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Void Stream

“And the Winter Wolf finally has the beast under his control! But how much longer will that remain the case?!” Mikaela exclaims, his voice echoing throughout the stadium. But he quickly grows confused when he sees Wolf and Sapphire sharing a glance and then splitting up to move towards different spaceships. Both on either side of the corrupted greater arachnid. “It looks like the Reaper of the Blue Moon has a plan.”

Excitement fills the stadium as the viewers all try to guess at what the Reaper of the Blue Moon is planning on doing, but those guesses all grow quiet when the Winter Wolf and Sapphire both take their places at the helms of the two spaceships.

“Is he…” Mikaela mutters, only for his eyes to widen when the two begin messing with the spaceships in an attempt to activate them. “No way…”

The audience watches in an excited silence as the two spend several minutes trying to turn on the spaceships, following which they spend even longer figuring out how to control them afterwards. All while the Winter Wolf occasionally reapplies the ice over the corrupted greater arachnid, keeping it locked within the iceberg even after it begins to break free with its slowly replenishing energy.

“Well that thing isn’t going anywhere,” Mikaela mutters at the sight of the trapped spider. But then a grin stretches across his face when both of the spaceships begin to move and he shouts, “Here we go!”

Even more excitement fills the audience as cheers ring out from both the void creatures and the regular viewers. A sight that Mikaela is absolutely not used to but hopes he will get used to it soon enough. Especially since over half of the audience is now made up of void creatures, the remaining viewers not having returned after leaving even with the knowledge that the void creatures will be harshly punished if they attack them.

I understand their reasoning, but it’s still a drain on our finances.

Soon enough both of the massive spaceships stop moving forwards and instead gradually turn to face directly at the large, trapped spider. Then they slowly back up a little before stopping again.

“Aaaaaaand….” Mikaela draws out with a wide grin, building the excitement up even more as cheers resound with nearly everyone in the audience knowing just what the two are planning. And the moment the engines of the two spaceships roar, propelling them forwards, Mikaela shouts, “…it’s ramming time!”

Both the Winter Wolf and Sapphire turn into ice element and immediately flee from the ships to float off to the side as both ships fly straight towards the iceberg at incredible speeds. And the very instant before they crash into it from either side, Wolf snaps his fingers and removes enough of the ice in the iceberg to make an hourglass shape, revealing the spider while still keeping it restrained and letting the two spaceships collide directly at the point where the corrupted greater arachnid is.

A massive crashing sound echoes throughout the viewing room from the screen, following which more than a few sonic booms shoot out from the point of impact as explosions ring out from between the two ships.

Meanwhile screams of excitement ring out through the stadium nonstop, with Mikaela being amongst their numbers this time.

Mikaela even notices the void creature near him clapping with a smile on its frightening face.

The cheers continue on for several minutes until the smoke remaining from the impact finally clears to reveal nothing in between the ships, with a floating door nearby the point of collision, in front of the ice. Along with a mini boss chest located right in front of the door.

And as if on cue, the cheers and excitement within the stadium go up another notch. All while thousands of viewers post recordings of the event on the System Forums without a shred of hesitation.

Mikaela finally calms down and grins at the screen again without another word. But his grin fades a little when he looks at the void creature and hears it mutter, “Just as expected of our Prince.”

The vampire watches the void creature for a few seconds before returning his attention to the screen where he finds Wolf and Sapphire moving closer to the mini boss chest.

Just as expected of the Winter Wolf.



After the smoke from the collision clears, I meet up with Sapphire in front of the mini boss chest and pat her on the head.

“That worked out well,” I comment, and she nods her head in agreement. “Didn’t expect the ships to be so annoying to control though.”

She nods her head again.

We both turn our attention to the mini boss chest with intrigued looks on our faces. The chest itself surprisingly has the same energy that the spiders have around it, but in some sort of a dormant state. To the point that I know it won’t actually do anything. Meanwhile there is an engraving of the creature’s head on the front of the box.

Hmm. I hope it gives something good.

I walk up to it and touch the thing, making some sort of ring appear above the chest.

Great. Another ring.

My impression of it goes back up though after I identify the thing.

Item | Corruption Ring | Tier 8
This ring allows the user to use a small amount of the corruption from the void element to absorb nearby elements and temporarily empower the user.
Warning: User’s class makes the use of this ring’s ability to harness the elements inside of it void. However the user may still temporarily enhance their body with the elements inside of it.

Oh. So it’s like a mini, weaker version of the corrupted arachnids’ ability.

That’s pretty good.

Not often that I get a good item that I actually want to use.

With that in mind, I take my gauntlet off and put the ring on before putting the gauntlet back on again.

I glance at Sapphire and comment, “Well, now that we’ve cleared this floor, do you want to take a short break? Because I really need one after this terrible floor.”

Sapphire nods her head and the two of us move back to summon the portable system store.

Time for a break.


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Jalil Hayes

That was very innovative