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And here's the epilogue for book 2! The next chapter will be another glossary. The one that will mark the start of book 3, because I need to do that. And then book 3 will begin tomorrow.


The Border between the Inner and Outer Rings of the Kingdom of the Fallen
                                  Year 2850 | Month 2 | Day 2

Felix can’t help but feel relieved as he kneels down in front of the Baron in front of him. Relieved that he survived the assault against that monster. Relieved that all of his adversaries were wiped out. And relieved that he got an audience with the Baron in the first place.

That relief immediately drains away though when Baron Henry Cavendish – a Class B Baron from before the kingdom’s fall – says, “You really expect me to believe this? To believe that a child somehow attained immortality and took on nine Class C magicians on their own while at Class D? Are you here to piss me off, or are you just that daft?”

Felix quickly holds out a video card while keeping his head down and answering the man, “My lord, please look at this. It contains evidence of my claims!”

Silence fills the office for several seconds, making Felix begin to wonder if coming was a bad idea or not. But eventually he feels the Baron taking the video card from his hand before he begins walking away towards his desk. And it’s only now that Felix finally gains the courage to raise his head and look at the man.

The Baron has light gray hair and is widely known to be in his late sixties to early seventies. He is wearing a set of armor similar to the one Felix and the other Class C magicians destroyed that belonged to the Undying Magician, but clearly outdated and old. And he has a simple sword sheathed at his waist. One whose sheath is pitch black with several light streaks of silver running through it.

“This has better be worth the time you’ve wasted so far,” the Baron says in a gruff tone of voice, but right after he pushes a button on his desk to bring down a projector screen and is about to put the video card inside of his computer, he pauses and waves a hand at Felix. Several magic circles then appear around Felix, making him panic for a moment, only for silver chains to wrap all around the man. And even after he tries to use a teleportation spell to get out of it, more chains simply smash into the spell circles he summons before they can do anything, leaving him stuck in the chains. “You will sit quietly while I review this. And if it has been a waste of time, I’ll find a very nice use for you.”

Felix feels shivers run down his spine at those words, but he still manages to calm down as the Baron puts the video card in and begins to bring the video up onto the projector.

He’ll let me go after he sees the video. I’m sure he will.

The video begins to play on the projector, and the Baron simply crosses his arms as he watches it, not showing a single reaction until the video reaches the point where the nine magicians are combining their spells into one. At which point he glances at Felix with a raised brow and asks, “You really went to the trouble of constructing a multi-element spell just for this brat?”

The Baron doesn’t bother listening to his response though, simply returning his attention back to the screen again before watching the spell play through, completely eradicating the seventeen or eighteen year old appearing boy from existence. And after he sees that, he turns to narrow his eyes at Felix, only for Felix to shout, “Keep watching!”

“This better be worth the time,” the Baron says with malice clear in his eyes before he focuses on the screen again, soon finding the video to be speeding up over the span of ten minutes. Then, after he sees the orb of blue and purple mana appear, his eyes immediately widen, and he uncrosses his arms while stepping around his desk to get closer to the projector screen. “It can’t be…”

Felix relaxes a little when he hears that, and even more when he stretches his neck around to follow the man as he walks up to the screen and becomes totally enthralled by the process of the Undying Magician reforming himself.

That’s it. Exactly the response I was hoping for.

A faint smile stretches across Felix’s lips as he sees the look of both awe and obsession forming on the Baron’s face.

The old man is getting closer and closer each year to passing away from old age, so the possibility of immortality is far too much for him to ever pass up on.

Just according to Felix’s prediction, the man immediately turns around the moment the video ends and begins walking around his desk while snapping his fingers, making the chains all shatter in an instant, freeing Felix in the process. He then stops in front of his chair behind the desk and slams his hands on the desk itself, asking, “Where is this boy?! I must capture him!”

Felix rubs various places on his body that the chains had hurt in the process of capturing him as he answers, “First I would like a guarantee of protection from him, along with a portion of the research results you get from experimenting on him.”

The Baron narrows his eyes on Felix and doesn’t say anything for a few seconds before eventually saying, “Very well. You will have your protection and results. But first I will need to prepare.” He looks down at his desk for a second before grabbing his terminal – one from before the Kingdom fell – and begins messing with it for a bit. “And I will need to gather another two Barons helping us to make a Tier VIII spell, no matter how much I despise the idea.”

Felix grins as the man starts a call on his terminal and begins speaking with another Baron through it.

Now let’s see who gets the last laugh, Undying Magician.


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Danielle Warvel

I really want for Nathan to power up. All these asshole higher ranks just won’t leave him alone and they need some comeuppance.