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I have gotten new covers for each of the four books of Wolf of the Blood Moon!

Book 1's new cover:

Book 2's new cover:

Book 3's new cover:

Book 4's new cover:

And here is the portrait that they drew of Scarlet in a dress:



It ends up taking me killing a second demon, this one being only twenty levels above me and some sort of insect demon that I didn’t recognize, before I get the System Messages I’m looking for.

But instead of making me happy, the requirements to reach Class IV make me grow depressed instead.

{Level 271 Blood Revenant defeated. A significant EXP bonus is awarded for killing a creature over twenty levels above your level.}

{One Skill Point is awarded for killing a demon.} x57

{Congrats, you have leveled up to level 500. Four Free Points have been awarded to you and your stats have been updated.}

{Congrats, you have leveled up to- Level up canceled due to you being at the cap of Class III. Please ascend to Class IV. To do so you must find and absorb three Class III catalysts and have one skill at its max level.}

{You have earned the epic inherent skill, ‘Blood Absorption’.}

Are you fucking kidding me?!

I open my status as I stop moving in the middle of the battlefield, only to feel myself teleported back to the cliff. But I ignore Gramps as I focus on my list of skills.

I feel the strength leave my body, making me drop to my knees as I realize I won’t be able to make my goal by the end of the night, even if I were able to get the Catalysts I need. Strictly because there is no way I’ll be able to bring one of my inherent skills to level thirty in a single night, nor do I have any Skill Points to spend on bringing a purchased skill to level fifty.

“Damnit…” I mutter, blankly staring at my status.

“Hey, it’s fine if you don’t get to Class IV before turning twenty,” Tar says flying next to me and patting my head.

But if I don’t, then I’ll miss out on the achievement that would give. And if I miss out on that, I might not be able to upgrade Gradual Corruption Nullification…

“If that’s all you’re worried about, then don’t be,” Gramps suddenly says, making me lift my head to find him standing there with his arms crossed. “You don’t turn twenty for another month and three days after all.”

I blink at him. He stares back at me.

Several seconds pass in silence.

“According to your father and the System Logs, you were born on the thirtieth of the ninth month of the year,” he says, breaking the silence after a while. “Although the exact date of your birth was probably muddled up somewhere because you were born in an illusion where time was slowed down.”

“But… why wouldn’t I…” I mutter, only for the answer to come to me as I remember that Allen simply guessed at my birthday instead of knowing the exact date.

How did I forget about that…?

I stare down at the ground for several seconds before sighing and climbing back to my feet again. Then I nod my head at Gramps and tell him, “Thanks for the help, Gramps.”

He smiles brightly at that and, with a nod, says, “Anytime, sweetheart. And now that that issue is dealt with, would you like to deal with the Catalysts?”

“Of course,” I answer him with a slight incline of my head while glancing at the battlefield behind him. Then I focus on him again as he snaps his fingers, making a large pile of hearts appear out of nowhere.

“This time you need fifty Class IV demon hearts to get a single Catalyst, and since you haven’t killed all that many Class IV demons, you only have enough for one Catalyst right now,” he says, breaking the bad news. But then he snaps his finger again, making a pool of blood appear in the air with some sort of image showing in it of a glowing red, blue, and black crystal underground as he adds, “What I suggest is to not waste your time killing a hundred Class IV demons and instead go grab this. It’s a powerful Class IV Catalyst, and there should be two of them in the same cave system.”

I blink at that before asking, “Where is this cave system?”

Another pool of blood appears but with some sort of map this time. And within the map, two locations are marked. Both with two marks at each location.

“This is a map of the Battlefield,” Gramps states before pointing at one set of marks, “this is where we are,” and then moving his finger to the other marks, “and this is where the cave is with the crystals.” He snaps his fingers once more, making my mind blank out for a brief moment as the pool of blood suddenly rushes at me, only to vanish, following which our exact location somehow becomes etched in my mind. Like I’d stared at a map for who knows how long and memorized it. “This should last for about a day or so.”

I look up at him for a moment before nodding with a smile and saying, “Thanks!”

Then I jump off of the cliff again, rushing straight towards the location marked on the map in my head.


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Table of Contents

For those of you who can't view the image:

Name: Scarlet Art Asger de Archeron

Human/Blood Lycan Hybrid

Magic: Blood

Age: 19

Level: 500

SP: 67


Physical: 1,446

Mental: 1,445

Magical: 1,446

Physical/Level: 2

Mental/Level: 1

Magical/Level: 2

Free Points: 0

Mana: 2,507,364/2,507,364

Free Points/Level: 4

Active Skills:

Pain Diffusion

Skill Level: 22


Null Magic Field

Skill Level: 21


Blood of Ruin

Skill Level: 14


Metallicized Blood

Skill Level: 16


Blood Empowerment

Skill Level: 10


Blood Swarm

Skill Level: 6


Beast Form

Skill Level Static


Metallicized Blood   Claws

Skill Level: 25


Life Drain

Skill Level: 25


Partial Shift

Skill Level: Static


Blood Pull

Skill Level: 20


Blood Chains

Skill Level: 18


Blood Diffusion

Skill Level: 15


Gradual Corruption   Nullification

Skill Level: 15


Blood Plague

Skill Level: 10


Crimson Overdrive

Skill Level: 15


Blood Shadow

Skill Level: 10


Blood Retribution

Skill Level: 10


Blood Armor

Skill Level: 10


Blood Manifestation

Skill Level: 10


Blood Sacrifice

Skill Level: 10


Blood Boil

Skill Level: 10


Blood Bank

Skill Level: 10


Passive Skills:

Blood Regeneration

Skill Level: 20


Blood Aura

Skill Level: Static


Blood Absorption

Skill Level: Static


Sanguine Effect

Skill Level: Static


Life Sense

Skill Level: 15


Blood Thirst

Skill Level: 10


Bloody Thorns

Skill Level: 10


Predator V

Skill Level: Static




Thanks for the chapter!

Tanner Hinze

Well worth the wait.


I guess the illusion also affected her age counter in her status? But why would White hide that?


No, it didn't. People don't have a status until they initiate into the System. And she hasn't been a Guardian for a year yet. She was already 19 when she initiated. Also, remember that this is a different planet. Meaning the day of the year might not be the same as on Earth.


To do so you must find and absorb three Class III catalysts Hm, shouldn’t it be three class four catalysts?


No. Class III. Just like how it took 2 Class II catalysts to reach Class III. Would be weird if it skipped a catalyst class.