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The first thing I do is bring both Blood Plague and Blood Thirst to level 15 by spending two hundred and seventy Skill Points total, following which I stand in place while staring at my status – after allocating my free points, of course – for several seconds. Then I eventually settle on spending the remaining forty-eight Skill Points on bringing Blood Retribution to level 12 from level 10. Or rather, I use forty-six of the forty-eight remaining points on doing that.

The last two points are just gonna sit there gathering dust until the next time I get Skill Points. Which shouldn’t be long considering I’ll probably go out on another hunt either tomorrow or the day after.

Probably tomorrow.

Anyways, after making sure everything’s done, I take another look at my status overall.

A very nice looking status, if I do say so myself.

“Humble, are we?” Tar comments, making me smirk in amusement. But then the smirk vanishes as I focus on the descriptions of Blood Plague and Blood Thirst, only to find that the change was basically the same as it was the last times. Blood Plague got another three plagues added while Blood Thirst increased the amount of bonus per stack by a very small amount again.

Nothing overly new, but Blood Thirst is definitely useful in this war, so it’s best to raise its level a bit. Especially since it’s a lot more useful at higher levels.

And if I’m gonna be using Blood Plague to wipe out battalions like this, I might as well go ahead and level that skill up too.

Very nice to see the fast progression again though, since it always slows down the further I get into a Class. A rather annoying facet of the System. Or I guess the universe, since the System isn’t what decides how things work. For the most part.

Considering how that battalion only had about a third or a fourth of its numbers in Class IV, I don’t think I’ll be able to level up as quickly with the next battalion. In fact, I wouldn’t be surprised if I end up only getting half as many levels with each battalion I wipe out. Not to mention how it’ll probably get harder as I destroy more of them, since I wouldn’t be surprised if the battalion here had a teleporter or two who managed to escape and warn the other demons of my actions.

At least I know none of them saw my use of Blood of Ruin. I would’ve heard them otherwise, not to mention sensed them with Life Sense.

I’m pretty sure it’s safe to say that I should expect the other battalions to have more healers amongst them when I attack. But that won’t be an issue. Just means I have to sit there longer waiting for them to wear out.

Especially considering that I have more mana now than before thanks to the large influx of levels I got from this first battalion. Not to mention more plagues.

Actually, come to think of it, I need to test out the three new plagues I got access to with the level-up of Blood Plague. Because if they’re good enough, I might be able to make quite the use of them in the next battles.

I continue walking through the snow-covered mountains until I find a wild animal and quickly try to use Blood Plague on it, making the different types of plagues appear in my thoughts as I do. And just moments later, I find myself smirking.

Not bad. Not bad at all.

Two of the plagues are meh. Not much better than the others.

But the tenth plague of the ten plagues? That one seems to make use of my null magic a little by nullifying a very miniscule amount of the target’s mana when they use their mana. A plague that’ll reduce the amount of time it’ll take for me to wait out their healers, seeing as they’re gonna be burning even more mana every time they cure each other of my plagues.

The only thing I need to worry about is the possibility that they may have a demon who can somehow cleanse the entire area at once of my plagues. But they’d have to have a Class V demon to do that, and I can’t see them bringing one to a mere battalion. Especially not this early on.

I continue sprinting through the mountains again in the direction of the base with a wide smile on my face.

One night’s rest coming up soon, then the next hunt begins.


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Name: Scarlet Art Asger de Archeron

Human/Blood Lycan Hybrid

Magic: Blood

Age: 19

Level: 599

SP: 2


Physical: 1,710

Mental: 1,710

Magical: 1,710

Physical/Level: 2

Mental/Level: 1

Magical/Level: 2

Free Points: 0

Mana: 1,312,033.9/ 4,532,355

Free Points/Level: 4

Active Skills:

Pain Diffusion

Skill Level: 22


Null Magic Field

Skill Level: 21


Blood of Ruin

Skill Level: 15


Blood Nullification

Skill Level: 4


Metallicized Blood

Skill Level: 17


Blood Empowerment

Skill Level: 12


Blood Swarm

Skill Level: 6


Beast Form

Skill Level Static


Metallicized Blood Claws

Skill Level: 26


Life Absorption

Skill Level: 30


Partial Shift

Skill Level: Static


Blood Pull

Skill Level: 20


Blood Chains

Skill Level: 18


Blood Diffusion

Skill Level: 15


Gradual Corruption   Nullification

Skill Level: 20


Blood Plague

Skill Level: 15


Crimson Overdrive

Skill Level: 20


Blood Shadow

Skill Level: 10


Blood Retribution

Skill Level: 12


Blood Armor

Skill Level: 10


Blood Manifestation

Skill Level: 10


Blood Sacrifice

Skill Level: 10


Blood Boil

Skill Level: 10


Blood Bank

Skill Level: 10


Passive Skills:

Blood Regeneration

Skill Level: 20


Blood Aura

Skill Level: Static


Blood Absorption

Skill Level: Static


Sanguine Effect

Skill Level: Static


Life Sense

Skill Level: 16


Blood Thirst

Skill Level: 15


Bloody Thorns

Skill Level: 15


Predator V

Skill Level: Static



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