’t be the last.

Even amongst those who have managed to survive this long.

There will be more deaths to come.


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Jalil Hayes

Wow I forgot the players could die it's been so long since we've heard of one