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Lucky Days

“And here we have it! For tha first time in this dungeon run, the seven front-runners are all gathered together at a single spot on a single floor!” Sam shouts, his voice echoing throughout the viewing room in his excitement amidst the cheering audience. Meanwhile the screen he and his cohost are floating next to shows a seven Competitors all standing on an island in the middle of a large ocean filled with almost nothing but water.

Sam and Toby listen for a moment as the audience shouts out the titles of their favorites of the seven front-runners.

“Nosferatu!!!” “Deadshot!!!!” “You go, Thorn!” “Unbreeeeaaaakablleeeee!!!” “Silver Siren is the only one for me!” “You’ve got this, Crimson Rose!” “Lu-cky-li-zard! Lu-cky-li-zard! Lu-cky-li-zard!”

“Then the plan is good? Everyone agrees to it?” Nosferatu asks, his voice echoing out from the screen to fill the stadium. And a chorus of agreements follow shortly after from the other Competitors. “In that case, we move-”

A loud dinging sound echoes throughout the viewing room and the dungeons, following which a notification appears in front of the Competitors and another one at the center of the viewing room.

No one say anything for several seconds, only for the silence to be completely broken when the sounds of bubbles begin to come from the screen and the screen shifts slightly to show the ocean near the island along with the Competitors.

The Competitors all turn to look in the direction of the bubbles while readying themselves for a fight, only for a loud roaring screech to echo from the ocean as the bubbles begin growing more numerous.

“Did the event boss really…” Sam mutters, sounding like he’s at a loss for words.

Suddenly the water shoots upwards hundreds of meters into the air, spraying everything and making it looks almost as if it were raining. But then, before the water finishes coming back down, dark rain clouds begin to fill the sky, covering the sun entirely and plummeting everything in darkness.

“Yes, it did,” Toby answers Sam’s unfinished question right as massive, glowing blue eyes appear shining through the water. Eyes that seem to shift between glowing blue and glowing red every few seconds. “The event boss just spawned right in front of them all.”

All of the Competitors quickly burst into action by preparing their attacks, only for the event boss to finally break past the surface, revealing its massive form.

The monster has the appearance of a mixture between a massive crab, a serpentine creature, and a massive squid, with various tentacles coated in ocean blue scales, a large main body with a deep black shell, and a mouth straight out of a horror movie. One that separates into four different segments like the mouth of a venus fly trap.

Within seconds, the ID of the event boss appears above the screen for the viewers at the same time as the Competitors identify it themselves.

_-| Sovereign of the Seas – Charybdis – Level 2775 |-_

Silence fills the stadium at the sight of the monster’s species and name.

Toby and Sam share a glance before the two leprechauns turn to stare at the screen some more.

Meanwhile the Competitors all begin to throw attacks at the massive sea monster that is now largely above water as the rain pours down around them. Nosferatu sends spears and other weapons of blood at it, Deadshot sends explosive arrows, Silver Siren jumps into the water, transforming into her full siren form, her legs turning into a fish’s tail as she creates weapons from the water.

Both Unbreakable and Crimson Rose stand at the coast with Unbreakable standing in front of her and the others – with the exception of the siren who entered the water – readying himself to tank hits for the group if needed while Crimson Rose prepares her railgun ability.

Lastly, Lucky Lizard sprouts wings from his back and summons his spear into his hand before flying towards the monster, and Thorn narrows her pitch black eyes and begins summoning undead all around the water from the dead fish nearby.

“With this many Competitors fighting it at once, they should have a chance,” Sam says with a frown on his face. “What I’m worried about is the event boss in the Beta Dungeon.”

“Right,” Toby says with a nod of his head as he turns to look at his cohost. “Unlike the named monsters of the regular Administrator Dungeon that are just inferior copies of the real deals, we’ve learned that the named monsters in the Beta Dungeon are real creatures that were taken prisoner by The Reaper himself.”

“And the floor theme the event boss spawned on in the Beta Dungeon…” Sam mutters, feeling more than a little nervous about the situation. “The Winter Wolf is already struggling on that floor theme as it is. The last thing he needed was for an event boss to join in and make it even more difficult.” He then turns to his cohost, his eyes wide in fear as he asks, “Wait, you don’t think the event boss will be just like the other monsters of the floor, right? I can’t imagine an event boss that’s completely immune to magic!”

Toby shivers at that thought before he answers, “It’s likely that it will be.”

Both of the commentators fall silent as the audience watches the battle ongoing within the livestream with bated breaths.

The commentators turn to watch the screen as well, both feeling anxious about the new events. But they do feel a little better when they find that the Competitors are dealing with their event boss well enough.

At this point they can only hope that the Reaper of the Blue Moon manages to do the same with his when he reaches it.

Or that he avoids it altogether.


For those of you who forgot, event boss's ids are in blue text.


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For those of you who can't view the image:

Beta and Regular Administrator Dungeon Notification

Event Bosses   have spawned on the 250th floors of both the Beta Administrator   Dungeon and the Administrator Dungeon. These Event Bosses will act as bosses   for the floor. Therefore, if they are defeated, an exit to the next floor   will appear for those who defeated them.

Be warned, for   these monsters are the strongest seen yet.

Fight or flee, the   choice is with you.


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