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High in the air thousands of kilometers away from the Pyramid

Ethan watches Lexi throw one explosion attack after another at the massive abomination as he floats in the air with his arms crossed. And the longer he watches, the harder he finds it to hold back his grin. So he no longer holds it back anymore.

This has to be the first Class S fight of the Reset.

He blinks at that thought before correcting himself.

The first Class S fight to the death of the Reset.

Ethan makes sure to keep any undead far away from the battlefield as he watches so that the lich king doesn’t get any more fodder to strengthen himself or transfer his consciousness into. And at some point as Lexi continues to blow apart the lich king’s abomination armor, Ethan notices Vargas arriving nearby to watch Alexia fight.

Makes sense that he’d want to watch this. And it’d be more surprising if he couldn’t figure out what she was planning on doing from her actions.

Lexi had been staying in the Dimensional Block even after seemingly raising her skill a Tier, and only started changing her actions once the lich king left the dungeon he was in. So Ethan quickly realized it was to fight with the lich king.

It also helped when he remembered Lexi’s first few words to Vargas when they arrived in the Dimensional Block. Asking about the lich king and his level.

And Ethan has been looking forward to seeing the fight ever since he figured out that it was her plan.

I do wonder why she’s fighting him though. Unless…

Ethan frowns as an unlikely possibility comes to mind.

No one has ever gotten a requirement to kill another user before for ascension, but maybe… since she’s the Reaper…

His frown grows deeper for a few seconds before he shakes his head and decides it doesn’t matter why she’s fighting him. For all he knows it could even be to get the Legendary Feat for being the first to kill a Class S being or the feat for killing the first Dimensional Leader.

Ethan quickly freezes another undead approaching the battlefield as more explosions ring out before focusing on the battlefield itself. And what he finds is the poor lich king being annihilated one explosion after another. All while screaming incoherently from his mistake at taking on an insane undead form.

A lich king… I really don’t like them.

Dragons often dislike the undead due to their inherent weakness, since the undead are meant more for survivability rather than actively fighting. But the lich kings are the worst amongst them. They aren’t powerful in a sense of the word but rather nearly unkillable.

And that unkillable nature is shown as the abomination form slowly weakens down to eventually reveal its core, at which point the abomination begins to fight back with magic. But even after landing his first major blow on Lexi, sending her flying back to the pyramid with a hold in her gut going from one way out to the other, she simply reverses the damage and gets back up. Then she flies forwards, using her extreme speed from whatever form she’s in to avoid all follow-up attacks, and destroys the core. But Ethan immediately understands that the lich king is still alive simply due to him not getting a notification about her Legendary Feat.

Lexi walks over to the stairs and slowly climbs them all the way up to the peak of the pyramid, making Ethan grow curious. So he flies closer to the pyramid. And he quickly finds his cousin doing the same.

When the two get close enough, Lexi sends them a brief glance before reaching the peak of the pyramid herself and stopping, at which point Ethan realizes what else is up on the peak.

A single zombie sitting on the destroyed throne. One he can tell is glaring his way, likely due to Ethan clearing out the other undead and cutting off the lich king’s escape route.

Ethan just grins back at it from his spot flying above the pyramid. And his cousin looks just as amused as he watches on, ignoring the pleading look the zombie sends his way after the zombie finishes glaring at Ethan.

Eventually the zombie returns its gaze with despair in it towards The Reaper.

“Lady Reaper, may I ask one thing before you finish me?” he asks in a tone that leads Ethan to believe that he’s given up.

The Reaper stares for a few seconds without replying in any way or showing any emotion on her expression. So the lich king eventually asks, “Why?”

Seconds pass in silence until she eventually answers, “You deserved a reaping.”

Ethan raises a brow in amusement before The Reaper summons her polearm and swings the glaive’s blade straight through the zombie’s throat, cutting its head off and making a notification ring out in Ethan’s head as one appears in his vision.

Then another notification appears right after that one.

Ethan glances over at Vargas, who is most likely getting some sort of System Message mentioning the loss of his Dimensional Leader. Then he looks back over at The Reaper again.

I do wonder…

His thoughts trail off when The Reaper grins and says, “Yes,” following which the regular System Barrier forms around her, signifying ascension. An occurrence that makes Ethan blink in surprise.

So it really was her requirement…

He narrows his eyes and notices his cousin doing the same thing, the man likely having reached the same conclusion that he did.

The Reaper must reap her fellow System users after all.

A grin stretches across Ethan’s face at the idea of Lexi and other Class S species fighting each other. And at the idea of joining her in the fight, fighting alongside her.

This will be fun.


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Table of Contents

For those of you who can't view the images:

Legendary Feat – Slayer of Kings

Alexia Knight has become the first user within the System to turn kill   a Class S being, the Lich King Karo de Vult!

Legendary Feat – Dimensional Conqueror

Alexia Knight has become the first user within the System to kill   the Dimensional Leader of another Dimensional Block.



Thanks for the chapter!

Kristeen Livesay

Cliche action movie lines are still used for a reason. I’m reading Stray cat strut by Ravensdagger (which was how I ended up finding Wolfshine by looking for more guardian type series like it) and I love it because it oozes 90s action movie vibes.

Joshua Little

Thanks for the chapter.

PickledTink (edited)

Comment edits

2023-10-23 16:24:55 Things and questions: "No one has ever gotten a requirement to kill another user before for ascension, but maybe… since she’s the Reaper…" Didn't the Hound have a requirement to murder ten angels to ascend? Are they monsters or are they people like anyone else? --- "They aren’t powerful in a sense of the word but rather nearly unkillable." You might mean "any sense of the word". That still probably wouldn't work since they are still class S and there would be power with that, so maybe they aren't powerful for their tier is what you meant. Might need to be reworded. --- "first major blow on Lexi, sending her flying back to the pyramid with a hold in her gut going from one way out to the other," You likely meant "hole" rather than "hold". The proper way to describe it would be "from one side to the other", but might be better to rewrite like: "with a hole punched straight through her gut and out the other side" or some variation thereof.
2023-10-23 13:46:01 Things and questions: --- "High in the air thousands of kilometers away from the Pyramid" That's an incredibly vast distance to be watching from. For reference, the radius of the Earth is 6,371km. I think you would prefer "A few kilometers away". --- "No one has ever gotten a requirement to kill another user before for ascension, but maybe… since she’s the Reaper…" Didn't the Hound have a requirement to murder ten angels to ascend? Are they monsters or are they people like anyone else? --- "They aren’t powerful in a sense of the word but rather nearly unkillable." You might mean "any sense of the word". That still probably wouldn't work since they are still class S and there would be power with that, so maybe they aren't powerful for their tier is what you meant. Might need to be reworded. edit: Maybe "In the real sense of the word" might work? --- "first major blow on Lexi, sending her flying back to the pyramid with a hold in her gut going from one way out to the other," You likely meant "hole" rather than "hold". The proper way to describe it would be "from one side to the other", but might be better to rewrite like: "with a hole punched straight through her gut and out the other side" or some variation thereof.

Things and questions: --- "High in the air thousands of kilometers away from the Pyramid" That's an incredibly vast distance to be watching from. For reference, the radius of the Earth is 6,371km. I think you would prefer "A few kilometers away". --- "No one has ever gotten a requirement to kill another user before for ascension, but maybe… since she’s the Reaper…" Didn't the Hound have a requirement to murder ten angels to ascend? Are they monsters or are they people like anyone else? --- "They aren’t powerful in a sense of the word but rather nearly unkillable." You might mean "any sense of the word". That still probably wouldn't work since they are still class S and there would be power with that, so maybe they aren't powerful for their tier is what you meant. Might need to be reworded. edit: Maybe "In the real sense of the word" might work? --- "first major blow on Lexi, sending her flying back to the pyramid with a hold in her gut going from one way out to the other," You likely meant "hole" rather than "hold". The proper way to describe it would be "from one side to the other", but might be better to rewrite like: "with a hole punched straight through her gut and out the other side" or some variation thereof.