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So I realized that the map was messed up in terms of size, so I fixed it.

The only thing that's different is the distance scaling and the size of some of the structures.


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Ronny Cook

May be a silly question, but what shape is Tartarus? Is it a sphere or flat, toroid or cylindrical? Basically, do any/all of the edges wrap around, and how is the scaling affected towards the poles? Size of structures is a nonissue IMO; nobody expects towns on a fantasy map to be true to scale - if this one were true to scale the Demon Lord's Castle would be around 5000km high. (But then, fair call, nobody asks about map projections either. Main reason I'm asking is if it wraps E/W then the Castle of Ruin is right next to the Spider's Burrow.)


It is round. Just look at the map and you should be able to tell. I put in extra effort to make that noticeable :/

Ronny Cook

I thought I saw the E/W wrapping but it's less obvious at the poles (which shouldn't wrap on a spherical map, but the colouring hints that they do - ergo toroidal being in my list of possible topologies)


You do realize this planet doesn't work the same as a regular planet in terms of climate and positioning right? Remember that Earth's climate was messed up due to the Demonic Assaults? Tartarus is the same but it's been like this for millennia.

Ronny Cook

Yes, you mentioned when you posted the first version. Magic geography is magic. But you can't say it's a sphere and still wrap north/south - spheres don't work that way. (although I notice you say it's round, not that you say it's a sphere...) Of course, it could just be non-Euclidean. Magic again.

Tanner Hinze

It wraps east/west, it’s stretched at the poles. That little bit of lighter ocean on the bottom right is actually the coast of the desert


It be cool to see earth and what it would look like at the state it is in your eyes. You know after the firelo... Uhem I mean the demon king attacked.