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I blink in surprise as I read through the current top trending thread on the System Forums.

Breaking News! The end of the Holy Empire is nigh, frozen in Time!
As of System Clock Time at noon yesterday, the Holy Empire’s Holy Palace has been frozen in time, with The Friar himself frozen to his throne with all of his high ranking advisors and clergymen frozen throughout the palace along with him!
Reports from high level Executives state that The Friar himself is still alive despite being frozen solid, but when his lower ranking clergymen returned to try to thaw him out of the ice, the ice didn’t so much as melt a single drop! Even after those very same clergymen acting on The Friar’s behalf promised a favor to Executives above level 14000, nothing changed within the ice!
Thus, all high level Executives within the System and the major factions in play have hereby declared this day as the Day of Frozen Retribution!
No one knows exactly what happened, nor do we know why the Executives decided to name the day as they did, but what we do know is this one simple fact.
The Holy Empire is no more.

Well that didn’t take long. And I’m a little surprised they’re keeping what exactly happened from the public.

I’ll have to go ask Diane what happened later.

It’s not very hard to guess the broad events though.

Fenrir made his move, that’s obvious.

That aside, I didn’t know he was allowed to act personally in another progenitor’s universe. Unless he had his elementals do it for him?

Not much in the universe is really known about the true elementals living in the elemental planes that are now publicly known to be part of the progenitors’ bodies. All the public does know is that they’re the most powerful beings in the universe, aside from The Reaper himself.

From what Pestilence told me though, all of the true elementals are just elementals born from small fragments of the elemental energy floating within a progenitor’s plane. Which explains why they all revere their progenitor as some sort of god…

A terrifying thought comes to me as I briefly glance out of the window of the lone safe area I managed to find not long ago after dealing with the last of the spiders near me on the floor.

Please tell me getting bestowed Fenrir’s blood won’t make them worship me too… I already have a creepy cult doing that, I don’t need another one.

I’m also absolutely certain that if Sapphire heard me say that out loud then she’d have a comment or two she’d want to say about it.

Although the elementals’ worship of the progenitors and the reaper cult’s worship of reapers is different from what I can tell. The elementals worship the progenitors because they were quite literally made from parts of their elemental energy, whereas the reaper cults are just weirdos.

I sigh at that before narrowing my eyes slightly at the sight of some spiders beginning to slowly drift through the air in this direction from a very far ways away. Several dozen spaceships away.

Pretty much as far as I can see, particularly with all of the webbing floating around space.

Looks like my break won’t last much longer.

I quickly open my status – something I don’t actually do very often anymore – before focusing on my level.

Name: Wolf Adler
Class: Harbinger of Eternal Winter
Privileges: Beta Tester
Soul-bound Ability: Ice Reaper
Species: Reaper of the Blue Moon
Level: 2785
EXP: 23/278500
System Points: 10565.20
Viewing Room Profits: 28829
Skills List
System Communications
Beta Administrator Dungeon
Beta Administrator Dungeon Beta Tester
Administrator Dungeon
Administrator Dungeon Competitor
System Terminal
Player Auctions
System Map
System GUI

At this point I out-level the spiders by almost a dozen levels, but they’re still creeping up on me in terms of physical strength simply due to the elemental energy they’ve been devouring. But at the very least I don’t sense much in the way of elemental energy around us anymore, so their own growth should vastly slow down now.

I glance at my System Points, finding both them and my profits to be rather high.

Too bad I can’t really spend them on anything.

At this point most of the System Store is locked to me, and to make matters worse, so are the auctions. And while it’s not public knowledge about Voided Karma outside of the dungeons, there are definitely a lot of higher level individuals across the universe realizing what is causing their magical debt to The Reaper. So a lot of people won’t even accept SP as a currency anymore, not wanting to build up more debt to him.

Which makes perfect sense, after all I wouldn’t want to either. Just that it’s the only currency I can trade with while in the dungeon. And the only other person aside from me immune to this is Katie, whose status as a fae is also making her break away from the System just like my status as a reaper is.

Thankfully Titania has no interest in controlling Katie, and The Reaper has no interest in controlling me. Other than toying with me that is. But even that he can’t do anymore, thanks to the intervention of the Progenitor Council.

Although I don’t think they could control us even if they wanted to. Pestilence specified that they couldn’t, and neither of them have an element that should have any sort of mindcontrol or anything like that in its possible uses.

Titania isn’t even asking Katie to fight for her side of the war. Katie is mostly just going back and forth doing whatever she wants in the war, sometimes fighting against the fae and sometimes against the void creatures and System users.

As long as she’s having fun, I guess.

She’s also far eclipsed the others from Aegis in level by now too, even if she’s still nowhere near my level.

It might be interesting to have a sparring battle with her at some point in the future.

I sigh once more before standing up again.

Time to kill more spiders.


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Briar Rosier

I believe you used Tiamat instead of Titania in this chapter and one or two of the previous ones.


I fixed the ones in this chapter but I searched on my word document and there were no instances in the previous chapters. Although I had gone through weeks ago and fixed them as a chapter or two where there were instances of it went out right after they went out on Patreon. So you probably are pointing out ones that had long since already been fixed.

Briar Rosier

I thought I remembered one a few days ago, but I might have been misreading it.


Or it could be, as I just said, that I fixed it right after posting it and you pointed out something that had already long since been fixed.

Jalil Hayes

Katie is acting just like her niece just having gun living life to the fullest