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A frown replaces the grin on my face when I hear a cracking sound akin to glass shattering.


{Level 421 Demon Vanguard defeated. An enormous EXP bonus is awarded for killing a creature one hundred and fifty or more levels above your level.}

{One hundred Skill Points are awarded for killing a being one hundred and fifty or more levels above you. The prey has become the predator, climbing their way to the top of the food chain with or without their sanity intact.}

I blankly stare at the System Error notice for a few seconds before I ignore the message before it about me possibly having lost my sanity as I mutter out loud, “What’s the age of etching?”

“It’s the minimum age the System will allow users to use any etched skills they’ve gained,” Tar answers, not sounding surprised. “Generally most people don’t manage to get etched skill slots until they’re Class V anyways, so this has never been a problem before now. And the few times people have gained etched skill slots, they only gained a single one before reaching the Age of Etching at thirty years old. Something that the System just holds in reserve for them, only making a Universal Announcement about the achievement when they reach their Age of Etching.”

Oh. Wait, doesn’t that mean-

My thoughts are interrupted by a dinging sound and the sight of a Universal Notification appearing in front of me.

Wait, I’ve never heard of someone getting an etched skill slot for achieving that before.

“Well, no one has ever achieved that before you did, so of course you wouldn’t have heard of it,” Tar answers, shocking me into silence as another Universal Notification appears right after it.

Well now I am even happier that Amelia redacted my name.

Tar nods his head at that without saying a word.

Then I get another notification from the System, although not a universal one this time.

I blankly stare at this notice for several seconds before turning to find Tar gaping with a nervous look on his face.

“So when are you planning on eating your tail?” I ask him without a hint of smugness in my voice. Absolutely none.

He blinks and retorts, “Just because you’ve completed three of the achievements doesn’t mean you’ll get the last one!”

Hmm. If you say so.

Anyways, considering that Predator V is a requirement, I think it’s safe to assume this is for the mythic version of the skill. Although I didn’t realize it was a Title-Bearing Mythic.

“Yeah, neither did I,” Tar answers, surprising me. Or at least, surprising me until I remember what he just said earlier.

That I’m the only person to ever reach Class III while under twenty years old.

Doesn’t that mean there isn’t a single being alive that has the mythic version of Predator?

“That’s correct,” Tar answers as the notice fades away. “Not even the Demon King or the Demon Lords have the mythic version of the skill.”

Oh. Wow.

“Most people don’t end up fighting beings that far above their level, and those who do generally end up dead,” Tar explains rather bluntly. “You’re an exception thanks to your being a blood lycan of the royal family born with at least thirteen etched skills, along with the upbringing you had.”

I grimace at the mention of my upbringing.

You do have a point though. Without the prophecy I probably wouldn’t have ended up in the situations where I’d end up fighting those demons in the first place, nor would I have wanted to fight them.

I sigh at that thought before letting the rest of the System Messages flow.

{Fifty Skill Points are awarded for taking enough damage to kill most people your level twenty-five times over and surviving. This is not a safe habit either. It is suggested you stop this as well.}

{Ten Skill Points are awarded for killing your first Mummified Drake.}

{One Skill Point is awarded for killing a demon.}

{Congrats, you have leveled up to level 272. Three Free Points have been awarded to you and your stats have been updated.}

{Congrats, you have leveled up to level 290. Three Free Points have been awarded to you and your stats have been updated.}

[Skill ‘Pain Diffusion’ has leveled up to level 14.]

[Skill ‘Pain Diffusion’ has leveled up to level 15.]

[Skill ‘Blood of Ruin’ has leveled up to level 7.]

[Skill ‘Blood of Ruin’ has leveled up to level 8.]

[Skill ‘Metallicized Blood Claws’ has leveled up to level 15.]

[Skill ‘Life Drain’ has leveled up to level 15.]

[Skill ‘Blood Regeneration’ has leveled up to level 15.]

[Skill ‘Metallicized Blood’ has leveled up to level 5.]

[Skill ‘Metallicized Blood’ has leveled up to level 6.]

[Skill ‘Blood Chains’ has leveled up to level 11.]

[You have gained two Etched Skill Slots. To use them, simply wish for one of your skills to become etched, and it will be passed down to all of your descendants regardless of if they were born before or after you etch the skill or skills.]

Okay, seriously. Does the System just think I make a habit of getting myself hurt or something?

Tar turns to look at me as he asks, “Wait, you don’t?”

I stare at him for several seconds before reaching out to grab him, only for the tanuki to retreat to the in-between.


“It’s called a tactical retreat,” Tar says, making me roll my eyes in exasperation. “Not the least bit cowardly.”

If you say so.

Anyways, that’s a lot of skills that just leveled. And quite a few of them reached level fifteen.

Let’s see what changes if any were made to their descriptions…


This chapter was a pain to format :/


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For those of you who can't view the images:

System error

User is below the age of etching yet has completed two   achievements unlocking etched skill slots.

Allocating resources…

Resources allocated

Searching for a solution…

Solution found

User ‘Scarlet Art Asger de Archeron’ has now forcibly had their   etched skills feature unlocked.

Resources returning to usual procedures

Warning! This is a universal notification!

[REDACTED] has obtained an etched skill slot through reaching   Class III under the age of twenty years old!

May their achievement ring out throughout the known universe!

Warning! This is a universal notification!

[REDACTED] has obtained an etched skill slot through defeating a being   one hundred and fifty or more levels above them with no assistance!

May their achievement ring out throughout the known universe!

System Notice

User has completed three out of four of the necessary achievements   in order to obtain a Title-Bearing Mythic Skill.

The achievements they have completed include the following:

Reach Class III while under twenty years old.

Defeat a being one hundred and fifty levels above you without any   assistance.

Have the Predator V Skill.

Complete the final achievement in order to attain the   Title-Bearing Mythic Skill.



TYFC. What is the last skill she needs for the title? I don’t remember it being mentioned?


Awesome! Thanks for verifying that I don’t have dementia yet. 🤣


In the comments of the previous chapter, you mentioned mythic predator requires killing something 250 levels above you. One of the requirements listed in this chapter was 150 levels above. Has mythic predator's reqs been changed or is the mythic skill not predator?

Kristeen Livesay

Man it’s definitely a good thing that Amelia concealed her name or else every guardian on earth would have found out she was demon royalty. Also if it is a title mythic skill for predator will the title be Apex Predator? Sounds like long term foreshadowing to me.


hehehehe awesome!


Not sure if you will answer this in the story but considering it took a demon lord and a knight of humanity in order to have a hybrid would scarlet be able to even have descendants to pass down an etched skill?

Some BS Deity

Great announcement, though scarlet having kids sounds like a pipe dream. She might need the witches to trap her.


My bet is that she has to survive against a being far stronger than her for a period of time


Wait, I think I got it. The level 150 said without any assistance. I believe the level 250 kill allows assistance.


It would be extremely difficult for that to happen, and may not be possible at all. But it's never going to come up in the story, and Scarlet doesn't want kids anyways.


Three Free Points have been awarded to you and your stats have been updated. Four free points?

Kevin Rule

You know, just about everyone who knows her must at least suspect that she’s the one those announcements are about. Of course the blood lycans who know have to be incredibly proud at this point.