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I watch in silence all the way till the last demon of the battalion dies before letting out a sigh. But I don’t regret anything. I don’t feel bad for them. Because these demons all signed up voluntarily to come here and dominate the human world. All just for their own advancement and for their own prestige.

Even if a few of the demons in the battalion did show some rather human emotions by the end of it.

“Well, they were all human once,” Tar comments as I turn around and quickly sprint out of the area. “Or at least, their ancestors were.”


I continue running until I’m several kilometers from the base camp before I transform out of my beast form and stretch a little. Then I control the blood covering me to push it into my blood storage as I slowly start walking through the mountains towards the human headquarters. A place that should be located a couple thousand kilometers to the East.

After spending almost a week outside in the snow while waiting for those demons to weaken, it’ll be very nice to get back into my bed for a night.

I continue walking for a while before eventually letting my System Messages flow. Something that’s been a longtime coming since I haven’t done it since the start of this hunt.

{Level 542 Frost Salamander defeated. A small EXP bonus is awarded for killing a creature above your level.}

{Level 652 Frost Salamander defeated. A significant EXP bonus is awarded for killing a creature over one hundred levels above your level.}

{Level 522 Yeti defeated. A significant EXP bonus is awarded for killing a creature above your level.}

{Level 671 Yeti defeated. A significant EXP bonus is awarded for killing a creature over a hundred levels above your level.}

{Level 530 Wendigo defeated. A significant EXP bonus is awarded for killing a creature above your level.}

{Level 649 Wendigo defeated. A significant EXP bonus is awarded for killing a creature over a hundred levels above your level.}

{Level 731 Yeti defeated. A significant EXP bonus is awarded for killing a creature over a hundred levels above your level.}

{Thirty Skill Points are awarded for killing three hundred creatures in a single use of a skill.}

{Thirty Skill Points are awarded for spreading multiple plagues through a vast area so that anyone targeted who enters the area will immediately become infected.}

{Twenty-five Skill Points are awarded for infecting over five hundred creatures with multiple plagues.}

{Twenty-five Skill Points are awarded for infecting over five hundred creatures with a plague.}

{Ten Skill Points are awarded for infecting over one hundred creatures with a plague.}

{Five Skill Points are awarded for killing your first Yeti.}

{Five Skill Points are awarded for killing your first Frost Salamander.}

{One Skill Point is awarded for killing a demon.} x187

{Congrats, you have leveled up to level 532. Four Free Points have been awarded to you and your stats have been updated.}

{Congrats, you have leveled up to level 599. Four Free Points have been awarded to you and your stats have been updated.}

[Skill ‘Blood of Ruin’ has leveled up to level 15.]

[Skill ‘Blood Empowerment’ has leveled up to level 11.]

[Skill ‘Blood Empowerment’ has leveled up to level 12.]

[Skill ‘Metallicized Blood’ has leveled up to level 17.]

[Skill ‘Metallicized Blood Claws’ has leveled up to level 26.]

[Skill ‘Blood Nullification’ has leveled up to level 4.]

[Skill ‘Life Sense’ has leveled up to level 16.]

A hint of a smile stretches across my face as I walk, proud of my achievements. And I don’t have to worry about the plagues I let loose either, since they were eradicated alongside the rest of basically everything thanks to Blood of Ruin.

So win-win.

Also, that was a lot of achievements over my use of plagues. Which was kind of expected.

What wasn’t expected was the whole ‘getting ninety Skill Points for it’ thing.

Not that I’m complaining. The more Skill Points I get, the happier I am. And with this recent hunt, I now have three hundred and eighteen Skill Points to spend.

I also didn’t expect Blood of Ruin to be able to kill them all with a single use of the skill. Although I guess that was probably because of Blood Empowerment, which I’m pretty sure expanded the range of Blood of Ruin and made it stronger. Even if it drained me quite a bit of life energy.

Sanguine Effect restored that quickly enough, considering how I massacred an entire battalion, but it was still rather uncomfortable.

And looking at how Blood Empowerment leveled up in the process, completely worth it.

I stretch a little and yawn. Something that doesn’t happen very often considering that I don’t actually need sleep anymore. Not since reaching Class III.

At least, not if I don’t stress my body out like I did in this battle. Not to mention that I’ve been hunting mostly nonstop for days now.

I continue walking as I consider whether or not I should spend the three hundred and eighteen Skill Points I have right now on leveling up skills or on getting new ones. Because if I keep taking every new legendary skill I get, I won’t really be able to level up my current ones very high. But at the same time, I think a new legendary skill is worth more than a few levels on an old one.

What do you think, Tar?

“I think you should just look at the new legendary skills even if you don’t buy them,” Tar suggests, and I admit he’s right.

If there isn’t a legendary skill I’m interested in enough to buy over leveling skills, I just won’t get it.

Although I doubt I’ll get any new legendary skills with these achievements alone. With the exception of the killing three hundred creatures with a single use of a skill achievement.

That one I can see maybe unlocking a legendary skill.


It should at least be counted towards a legendary skill, even if it doesn’t unlock one just yet.

With that thought in mind, I open the Skills Store to look for a new legendary skill. And I find nothing.

Well, that’s disappointing.

In that case, time to figure out what to level up with Skill Points.


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Thanks for the chapter!


The fact that she doesn't even consider looking at skills less than legendary in the store would probably cause most guardians to cough up blood


Thanks she the chapters!


It says that the human HQ "should be located a couple thousand kilometers to the East." Do you mean west? In B4C21 we're told that "the frontlines has moved from the far Eastern coast of the Eastern continent all the way to about the center of it, bordering the place that used to be called Europe." So, in general, the demons are to the east and humans are to the west. And considering how big 2000 kilometers is, it's not clear where a human HQ could be such that there's demon territory (where she is now) 2000 km west of it. In B4C27 we're told that the demons sent messengers to the legion he's part of. I wonder what happened to them. Maybe Scarlet killed those messengers (because they would have been easy prey away from the rest of the battalion), or maybe they'll reach the legion (in which case, could they spread those 7 plagues to the legion?).