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To my pleasant surprise, the floating wings are not immune to my ice element. So I turn them all into popsicles the moment I try, leaving me to smile as I walk through their frozen corpses, enjoying the large surplus of EXP they just gave me.

Maybe I might like this floor better than the previous floors.

I continue walking for a while, killing monster after monster with my ice element as it seems most of the monsters on this floor aren’t immune to it like the previous floors. Something I’m very grateful for.

Now this is a much needed break.

It also answers my question of if the element eating thing is something unique to those rift monsters, since none of the monsters on this floor have had rift in their name unlike the other ones in this floor theme.

I down another stamina potion before jumping across the space between tiny floating planets the size of islands, only to kill another wave of floating wings the moment I land on the mass of dirt and rock. And as I do, Sapphire finally begins to stir on my back, making me glance over my shoulder to find her eyes blinking open seemingly in confusion.

“Have a nice nap, sleepyhead?” I ask with a raised brow, not bothering to stop freezing a floating eyeball that I notice coming at me from a shadow in the planet.

She blinks for a few seconds, still likely half asleep, before her eyes widen and she mutters, “You just killed it with ice…”

“Yep,” I answer her statement cheerfully while moving to set her down on the ground, popping my neck once after she stands.

Sapphire smiles herself and says, “Good.” Then she begins stretching a little as I focus on my senses to check out the surrounding areas again for life sources.

Nothing particularly big in the area. Mostly just thousands of small things like the floating wings and eyeballs.

Speaking of them, another pack of floating wings begins rushing towards us before I freeze them all solid.

“They’re still gross,” Sapphire comments on the floating wings, making me snort in amusement.

“Gross or not, I’d rather deal with these than those annoying rift monsters that had a habit of eating our ice,” I point out while putting my hands in my pockets, the floor proving to be a lot easier than I was expecting of a Beta Dungeon floor.

Which might not be such a good sign, but I’ve already seen the three types of monsters for the floor, and none were particularly dangerous to us. To others, probably. But not to us.

Not when I can just freeze them all with ease.

Sapphire makes a face and crosses her arms only to sigh and put her hands in her pockets as well as she grumpily mutters, “Guess you’re right…”

I smirk at that before continuing to walk across the planet towards the closest pack of monsters.

“Let’s level up some this time before trying on the mini boss,” I state, finding Sapphire nodding while quickly catching up with me and walking next to me.


I tilt my head slightly as I stare at the frozen corpse of what was the mini boss for the floor.

“So…” I mutter, making Sapphire nod her head from her place kneeling next to the boss poking the ice. “That was easy.”

She nods again.

Silence fills the void of space we’re in, leaving the large planet we’re currently on feeling rather awkward.

The mini boss was just a giant pair of wings. Angel wings, to be exact. And they didn’t exactly get to do much before they were frozen.

I almost kind of pity them.

Sapphire’s face suddenly lights up as if she just remembered something before she turns to me and asks, “Didn’t the System mention something about a dictionary when it first sent us to this dungeon?”

I blink at her for a second, only for my eyes to widen.

Shit. It did.

“Yes, that it did,” I grumble before focusing on the mini boss and thinking ‘Beta Dictionary,’ making a notification appear in my vision above the creature.

I blink at that description before really looking at the creature again.

“Good thing we killed them so quickly…” I mutter, making Sapphire nod her head in agreement.

Would’ve been a problem if they had the time to grow stronger through the fight.


We stare at the corpse in silence for a while before we both stand up and begin walking towards the mini boss chest. And what I end up getting from it turns out to be completely useless since it is an item that requires me to use the fire element. Which I can’t exactly do.

I sigh at that before walking over to the exit.

The loot boxes and rewards chests for the Beta Dungeon are all much better than what I got in the Administrator Dungeon, but at the same time, I’m still not getting stuff I can use like a third of the time. Which is a pain.

Guess it’s a price I have to pay for being a harbinger.

Although if I can get some sort of item that makes use of the void element, I might be able to put that to use when I perfect the technique I’m making to separate my voided eternal ice element from the void element it merges with. If I can do that then I’ll be able to put the void element to a much better use than struggling to control it myself with little success.

I glance at Sapphire for a moment before reaching out and touching the exit.

Well, onto the next floor.


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Bane Wings


Bane Wings are creatures made up of   void energy without the ability to use it. The creatures are immune to all   void damage but have little to no defenses against other elements.

Bane Wings grow stronger the longer   they are in battle, the void energy within their body naturally absorbing more   and riling itself up as the battle goes on.

It is recommended for anyone fighting   a Bane Wings to kill it as quickly as possible, along with its lesser Bane   Wings.


Level – 2473



Thanks for the chapter!