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“Sapphire!” I shout over the loud sounds of wind blowing everywhere.

“What!” she shouts back as we continue rushing through space.

“Please,” I begin again, finding it difficult to speak with all of this wind, “if I look like I’m about to try baiting the monsters on the next floor, stop me with everything you can!”

Sapphire looks back at me from her place flying next to me in her humanoid form, then looks ahead of us again as she nods her head, “That sounds like a plan!”

Meanwhile a massive army of thousands of spiders with over a dozen mini bosses chase after us. All because of that first mini boss that I accidentally attracted, who ended up attracting more mini bosses. Who ended up attracting more mini bosses. Whoooo ended up attracting even more mini bosses. Not to mention the regular monsters on top of them.

The two of us continue flying as if our lives were on the line. Which they really are. And as we fly, we continue slaughtering any of the spiders we pass by without any hesitation.

A process that has been ongoing for several hours now, making me – and I’m sure Sapphire as well – feel exhausted.

“Dad!” Sapphire suddenly shouts, bringing my gaze to her, only to find her pointing somewhere. “I found it!”

My eyes widen, and without any hesitation or even looking at where she pointed, I quickly pick her up, Sapphire turning into her small spider form as I do so, then I rush straight through space as quickly as possible with my ice element. Not even giving a single damn about the spiders it’s attracting.

Because the moment we reach what we’re looking for, I touch the door, and we reappear on the next floor, the both of us panting in exhaustion.

“Fuckin’ hell…” I mutter while collapsing onto my back, completely uncaring of the bright light and vast amounts of light element filling the floor.

For some reason Sapphire choses now to transform back into her humanoid form, while she’s still on top of me. Which leads to her lying across me as we both stare up at the ceiling.

“Please get off,” I mutter, but she just shakes her head and says, “Too tired.”


I lift the girl up and move her off of me before placing her on the ground, only barely stopping myself from using my ice element to do it for me. Which would’ve been bad if the last floor was anything to go by.

“Any chance we can find a secret exit on the 250th floor?” Sapphire asks, sounding hopeful, but not too hopeful.

I shake my head as I lie down again, letting out a huff in the process. “Not possible. They don’t spawn on sponsorship or centurion boss floors.”

Sapphire lets out a long and drawn out groan but doesn’t say anything else as the two of us just continue to lie on the ground in this bright as hell spaceship, staring up at the ceiling.

Then I hear something turning the corner in the nearby hallway, so I state, “Sapphire…”

She lets out a groan and we both get up from the floor before turning to the doorway leading into the hallway. And after only a brief hesitation, we both walk out into the hallway and turn to look down the hall at the spider. And just like the last floor, it’s an arachnae. The exact same type as the last floor’s arachnae, just with a light element focus instead of a wind element.

What looks odd about this one though is that it’s lit up like a damned lamp while also somehow absorbing the light from its surroundings in what makes for a very strange looking spider.

The strange spider lets out a hiss and suddenly vanishes from its spot, following which I feel something hitting my side, bringing my gaze down to find the spider with its leg poking my stomach.

I reach down and grab the surprised spider’s leg, only to feel heat building up from my stomach, along with light at the tip of the spider’s claws.

So not just speed then.

The spider manages to burn my stomach slightly with the extremely condensed light energy it used at the tip of its claws, but not before I grab and break its leg. Then I lift it up into the air by said leg, ignoring the burning of my hand touching the radiation it’s letting off as I turn it one way and the other.

Eventually I turn to Sapphire and nod my head, “Yep. I’m glad to be fighting these spiders again without an army backing them.”

She snorts.

I snap the spider’s neck and toss it aside.

“The only problem with this floor is that it’s got fire-based attacks,” I mutter, and Sapphire nods her head. “Although it’s not as big a problem considering that it’s technically light and radiation, not exactly fire. And it’s not like we’re using eternal ice right now anyways.”

Sapphire nods her head again, making me wonder if she became mute or something.

I walk next to her to the very bright window to find… well… a very bright outdoors filled with one star after another. All white stars that sear my eyes just to look at.


“This floor may be unpleasant,” I eventually comment, and Sapphire nods her head again in the corner of my eyes.

Okay, seriously. I turn to her and ask, “Are you okay?”

“Hmm?” She hums while turning to look at me. “Why wouldn’t I be?”

I stare at her. She stares back.

We both turn to look at the window as I say, “Never mind.”

I’m starting to think she takes after me even more than I thought she did.

Anyways, the spiders outside don’t help with the overwhelming brightness. So I turn away from the window again and begin walking down the hall while saying, “How about we stay inside of the ships this time. At least, for as long as we can.”

“Sounds good,” Sapphire calls back as she quickly catches up to me. “As long as we avoid the bridge.”

“Of course,” I retort with a nod.

The bridge has a mini boss after all. And I’d rather not be chased everywhere again.

So we both calmly begin to traverse the spaceship, killing spiders as we go.

Let’s just hope we don’t attract any undue attention this time.


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surprised > Surprise? or was the spider surprised?