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Year 2850 | Month 5 | Day 21

The spells don’t really do anything other than make a mess of my armor, not even affecting my weapons thanks to the Arcadian Metal that they’re made from. So I glance at the wall, then at the magicians above the wall blasting me with spells, then at the wall again.

Alright, so I didn’t really think much about what to do from here.

How do I climb this wall…

I frown before eventually shrugging and walking up to it. Then I simply punch the wall, finding a thin barrier covering it that blocks my attack.

Okay, barrier magic of the ice element.

So with that in mind, I grab a flask of blood from my spatial storage before downing it and putting the flask back inside as I feel the effects of the blood flow through my body. And without hesitation, I pull my fist back, activate a fire spell meant to cover my fist in flames that don’t actually burn my fist itself, separating the flames and my fist by a tiny little pocket of space, before slamming my fist straight into the barrier.

The barrier cracks in an instant as the flames from my spell explode into the barrier, setting the ice mana within it ablaze.

I pull my fist back again and slam it back into the barrier again, shattering the barrier entirely.

That works.

I glance up just to find a large shard of ice slamming into my face, crushing part of my skull inwards and making my mind blank for a moment. Then I come to on my knees, blinking in surprise before climbing back to my feet again and brushing my knees of mud, water, and ash that had clung to my pants.

Well that was annoying.

I always black out when my brain is destroyed, and it’s a lot more annoying than any pain I might feel from the attacks. Thankfully it doesn’t last long though.

Anyways, the people up there look rather surprised. And so do the people who I find having started approaching me from the army before they froze the moment I got back up.

Probably thought I died when my skull was crushed by that ice.

Doesn’t really matter.

I turn back to the city wall and begin climbing it, forcefully digging my fingers into the stone to make my way up. And at some point spells begin falling down on me again.

So I put up a barrier spell directly around me and another floating a meter or so above me that moves along with me.

The two spells block a lot of the attacks, but some of them still manage to make it through.

I ignore them as well. So long as they don’t knock me down from the wall.

Because it would be annoying to climb up again.

Would probably just blast my way in and walk up the stairs if they knocked me down.

I continue climbing as spells rain down, but eventually my shield begins to crack, which has me frowning. So when I feel my shield is about to break, I simply smash my fist into the fortress wall. Then I do it a few more times until I come tumbling into the wall itself. Afterwards I look around with a frown, trying to find my way to the stairs.

Stairs…stairs…stairs…where are the stairs…

After walking around for a bit, ignoring the commotion I can hear going on outside likely due to my walking around their fortress wall, I eventually find the stairs. And it’s guarded by some soldiers.

The soldiers run when they seem me though, so I ignore them.

Smart soldiers.

I walk up the stairs. And up. And up some more.

Eventually I realize I’m in an illusion, so I cover my fist in flames again before smashing it into the wall, making the air around me fracture like glass. Then I continue walking up the stairs again, actually finding it to be working this time.

I let out a sigh as I walk.

This is a pain.

The noise from the outside of the wall slowly gets louder and louder as I get closer to the top floor, and soon enough I begin to see light from the end of the stairs.

I smile when I finally reach the end of the stairs, following which I find myself on top of the wall. So I turn around to find the magicians all facing me from several dozen meters away on the wall, proving how far I’ve gotten after climbing the stairs.

Took long enough to get up here. That wall was honestly more of an obstacle than the army down below it.

I sigh again at that thought before beginning my trek across the wall. And fortunately, since we’re at the top of a massive wall, there isn’t really many places for them to run to. Unless they chose to run away and search for a staircase.

But I don’t see any staircases past them, so they’re probably stuck up here.

Once I get close enough, I can’t help but complain to them, “Why did you have to make this such a pain?”

The eight magicians all look shocked by my words, but I continue venting with a frown on my face, “It was a pain getting up here. If you’re going to make me come, at least make it less trouble.”

At this point the magicians look shocked. Although I’m not sure if it’s because of what I’m saying or the fact that I walked past everything they set up.

Either way, I let out another sigh and begin approaching them again.

They finally regain their composure and start sending spells my way, but I ignore them as always and begin sending my own fire and death spells back as I begin to run instead of walk.

In all honesty, the only on I particularly care about dealing with is their leader. The others can run if they-

Five of them throw a rather large spell at me made of fire and water, making a massive amount of steam that covers my vision. And by the time the steam clears, those five are all gone, having run away, leaving the other three behind.


Okay, didn’t actually expect them to run, but whatever.

Time to deal with the idiot.


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