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                                                 The Chamber after Scarlet Passed Out

Seraphina feels real fear as she rushes over to Her Highness, the blood of ruin having begun to drain into the sandstone beneath them, turning it into red ash before all five of the Princess’s bodyguards, herself included, immediately begin using their blood magic to heal her. But she knows that even with their help, reattaching two arms and fixing all three of her hearts is too much for them to handle alone.

Nothing but panic fills Seraphina’s head, and she quickly notices the same looks on the other bodyguards’ faces.

Please don’t die!!!!

Tears begin to drip down her face as she continues healing the Princess, focusing first on her hearts before alternating between her hearts after one of them is fixed and her severed arms. But to her surprise, she finds all of her body suddenly beginning to repair itself at frightening speeds, making her stumble backwards and pause her own healing job.

Out of the corner of her eye, she sees the others having stopped as well.

But the healing continues, with Scarlet’s body being completely restored within seconds, absolutely shocking all of the bodyguards.

Then the voice of His Majesty echoes through the room, saying, “You did well not intervening.”

All of the bodyguards immediately kneel when they find the Demon King standing just a meter behind them, not a single one of them having noticed his arrival.

The guards keep their heads down as the Demon King walks over to his granddaughter and picks her up into his arms before saying, “Let’s go.”

Seraphina and the other guards all stand up without any hesitation with a brief, “Yes, Your Majesty.”

Then they all fly straight out of the ceiling, shooting straight through the ground and out of the nest entirely.



I wake up, my eyes opening to find another canopy above my head with the sound of someone pacing next to the large and fancy bed I find myself in.

Why do I feel like I’ve been in this situation before?

“Because you have,” Tar says, his head rising from underneath the blankets, making me look down at him to surprisingly not find him worried. “Why would I be worried when I knew the Demon King was watching you the entire time?”

My jaw drops open.

He was what?!

“Your grandfather kept an eye on you as he dealt with his business throughout your entire trip, not taking his attention away for a moment,” Tar says, making me gape at him in shock. “He told me that he wasn’t going to interfere unless you tried fighting something one hundred and seventy-five levels or more above you. And you didn’t try that. So all he did was instantly heal you after you won.”

I continue staring at him for several seconds until I hear someone clearing their throat, making me glance to the curtain to find that whoever was pacing has stopped right out of the curtain. So I pull the curtain open to find Gramps standing there awkwardly.

“Hi,” he says with an awkward smile.

Oh. Right. He could hear Tar’s voice, so he could tell I was awake even before I made a sound.

I stare at him for a few seconds, my eyes narrowed as I do so, making him appear slightly nervous. But then I let out a sigh before lying back down on the bed again.

“Thank you,” I tell him with a faint smile on my face. And he practically begins glowing at those words.

I roll my eyes at that, only to turn onto my side and ask, “How were you able to heal me?”

Those wounds were pretty severe, and I never heard of the Demon King having a healing skill.

He blinks in surprise before seriously answering, “Blood Domain and Life Energy Control.” I blink at those two skills, so he explains, “Blood Domain lets me have absolute control over blood, remember? And blood is one of the most important things in your body. So I used Life Energy Control to transfer a small amount of my life energy into you to quickly heal the parts of you that didn’t require blood, like sealing off your wounds and reattaching your arms before summoning blood copied from your own cells to replace the blood you lost. Then I simply transferred more life energy to you, healing all of your wounds with a large influx of it.”

My jaw drops open.

“He fully healed you from all of your wounds in just a few seconds,” Tar adds as he climbs on top of my side and looks down at my face.

Gramps grins slightly in pride.

He was able to reattach two arms, heal three hearts, and fix whatever other damage I had while restoring my blood in just a few seconds… and this guy is supposed to be the strongest person in the universe in combat by a massive margin… and is known for his combat… without a hint of news about his healing…

I stare up at him in a daze until I feel Tar tapping me on the face with his paws as he says, “Scarlet, snap out of it!”

That has me blinking before looking at Tar and then Gramps, who now looks slightly worried.

“You’re too broken,” I state rather bluntly with a short nod before sitting up in the bed, knocking the tanuki off me along with the blanket. And to my pleasant surprise, I am wearing the same thing I was wearing prior to falling unconscious.

Meaning no one changed me while I was out.

Honestly, I think I’m starting to make a nasty habit of almost dying and then going unconscious for someone to heal me.

I should probably stop that.

“You think?” Tar asks, sounding more than a little sarcastic.

Yeah, probably.

“I’ll leave you alone now that you’re awake,” Gramps says with a light pat on my head that has one of my ears that he touches in the process twitching slightly. “I’m sure you want to check out your gains right about now.”

I nod at that, frowning slightly at his hand but not moving it. Both because he saved me, and I have my sensitivity severely toned down right now anyways. Meaning it isn’t very uncomfortable.

He smiles rather widely after seeing me not push him away before he turns around, removing his hand and beginning to walk away.

It’s kind of creepy how well that old man seems to know me sometimes. Almost as if he can tell what I will and won’t like and avoids it while making sure he can spend time with me and protect me despite it.

Although… it also makes me feel slightly warm that I have a blood relative who actually cares about me and hasn’t done anything bad to me.

Well, except the whole demon war thing. But he’s at least stopping killing the civilians.

So there’s that.

I shake my head to dislodge any more thoughts on my doting Grandfather before focusing on my System Messages with a grin of my own.

Time to see what I got.

“Time to see what legendary skill you’ve unlocked this time…” Tar grumbles, actually making me laugh out loud due to how despondent and straight up defeated he sounds. Like he’s gotten used to having his reality turned on its head by now.

Anyways, I let my System Messages flow.


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Thanks for the chapter!


First of all, thanks for the chapter. Second of all, the crunchy-numbers cliffhanger is going to make me lose sleep tonight


Maybe Tar will be wrong and it’s a mythic skill or something XD

Kristeen Livesay

Somehow I felt more comfortable having a cliffhanger after scarlet collapsed than I did before she sees her new kills and I’m not sure how I should feel about that.


Thanks for the chapter!


Nah, mythic skill will be for enemies 250 level higher


One. one hand you know as the protag she won't die. Period. So the "danger" from our perspective is non existent. Two. Instead seeing the kill notifications and skills is ehat we desperately want to know. So of course the allure of not knowing the new skills vs knowing she wont die.... The new skills is harder to wait for


I'd love that. Though perhaps it's still too early? Mythic skills after all are the final rank

Darius Sanguna

Nah earlier in the story it was said that the final predator upgrade should happen at 150, and that one will be mythic. Also she got Predator V for something she didn't actually kill herself, remember it was that lvl 150 wraith when she was just around lvl 30. Now she killed something 150 levels above when she was only lvl 300 or so, meaning she killed something 1 1/2 times her own level without assistance, if she doesn't get the mythic predator skill for that I'm gonna be cross with our dear author.

Darius Sanguna

I'm gonna be cross with the Author if she doesn't get the Mythic Predator for killing something 1 1/2 times her level without assistance. After all she got the legendary version for "just" surviving something 5 to 6 times her level. (Lvl150 wraith at around lvl 20-30, which she got saved from by Frost/Cynthia)


I said she would get it when she killed something 250 levels above her. Nowhere did it ever say 150.


Too bad then. I've already stated before in comments somewhere she would get the Mythic version when she kills something 250 or more levels above her. It's called mythic for a reason. It's not going to be given out just for killing something 50 levels higher than the last version of the skill. It scales upwards. Predator IV was 50 levels above her, V was 100 above her. It wouldn't just make it 1.5 times higher for the mythic version. That just wouldn't be consistent.