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             The Barren Pass
Year 2850 | Month 5 | Day 19

Doctor Leodmir Archeron floats high in the air near almost half a dozen other Class S magicians as they all surround a single man. One whose appearance makes Leodmir clench his fists slightly, feeling an ounce of emotion. Something he doesn’t feel often.

Emotion of anger at the skeleton in front of him who stole his experiment away from him.

Unlike what the subject himself and the death magician likely assume, Leodmir has already figured out that the Kingdom of the Fallen is surrounded by a barrier made by the death magician in front of him that blocks Leodmir’s search. But Leodmir can’t do anything about it. Not while he’s fighting the nations of the continent.

And not with the death magician in front of him.

Leodmir glances at all of the other Class S magicians, starting with the unnamed fog illusionist magician who has long since gone insane, followed by the enhancement magician Edgar Brodnax, the fire magician Juan Sequani, the ice magician Archibald Winters, and the poison magician Dorothy Umbra. And none of them appear amused by the laughter coming from the abomination at the center of them all.

He returns his gaze to the death magician as he asks, “Why are you here, King Adalwolf Giese?”

The king lets out a cackle of amusement before the skeleton tilts his head, making his hood fall off of his head while the snow falls down all around us. And without even bothering to look at the other Class S magicians, the death magician asks, “So you aren’t going to complain to me about your little former subject? What a pity that is.”

Leodmir ignores his taunt, knowing that the skeleton is just trying to stir up trouble amongst the Class S magicians. Instead he says, “Explain your reasoning for being here and leave.”

“Before that,” Archibald raises his voice, bringing both the skeleton’s gaze and Leodmir’s own towards him in the process. “I would like to know why the good doctor never told us about your continued existence before now.”

The doctor in question holds back a grimace at the question, having been mostly expecting it the moment the death magician arrived and killed thousands of soldiers to catch their attention.

“Oh, the conflict begins! But let me go ahead and tell you why I’m here before you start fighting amongst yourselves, okay?” King Adalwolf says while spreading his arms out slightly, floating a little higher in the air, and raising his head. “Rejoice, for I am here to announce the eventual return of the Kingdom of the Fallen to the nations of the world!”

All of the Class S magicians show some form of reaction, whether it’s tensing up or simply frowning. Or in the unnamed one’s case, cackling.

But Leodmir simply scowls.

“But don’t worry, I won’t be the one leading it,” King Adalwolf says while lowering his head to look at the doctor. “It will be the Crown Prince of the Kingdom of the Fallen leading the charge.”

Then King Adalwolf Giese turns into nothing but miasma and is blown away by the wind and snow, leaving silence in the Barren Pass.

No one says anything for several seconds before all of the Class S magicians turn to look at Leodmir. And with the sole exception of the unnamed one, all the Class S magicians make it clear in their faces that they require an explanation.

Leodmir sighs and answers, “I went to the Kingdom of the Fallen a little over half a year ago and found the King having just recently been released from his seal. However, he soon blocked off the Kingdom, so I decided it was unnecessary for me to inform you all.”

Archibald stares at him for several seconds before eventually saying, “I will be leaving the forces to take away my family.” Then he turns into snow and flies away on the wind with the rest of the snow, not leaving behind any explanation.

But Leodmir already knows the reason for it.

Because the man has always cared more about his family than the war and should the King of the Fallen arrive on the mainland, he will bring death with him.

Leodmir doesn’t say anything, simply turning to look at the other Class S magicians. And just seconds later, Juan Sequani finally scoffs, the man’s shoulder-length hair falling into his face as he shakes his head and mutters, his accent on full display, “I shouldn’t ‘ave believed a foreigner.”

Then he too disappears.

The rest of the Class S magicians stay silent, with the exception of the unnamed one who is still cackling.

“Am I to assume the rest of you are staying?” Leodmir asks, and when they all nod their head, he continues, “Very well. We shall have to fill in the holes in the operation to finally take down Artorius.”

Each of the Class S magicians nod their heads in agreement.

“Then since we lost our most powerful offensive magicians, I’ll have to pick up the slack personally along with Edgar,” Leodmir states while glancing at the man in question, finding him nodding his head to his words. “The operation will commence in three months’ time as originally planned. If no one else has anything to say then let’s depart.”

After seeing no one raising any objections, Leodmir glances in the direction of the Kingdom of the Fallen once more and then makes a portal that he walks through, reentering his base. Then he continues through the base until he makes it near the subject’s family and stares at the door where he hears them talking on the other side.

Seconds pass before he proceeds onwards, deciding that doing anything to them now would be pointless.

Best to keep them safe and healthy as hostages until he returns to the mainland.

The doctor continues walking through the base until he reaches his own laboratory and stops in front of a large cylindrical glass container at the center of the main lab. A container filled with a blue and white liquid.

As long as this works against the anti-magic magician, the plan should work.


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