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“Looks like teams Crimson Gourd and Lost in the Fog are both eliminated now,” I interrupt the others’ conversation to mention, having heard the cores shattering from here.

Denise and Belle both grin at that before giving each other a fist bump, meanwhile Michael pauses in his conversation with Emily before nodding at me with a smile.

“This just leaves one team remaining aside from us,” Michael says, only for all of our attention to be brought to the sky where that exact information is being displayed. That there are only two teams remaining.

“Do you know where the enemy teams are?” Michael asks me, but I shake my head and answer, “Not all of their team members. The Angel’s tower is too far away for me to hear. But I can tell that Molten Angel himself is still at Crimson Gourd’s tower, likely getting through his cooldown right now.”

Too bad his cooldown won’t last anywhere near long enough for us to reach him.

Michael hums for a second before rubbing the stubble growing on his chin and looking down.

I glance out the window as he thinks. From my understanding, one of the Angel’s team is already dead. But at the same time, their team has higher level Guardians on it than ours. In fact, our team had the lowest level Guardians in this entire final round despite having the most survive thus far.

“You said that Molten Angel is still at Crimson Gourd’s tower, right?” Michael asks, bringing my attention back to him again as I finally get up from the windowsill I was sitting on, wincing slightly as my wound shifts. And when I nod, he continues, “Then how would you feel about going out to deal with him while we stay here and defend the tower?”

My brows lift for a moment before I nod again, following which the man walks up to me and places his hand above my wound, healing it the rest of the way.

He didn’t heal it before mostly to save mana, but also partially because the wound was too bad. So we needed to wait for my regeneration to heal the worst of it.

My arm was almost severed after all. And his healing can’t reattach limbs yet.

I let out a slight sigh of relief after he finishes healing the wound before backing up again. He then says, “Go ahead and do what you do best then.”

That has me grinning in a way that shows all of my teeth.

This will be fun.

I pop off a salute for no reason before jumping out the window, grabbing onto the sill as I go down before jumping down, occasionally digging my hand into the tower wall to slow my fall until I reach the ground where I immediately head off towards Crimson Gourd’s tower. Or more specifically, towards Molten Angel.

It’s too bad Emily can’t come with me, but we need everyone at the tower in case the Angels remaining team members attack. They should have three of them still aside from Molten Angel himself, and I can’t see them leaving their tower. Not while Molten Angel is gone.

But just in case they do, we need Emily with the others at the tower to defend. Push comes to shove, even with their lower level, they should be able to take on three of the opposing team members without me.

It’s Molten Angel that we need to worry about. And I’m pretty sure I can handle his particular skills just like how I dealt with Sentinel in the ranking tournament at Lion’s Heart.


                                                       Crimson Gourd’s Tower

Ethan wasn’t entirely confident about taking on the remnants of the Crimson Gourd team all by himself, but his teammate was already killed, and their strongest member was dealing with Lost. So not only did he not have a choice, but he felt like he had a chance.

But when the magma didn’t kill them all right away, he couldn’t help but feel extremely nervous.

I’m just glad that we were near their core…

Ethan shakes his head at the thought, his cooldown finally ending, allowing him to climb to his feet as he stretches out the kinks he always gets from using that skill and getting stuck in place for a while. After he finishes that, he checks his current mana before frowning at the sight of it below half capacity.

That’s not good. I’m pretty sure I still need to deal with that wolf and Lost…

Ethan glances out the window of the tower to find the words displaying at the top of the arena.

Or just the wolf then. Either way, I don’t like my chances there. Especially not with her passive attacks.

He frowns at the thought before shaking his head and beginning to make his way down the stairs. But he doesn’t get far before his terminal buzzes, prompting him to look at it and find a message from his team’s diviner that has his eyes widening.

[The wolf in red is out on the hunt.]

Even with the diviner’s typical cryptic prophesy, Ethan can still tell without a doubt what the message means.

She’s after me. Already.

Ethan hesitates for a moment before shaking his head and heading back to the top of the tower.

The wolf would have a much greater advantage in the woods than I’d have. So it’ll be best to stay in the tower and wait for her.

The man continues running up the tower again until he reaches the top and looks out over the forest, trying in vain to find the girl who should be heading his way. After failing to catch even a glimpse of the girl for over an entire minute, Ethan feels his terminal buzzing again. And when he opens the new message from Rachel, a faint grin stretches across his face.

[Opposing team has walled up, fight the wolf with magma, water, and life.]

Last Stand is staying at their tower to defend it, leaving the Scarlet Wolf to go on the assault lone.

He raises his head, any fear that was on his face having vanished.

It’s a good thing we have a diviner on our team, otherwise we wouldn’t have known that it was safe for Madison and David to head over here as backup.

Ethan actually starts to grin as he keeps his eyes on the trees in the forest, eager to see the wolf’s face when she finds three opponents to deal with instead of one. And as if on cue with his thoughts, a flash of light shines from right next to him, following which a man and woman appear next to him. The man then nods his head towards Ethan before cloaking the two of them with a green energy.

This’ll be good.


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Can’t wait for this to explode in their face


you know with scarlets hearing she might just change directions and go for the core


exactly... she hears ther are 3, she just goes for the tower and cracks the core with one hand while ripping the diviners throat out with the other :p

James Nagy

Idk if her pride lets her make the right decision to cancel her hunt to go for the core


She actually doesn't hear them this time. Let's just say that one of them has a special magic that is even better at stealth than the stealth one as long as they are staying absolutely still and not moving.


With this condition, wouldn't she have heard them teleporting there?


No one ever said their teleportation made any noise. Just that it was a flash of light.