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Nathan Fox

Description: 18 years old. Immortal due to a magical accident. Has short brown, wavy hair, blue eyes, a skinny but muscular build, and the permanent appearance of about a seventeen year old boy.

Affinity: Fire.

Weapons: Arcadian metal sword and a sniper rifle.

First Semester Classes:

Magic Circuitry first

Fundamentals of Fire second

Mana Manipulation third

Lunch fourth

Magical Warfare fifth

Meditation sixth

Tactics and Battle Strategy seventh

Aidan Hawkins

Description: 18 years old. Energetic and friendly. In a relationship with Sophia. Best friends with Nathan.

Affinity: Wind with a specialization towards Lightning.

Weapons: One long dagger and one short sword.

Cyria Argent

Description: 18 years old. Daughter of the Healer General. Has long black hair and blue eyes.

Affinity: Water.

Weapons: Uses a pistol and a sword.

Amelia Marshall

Description: 18 years old. Daughter to the Dark magic councilwoman. Has dark eyes, black hair worn in a single braid, and has sharp features on her face. Best friends with Nathan and like a sister to him.

Affinity: Dark with a specialization towards Shadow.

Weapons: Unknown.

Sophia Inverno

Description: 18 years old. Has brown hair and green eyes, with a bit of an obsession towards anything magical. Is a member of a branch family of the Winters family.

Affinity: Poison.

Weapons: Pistol and a long metal staff.

Rebecca Hunter

Description: 18 years old. Part of the Hunter family. Has golden eyes and hair.

Affinity: Gravity special affinity.

Weapons: Bow and Knife.

Jason Fox

Description: Nathan's father.

Affinity: Wind magic with a specialization for Lightning.

Weapons: Unknown.

Julia Fox

Description: Nathan's mother.

Affinity: Not a magician.

Weapons: Unknown.

Vilgeirr Thorn

Description: Nathan's Meditation course instructor. Captain in the military.

Affinity: Unknown.

Weapons: Unknown.

Leonidas de Ashford

Description: Nathan's Fundamentals of Fire instructor, his Magical Warfare instructor, and his Magic Circuitry instructor. Major in the military and a Class C magician. Member of the Ashford family.

Affinity: Fire.

Weapons: Sniper rifle and sword.

Dawn Suess

Description: Nathan's Mana Manipulation instructor. Doesn't like Nathan due to him defeating her son in a duel. Captain in the military and Class D magician.

Affinity: Water with a specialization towards Flesh.

Weapons: Unknown.

Anabel Walker

Description: The Swordplay class instructor and the one who is teaching Nathan about swordplay. Also the Internship Supervisor. Major in the military and Class C magician who is getting close to Class B.

Affinity: Enhancement.

Weapons: Swords.

Adalwolf Giese

Description: He is a Class S death magician and the king of the Kingdom of the Fallen, previously known as the Kingdom of Giese. He is also a skeleton.

Affinity: Death.

Weapons: Unknown.

Artorius Hunter

Description: He is the current chairman of the Republic and a newly advanced Class S magician who is obsessed with doing everything he believes he can to benefit his nation.

Affinity: Anti-magic.

Weapons: Unknown.

Leodmir Archeron

Description: He is Nathan’s doctor and experimented on him for years to find out how his immortality worked. He is also the leader of the Class S’s side of the war against the nations and a Class S magician himself.

Affinity: Space.

Weapons: Unknown.

List of Affinities:

Fire: Controls heat, flames, lava, etc.
Water: Controls cold, water, ice, etc.
Wind: Controls wind, lightning, air/vapors, etc.
Nature: Controls the ground, nature, trees, healing etc.
Dark: Controls darkness, curses, undead/unholy magic, etc.
Light: Controls light, holy magic, healing, etc.
Poison: Controls poisons and other afflictions.
Enhancement: Enhances the body of the user in various different ways.
Special: Unique magics and uncommonly seen magics that are rare and can be very dangerous or can do almost nothing.

List of Terms:

Magician: A person with an affinity and the ability to manipulate their own personal mana. They are born with mana arcs in their body which store their mana and act as muscles to use it. Magicians are more often than not incredibly selfish and are willing to do terrible things to get stronger.

Arcane Academy: The academy that eighteen to nineteen year olds who have an affinity with magic within the Republic of Arcania go to after graduating from high school. This place is meant to teach them how to use magic, however it is not meant to turn them into soldiers. It's set up this way because of the way most magicians work, and how they will only be serving for a limited number of years before working on their own, outside of the Arcadian government's direct control.

List of Ranks in the Republic of Arcania's military:

Non-Magician Ranks:
Warrant Officer

Magician Ranks:
Second Lieutenant
First Lieutenant
General – There are only 4 Generals in the army.
There are nine Council Members above the military.

Magician Classes:

Class E Magician – Apprentice level magicians whose symbol is a circle. To be classified as a Class E Magician, one has to take a single lesson about magic from a sanctioned academy, be able to cast a Tier I spell, and have at least 10 arcs of mana.

Class D Magician – Most common class of magician whose symbol is a circle with a star in the center, with one of the five points filled in. To be classified as a Class D Magician, one must be able to cast a Tier III spell and have at least 30 arcs of mana.

Class C Magician – This is the minimum class to be a major in the military and its symbol is a circle with a star, with two of the five points filled in. To be classified as a Class C Magician, one must be able to cast a Tier IV spell, be able to sense the formation of spell circles, and have at least 60 arcs of mana.

Class B Magician – This is the minimum class to be a general in the military and its symbol is a circle with a star, with three of the five points filled in. To be classified as a Class B Magician, one must be able to cast a Tier VI spell and have at least 300 arcs of mana.

Class A Magician – This is the minimum class to be on the council and its symbol is a circle with a star, with four of the five points filled in. To be classified as a Class A Magician, one must be able to cast a Tier VIII spell and have at least 900 arcs of mana.

Class S Magician – Class S magicians are considered national treasures and do not directly serve under any government no matter how much the governments dislike it, and their symbol is a circle with a star, with all of the five points filled in. However, some of them do sometimes assist the government they used to be a part of before becoming a Class S. To be classified as a Class S Magician, one must be able to cast a Tier X spell, be able to free-cast, and have at least 3000 arcs of mana.

List of Spell Tiers:

Tier I
Capacity: Maximum of 2 arcs of mana per spell.
Summary: Can create small exterior spells, such as a weak barrier, or a fireball.

Tier II
Capacity: Maximum of 5 arcs of mana per spell.
Summary: Can create stronger exterior spells, such as a large fireball, or a sound-proof barrier.

Tier III
Capacity: Maximum of 10 arcs of mana per spell.
Summary: Can create weak interior spells that directly affect someone’s body, such as targeted healing spells, or curses.

Tier IV
Capacity: Maximum of 25 arcs of mana per spell.
Summary: Can create spells on the scale of an entire battlefield.

Tier V
Capacity: Maximum of 50 arcs of mana per spell.
Summary: Can create stronger interior spells, such as shapeshifting.

Tier VI
Capacity: Maximum of 100 arcs of mana per spell.
Summary: Can create spells that affect the mind, such as mind crush or telepathy.

Tier VII
Capacity: Maximum of 175 arcs of mana per spell.
Summary: Can create stronger spells that can warp the mind.

Capacity: Maximum of 300 arcs of mana per spell.
Summary: Can create spells on the scale of an entire city.

Tier IX
Capacity: Maximum of 500 arcs of mana per spell.
Summary: Can create spells that permanently change someone’s body.

Tier X
Capacity: Maximum of 1000 arcs of mana per spell.
Summary: Can create strategic scale spells that might even damage reality.


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