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As stated in my schedule, there will be two Winter Wolf chapters today. I need to finish Book 5 for its Amazon release.

Speaking of an Amazon release, I just put Winter Wolf book 5 up for preorder. Click here to go to the preorder page on Amazon!

Here is the cover for Winter Wolf book 5:



Since I’m on the clock right now, I don’t bother messing around at all. Instead I rush forwards to grab a spider in the spaceship we’re on before holding it in the air to test the thing. But all it does is spew out a poisonous mist that has me grimacing and rapidly healing myself as the eternal ice of the blue moon in my hand is drained into the creature.

I crush it, having quickly figured out what was enhanced for the very weak creature.

Guess its enhancement of its body isn’t limited to the physical body. These spiders have enhanced their magic, rather than their physical body.

So with that being the case, I sprint through the hall down towards the hanger. And I make it there within less than a minute thanks to using my hearing, following which I leap straight for the mini boss that is currently screeching in a surprised panic.

Then I slam my fists into it, sending it and myself flying to the ground of the ship where I flatten the thing like a pancake with the tripled strength from my Blue Moon Armaments. And almost immediately after, the exit to the floor appears. An exit I quickly pass through along with Sapphire.

I really didn’t want to spend any time on that floor. Because I may have a very strong constitution, but even I can die to spending a long time in a poisoned space.

Plus there’s no reason to stay. Not when the levels of each floor depend on my own level upon entering the floors.

After arriving on the 245thfloor, I quickly find it to be a water focused floor. So I do the exact same thing I did in the last floor, rushing straight to the mini boss after determining what boost the monsters get. Then I slaughter the mini boss with the last minute of my Blue Moon Armaments and pass through the exit, entering the 246th floor right before it runs out.

And this time I find myself in a floor that’s slightly different from the previous ones. For one, the spider webs are all a lot thicker than the other floors. For two, there seems to be a lot more elemental energy filling the floor, with the elemental energy in particular being of the wind element.

But most importantly, the spider staring at me from across the hallway is almost twice as big as the regular monster spiders from the other floors.

So I check the creature with the Beta Dictionary.

Hmm. Right. So instead of just being plain immune to their own element, they grow stronger in every possible way from making contact with it.

But… doesn’t that mean it’s constantly growing stronger thanks to the fact that this damned floor is filled to the brim with wind element?

Which would certainly explain why it looks like there’s some sort of vacuum sucking all of the wind element near it into its body, making a visible vacuum of wind moving into its body.

The spider lets out a hissing screech and leaps straight towards me and Sapphire, but I twist around, dodging its leap before sending my clawed fist into a punch straight at it. And when my fist connects, it’s sent flying into a wall with a loud screech of pain and anger.

But it’s not dead. Instead it just gets back up with no more than several cracks in its side and some blue liquid – the spider’s form of blood no doubt – leaking from its mouth.

So I rush forwards this time, spreading my claws out and digging them into its eyes before clenching my fist with my claws still in its eyes. And this time it does collapse, dead. Giving me my EXP in the process.

“Guess the monsters got a powerup in the second half of this theme’s floors,” I mutter, making Sapphire nod her head as she walks up to me from where we both teleported in.

We both stare at the corpse for a few seconds before she asks, “Is it just me, or is this ship moving?”

I glance at her, then at the floor. Then I begin walking down the hallway, soon turning a corner, and continuing down it further until I reach a window. And seconds later Sapphire joins me at it.

“Yep, definitely moving,” she mutters, making me nod my head in agreement.

The outside of the space ship this time around is filled with hurricanes and tornados everywhere, along with what look like air or wind currents moving through space, some forming loops and others making simple paths. But amidst these wind currents are the spaceships, each of which is moving via a wind current. Just being pulled along through the currents.

Okay, yeah, this was not what I was expecting when I arrived at this floor.

Both Sapphire and I stare out the window for a little while, just looking at the cocoons and spider webs floating around space, some of which are in the wind currents themselves. And all of the spiders are the same type that we just fought. Arachnae instead of arachnids.

I blink as I remember the arachnae I fought at the start of the dungeon.

This one is a lot smaller though. And that one was just a basic arachnae with no void or wind magic stuff thrown in.

Eventually I mutter with a frown, “This floor is gonna be a pain.”

This time she’s the one who nods in agreement.


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Corrupted Hurricane Arachnae


Corrupted Arachnae use pure void   element and grow stronger through devouring the elements around them with   their void element.

Until they run out of void element,   they are completely immune to any sort of magic.

It is recommended for anyone fighting   a corrupted arachnid to avoid using any magic and fight them solely with   physical prowess.

Corrupted Hurricane Arachnae have   complete immunity to the wind with or without their void element, and all wind   element that touches their body enhances every facet of them instantly even   without their use of the void element.


Level – 2921


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