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                                                         The Void Stream
A Few Days Later

Mikaela sighs as he wonders just what his life has come to. And more importantly, when he’ll be able to leave the Void Stream since the last time he’s been able to leave was before he was brought here.

Then again, repaying my Voided Karma with The Reaper by slaving away as a paid commentator is better than risking my life for a war that isn’t my own…

He sighs once again before focusing on the screen and finding the Winter Wolf to have finished off another mini boss. So he raises his voice, shouting, “And that’s another one down! Now what will our young Reaper find on the boss floor of this theme?! What will he find in this chest?!”

The answer to the latter question comes quickly and turns out to be useless to the man, so he simply tosses it into his inventory on the screen and moves on toward s the exit with Sapphire sitting on his shoulder in her small spider form. Something she hasn’t done for a while.

I guess the girl is starting to mature a bit, so she might just feel embarrassed doing it now that she’s a bit older. Or she could just be bloodthirsty and wanting to fight instead of being carried around everywhere like that.

Mikaela can’t help but wonder about the companion girl though. Since she seems to be maturing faster than her level would have her mature.

From his understanding, most soul-bound companions with humanoid forms tend to age about a year or so for every thousand levels before stopping after that. But Sapphire appears to be aging about a year every couple hundred levels now. Ever since she entered the void.

Could the void be affecting her growth? I know she is affected by her father being a reaper, but is that speeding up her development?

The girl is starting to look more and more like a girl entering puberty at this stage, so Mikaela can understand her wanting some more independence from her father. Not that she’ll get all that much considering where they are.

His thoughts are brought back to the present when the Winter Wolf touches the exit and finds himself on the boss floor, only to end up staring at a massive blob of amorphous tentacles, some made of energy and others actual flesh, eyeballs, wings, and various other body parts. The blob is the size of an entire planet, and Mikaela can already see it devouring some of the darkness element around it thanks to his affinity with the element.

“It looks like the boss has already shown itself to our young Reaper!” Mikaela shouts as the boss’s description is shown to everyone in the Beta Stream along with the Winter Wolf himself.

Everyone stares silently at the screen after reading the frightening description of the creature.

An immortal… how is Wolf going to kill an immortal? There is no way he can create enough elemental energy to fill this thing’s stomach… if it even has a stomach…

Whispers resound throughout the stadium as the billions of viewers, the number having significantly dropped since the beginning of the Void Stream thanks to their own need to survive the war. And even Mikaela can’t help but dumbly stare at the creature, not bothering to say anything.

Meanwhile on the screen, Wolf can be seen pursing his lips for a moment before flapping his wings once and sending a large wave of ice straight towards the creature, only for it to devour it all in an instant without even moving. Without even showing a hint of strain.

Mikaela frowns, snapping out of his stupor as he shouts, “We now have the great Reaper of the Blue Moon facing off against a real immortal!! Who will come out on top?! Will the Reaper of the Blue Moon retain his superiority over everything he’s fought?! Or will he finally meet his match here?!!”

The commentator can’t help but feel some excitement boiling inside of him as he watches the Winter Wolf begin to send attack after attack after attack towards the immortal monstrosity, only for all of the attacks to be devoured in an instant. But his excitement dies down ever so slightly when the creature begins moving towards him at a snail’s pace.

Mikaela blinks in surprise at just how slow the thing is.

Oh. Right. It’s the size of a planet. Of course it’d be slow.

The Winter Wolf frowns for a second on the screen, making more than just Mikaela wonder what exactly he’s planning on doing.

Then he turns around and begins casually flying away from the creature.

All of the cheers in the stadium die down in confusion, and even Mikaela simply stares at the screen, surprised by this turn of events.

“Well…” the vampire eventually mutters, “I guess running is an option too?”

It’s not like the thing can keep up with him…


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Rift Overlord


There is only one Rift Overlord in   existence, and their name is Xygnorbog.

These creatures are natural users of the   void element that devour any and all elemental energy they come across.

The amount of element they can devour   is dependent solely based on their size.

They are impossible to kill unless   completely overloaded with elemental energy.

A Rift Overlord is the most powerful   rift creature in all of the Rift, a secluded portion of the Void Realm set   aside solely for them.

Rift monsters are the failed   experiment by The Reaper that led to the eventual creation of the Devourers.

Xygnorbog is the only Rift Overlord in   existence and has no intelligence, its name only having been given to it by   the System itself after the creature was abandoned by its creator, The Reaper,   and locked in the Beta Dungeon as a test.

If there is one creature that is not   on the level of a progenitor such as the Blood Progenitor, Nosferatu, that can   truly be considered immortal, it would be Xygnorbog.

The only way to kill it is to feed it   more elemental energy than it can possibly devour, and this creature can   devour entire galaxies.

It is, however, not sapient nor able   to do anything other than act solely on instinct.

Level – 2603


Jalil Hayes

I have a feeling he's going to do something really stupid to beat this boss


I haven't read the chapter but book 5 ch 25 ?


O ya great book by the way.


Opps My fault wow new read great, sorry for taking your time to respnd.