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Imperial Stream

“Grand Werewolf Empress, I do believe that your son looks like he may die,” the leviathan, Norvant Blank, declares from his throne made of water with a smug look on his face. And most of the other rulers go silent after hearing his words, their conversations being put on hold to hear this confrontation.

Diane narrows her eyes at the leviathan and retorts, “Oh? You’re still here? I thought you would’ve run off with your tail between your legs like a certain devil did. Or did I misremember that?”

The leviathan grits his teeth slightly but otherwise doesn’t react to her provocation as he says, “I can’t see of any way your little prince will be able to defeat an event boss without the use of magic, so you might as well resign yourself to forever not having an heir to your throne.”

So he’s going for that tactic again?

Diane quickly counters, “Oh, I’m sorry, but I didn’t hear you. I was too busy admiring the empty seats next to you.” She tilts her head with a smug smile. “They look wonderful empty, don’t you think?”

The empty seats in question are a throne made from abyssal flames meant for the abyssal ruler along with a throne fit for a holy emperor. One that used to house the Friar, who is now forever resting on his own throne in his fallen empire.

Before the leviathan can retort, Leo finally interjects from his own throne next to Diane’s, “Norvant, I suggest you keep silent if you don’t want to end up like them. We both know you aren’t going to be trying anything. You’re not that stupid after all.”

The leviathan cracks his throne’s arm rest after having accidentally tightened his grip too much. Then he takes a deep breath, turns to the other rulers who are all watching as if it were some drama meant for their entertainment, and says, “It would appear that I need to go find the Sovereign, who I have a meeting with and must greet. I bid you all adieu.”

And without any shame, the leviathan vanishes, leaving the Imperial Stream in defeat.

Only for the Sovereign in question to appear in the Imperial Stream with a smug look on his face.

Snorts and muffled laughter ring through the Imperial Stream at the blatant proof of the leviathan’s lie arriving the instant he left. But the Sovereign, remaining completely oblivious to this, simply takes his seat on his throne and turns his attention to the Grand Werewolf Empress, opening his mouth to speak.

“Are we really going to do this?” She asks, sounding bored. “I just finished going a round with your pal Norvant.”

The Sovereign of the Devils looks confused for a second, only for the confusion to turn into surprise when she adds, “Oh, and if you don’t mind me asking, do you per chance have a meeting with Norvant planned any time soon?”

“A meeting?” the Sovereign, Dafid Vanelli, asks in confusion. Then his eyes narrow, the man apparently deciding to hide his association with the man. “Of course not. I have never been in contact with the leviathan, and I never will.”

A slight smirk stretches across the werewolf’s face as she nods her head and says, “Ah, yes. I’m terribly sorry for asking.”

Muffled laughter fills the room as the other rulers, including even the neutral ones, try with difficulty to hide their amusement at the Werewolf Empress’s game.

Meanwhile the Sovereign remains blissfully ignorant of what had just happened. And instead of coming to any sort of understanding, he simply looks around in confusion for a little while before apparently deciding to leave. Likely due to finding that he wouldn’t be able to damage Diane’s reputation today.

So without a word, he vanishes from the room.

Then dozens of the rulers burst out into laughter, Diane included.

Some of the rulers within the viewing room, on the other hand, simply shake their heads at the stupidity of the duo who had left the viewing room. Including Tiamat, who Diane sees returning her gaze to the screen above them all.

A screen that currently shows Wolf as he and Sapphire charge through the two hundred and forty-sixth floor while being chased by an army of spiders.

Large portions of Diane’s amusement die away after seeing the screen again. But she still feels assured that her adopted son won’t fall this easily. Much less to a simple mini boss and regular monsters.

Gradually, the other rulers all return to their own conversations now that the excitement is over. But a few of them do pass off some words to Diane and Leo, marking themselves as potential allies.

Despite this, Diane can’t help but notice some of the rulers growing more somber at the sight of the screen. As if they’re realizing that, regardless of the leviathan’s making a fool of himself, there may have been some truth to his words.

And if Diane is being honest with herself, they’re not the only ones. Even Diane feels nervous about the event boss on the 250th floor.

Diane goes through the motions of greeting the new potential supporters, but inside she feels anxious.

However, at the end of the day, she realizes that it is all up to Wolf to pull it off and survive.

All Diane can do is give him the best item in the sponsorship that she can possibly give. And hope that he and her granddaughter don’t run into the event boss right away after entering the floor.

‘I’m sure he’ll be alright,’ Leo tells her through telepathy, making Diane look over at him with a faint smile and nod.

Yeah, he has to be.

For some reason though, Diane’s thoughts turn towards the strange amulet her son has. The gift from Fenrir.

Why am I thinking about that now…?

She frowns at the thought before shaking her head and greeting another potential ally.

No. I can’t get lost in what-ifs. I need to focus.

So she throws herself into getting as many supporters for Wolf as possible.

Because they both have to survive.

Or she will destroy everything The Reaper built personally even if she has to die to do it.


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