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The next couple of weeks pass by with a lot of activity. All of the mortals entering my dungeon increased in number exponentially and I keep being bribed to raise the number of instances I have in the dungeon to allow more. To the point that my cultivation has shot up by leaps and bounds over the past couple of weeks alone.

Name: Fenrir
Race: Dungeon Core
Element: Void
EXP Level: 18
EXP: 4/190
Cultivation Level: 16
Cultivation to next Level: 2%
Mana: 121/440
Secondary Tabs: Dungeon Status, Skills List, Talents List, Achievements List, Starter Environments, Avatar

Although it’s also left me rather bored over the past couple weeks. Since all I’ve really been able to do during this time is focus entirely on cultivating using the orbs I’m practically being buried in and creating more instances, only occasionally pausing to perform brief maintenance on my dungeon.

Then again, power is power. And I’m inching closer and closer to Tier 3 because of this. Far faster than any other dungeon has ever done before.

Even if that’s only because I’m unique in a lot of ways over the other dungeons.

At the rate I’m going, I could even reach Tier 3 within the three months stated by Leon for when they’ll run out of void orbs.

I glance at the orb I’m currently cultivating from right when it shatters, having been depleted of the last of its void element world energy. So I quickly shift my consciousness into my avatar and open my eyes, briefly glancing around my core room now that I finished off today’s orb.

Something that’s bothering me though is just how these people are getting so many void element orbs in the first place. Since even the Vampires are starting to have to stretch out the times they give me my payments after starting to run a bit low on them. And they’re giving me my payments once every couple months, not every day.

I decide to ask Dawn about it, but all she ends up saying, not even pausing in her fighting of the mortals within Fang’s body, is, “There’s probably an open void portal somewhere in a nearby kingdom.”

An open portal?

“Does that mean something opened a portal?” I ask, genuinely curious about if there’s some sort of sapient void creature on Midgard nearby.

Dawn continues fighting as she answers, “Most likely. They aren’t common, but there are sapient creatures with the void element powerful enough to open portals. Just like your namesake.”


“Although they also could’ve just used one of the rifts you sold the Vampires to open a portal,” she adds as if an afterthought.

That has me pausing mid-step as I walk towards my lab.

Uh… yeah, that would probably do it.

I look down at the ground with my eyes furrowed before eventually just continuing on towards my lab.

There’s no harm in letting others into the void. Especially when it benefits me in the end due to the void orbs.

In fact, maybe I should let more people have portals to the void. It might raise the amount of void orbs I can get in the future. Which would increase the speed of my cultivation even further.

I do need to raise my cultivation as fast as possible after all.

On that note, I go ahead and do a brief look-through of my dungeon to make sure everything is resetting properly. Because while it almost always does reset properly, there has been a few instances where the scripts for my enchantments ran into some problems and didn’t do what they were supposed to. Which led to some issues with the reset of the instances.

After searching through everything twice just to make sure, I arrive at my lab and quickly begin working on my latest experiment.

Another new monster. One based on a new void creature I found that had wandered into the latest floor I’ve been building.

The creature is in the form of a shark that swims in a black water made out of void energy. And the moment I saw it I immediately wanted the thing.

Well, it and the black water itself. Because that’ll make for a wonderful later floor.

A water floor for my dungeon. Something I’ve yet to do anything like before.

Or, rather, a black, void element infused water floor.

Should be fun.

As I work on using the shark’s pattern and changing it, my thoughts return to the mortals above.

I’m not the only one who has grown a lot. Since they’ve basically been charging down here with abandon, the average level of the mortals above has gone way up from before this whole thing began. And from what Leon has told me, they’re giving free lessons on cultivating right now as well.

All in an effort to increase their military might before the Fallen attack.

In all honesty, I don’t really care who wins the battle. But I am happy that the mortals are progressing further into my dungeon now. Since it was annoying only having a select few groups making it far into the Tier 2 portion of my dungeon.

The Vampires seem to be completely apathetic to the war as well. All they’ve been doing is keeping an eye on me while watching for any attackers aiming for me.

They’ve proven to be… a little bit too enthusiastic about protecting me at times. Which is a little bizarre.

Then again, their God did order them to protect me with their lives, so…

I continue working on my experiment for another hour or so before the next orb shipment arrives, marking the dawn of a new day. And immediately after receiving it, I bring my avatar back to my core room with the orb and return my consciousness to my core after placing the orb right in front of my core.

Then I quickly return to my cultivating once more.

Boring or not, the advancement in level and cultivation this whole war is bringing me is well worth it.


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