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“So… Dad…” Sapphire mutters, sounding more than a little unsure of what to say. “What… exactly are we doing?”

I glance at her before refocusing my attention on the five spaceships we’re slamming into the mini boss of the floor as the thing tries and fails to get to us amidst the spaceships. After smashing the thing over and over again for a few more minutes, I finally turn back to Sapphire.

“Squashing a bug?” I half ask, half state while tilting my head.

Sapphire just stares at me for a few seconds before asking, “Was that a question or a statement?”

I reach up and tap my chin, only to shrug and face the spaceships again as I answer, “A little bit of both. But whatever works, works. And the next floors will be returning to the hell that was floor 241, so I’ll take this when I can.”

She stares at me for a few seconds before nodding her head and muttering, “True…”

Then we both just continue slamming spaceships into the giant spider that just refuses to die for some reason.

Just how strong is this spider, anyways? I know it’s fully immune to ice, even without its void element. But still… who would’ve thought that it’d be this physically strong too.

I’ve been beating it up with spaceships for several minutes now and all it has to show for it is some small cracks on its exoskeleton.

At the very least it can’t do anything while being slammed back and forth by spaceships, so I’m just going to continue sitting here and doing this. It doesn’t take much stamina to control these ships after all, so might as well continue doing this.

Time passes by rather slowly with the only sounds being the rather loud crashing sounds of ships, along with the screaming spider that is gradually trying to make its way towards us. Not that it’s getting anywhere, considering that both Sapphire and I can easily back up when it makes the very small amount of progress it makes between ship smashes.

The very fact that it’s taking all of these hits when the 241st floor mini boss couldn’t even take a single one doesn’t bode well for later floors of this floor theme. Even if I know it’s because of the vast amount of ice element filling the floor, regardless of my and Sapphire’s absorbing of it all.

I let out a sigh.

The next floors are probably terrifying just to think about… I won’t be able to absorb the element in the air after all, assuming they’ll have elemental energy filling them like this one.

At first I thought this floor was going to be a major pain, but in the end it’s turning out to be a boon instead.

I purse my lips as I smash the spider again with the spaceships.

Although, I do hope this thing gives me something good related to the ice element that I can use.

Sapphire and I continue watching the spider while beating the poor thing up for longer than I’d like.

This is going to take a while.


Realm of Eternal Ice

Poseidon and Jormungandr both appear in front of a large castle made entirely out of eternal ice. Ice so powerful that not even the two of them can land a scratch on it should they wish to try.

Poseidon steps forward before glancing at the snake, who is slithering alongside him in his smaller serpentine form, and saying, “I hear your chosen within Grim’s universe has made contact with Fenrir’s chosen.”

Jormungandr simply nods his head without saying a word in response.

Deciding that further conversation won’t lead anywhere, Poseidon stops talking and walks alongside the Progenitor of Poison through the castle until they both arrive at the grand throne room. A room that takes on the form of a massive pyramid of ice leading up to a small cave where the two progenitors find Fenrir standing, looking out over the thousands of ice elementals spread across the room.

Instead of staying at the bottom of the pyramid or climbing it, Poseidon and Jormungandr float up into the air and up to the peak of the pyramid where they find Fenrir waiting for them. And both of them grow to a size that equals Fenrir’s own as Fenrir looks directly at them with an apathetic look on his face.

Both Poseidon and Jormungandr feel slightly nervous despite their own power as progenitors, since despite the three of them being progenitors, Fenrir is the oldest amongst all of the living progenitors. And a progenitor’s power is attributed to their age and variant.

Fenrir is also the only progenitor who can seal away another progenitor for eternity show he wish to.

“We wish to know of your plans for Grim’s universe and if you plan to break your neutrality,” Poseidon states, getting straight to the point.

The massive Progenitor of Ice and the Primordial Wolf doesn’t show any visible reaction to his words as he answers, “I have no plans for Grim’s universe, nor for breaking my neutrality.”

Both Poseidon and Jormungandr show a small amount of surprise at that.

He’s not targeting Grim? Does that mean everything he’s doing is purely for his experiment?

Poseidon was absolutely certain that Fenrir at least had some interest in Grim’s territory. After all, putting all of this attention towards something is normally not Fenrir’s way. He always avoids all nuisances. Not actively search for them.

So Poseidon believed that he was also going to take Grim’s universe for his own.

If that’s not the case, he must be absolutely certain that…

Poseidon’s eyes widen in shock, and he notices Jormungandr’s doing the same as they both no doubt come to the same realization.

“You wish for your pup to take the universe instead when he becomes a progenitor through your experiments…” Poseidon mutters, and he feels his suspicion is confirmed when Fenrir doesn’t say anything in response.

This changes things.

Poseidon immediately turns around and begins to leave Fenrir’s throne room without another word so that he can make preparations for the future. Meanwhile he sees Jormungandr vanishing in a vortex of poison.

It changes everything.


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Jalil Hayes

I think you meant "should he wish to" when talking about the progenitors