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                                        Year 2849 | Month 2 | Day 1

I’m woken up by a loud explosion echoing throughout the cave. Without an ounce of hesitation, I shoot up out of my bed before grabbing my rifle and sword from my storage and rushing out of my house. But all I find are the refugees running around haphazardly in a panic. So I rush out through the village and the tunnels until I reach the entrance to the caves where I find the entrance completely blown to smithereens.

Damnit, that’s gonna be a pain to fix. Couldn’t they have just knocked to tell me they’re ready to fight?!

Outside of the entrance I find the nine magicians simply standing there in an arc without any of their soldiers with them. And of the nine, one of them has a large spear of fire currently dissipating above his shoulder, likely having been what was used to destroy my poor barrier.

Quickly coming to the conclusion that it would be pointless to go outside where they’re just waiting for me, I grab my sniper rifle and aim it directly at the first one of the magicians that I can get a lock on before firing. And the bullet shoots straight towards them, startling them into pumping more mana into the barrier they already have set up.

My flaming bullet strikes their barrier directly, making a loud explosion in the process. But even after the dust settles, the magician is still standing there with a frown on their face, their barrier only having cracked a tiny amount from the bullet.

Hmm. Class C magician closer to Class B than that Victor guy was.

Gonna be a pain to deal with. And if I’m being honest, using my rifle in this battle is going to be a waste of bullets and time.

I put my rifle in my storage spell before drawing my sword and walking out of the cave.

An Arcadian Metal sword should do a lot better against their shields.

“You have one last chance to put down your weapon and come quietly,” the guy directly in the center of the magicians calls out. I’m pretty sure his name was Frost, the leader of Frost Veil. But I could be mistaken since I only met the guy once. “If you do, we guarantee your safety along with the safety of the refugees inside as long as you cooperate with our experiments and hand over all of your technology from the mainland.”

Yeah, guess they would want to experiment. And their gazes that are locked on my sword kind of makes it obvious that they want the Arcadian Metal that it’s made of.

I shake my head with a sigh before tightening my grip on my sword slightly and asking, “Did you really think that would work?”

Frost shakes his head, answering rather bluntly, “Not really. Only said it because of appearances.”

Of course he did.

“How about I return the favor then?” I ask with a slight smirk on my face. “If you leave here now, I won’t take offense by this attack of yours. After you fix my cave’s entrance, of course.”

The man shakes his head again while raising his hands, making a massive spell appear over our heads. Meanwhile the others all pump more and more mana into their barriers while also using some sort of device that gives them a blue barrier just like Frost has. Likely one made to defend against whatever spell the man is currently using.

And as if the Tier IV spell wasn’t already enough, Frost grabs some sort of ornamental dagger and raises it straight up towards the massive spell circle around us. The dagger then begins glowing with a bright blue light before becoming a light itself and shooting up towards the spell, enhancing it and making the spell circle begin to grow till it’s over a hundred meters in size.

Wow. This is getting big.

I sprint forward to attack Frost before he can finish the spell, but as expected, the four of the other magicians begin bombarding me with their own attacks. Meanwhile the remaining four walk up to Frost and put their hands up, creating three more spell circles above and beneath the massive spell circle made of ice mana. These three new ones being made out of wind, water, and lightning mana.

What surprises me the most though is the sight of the fourth magician making a spell circle beneath all of us. A purple one using mana I don’t recognize. Most likely some sort of special affinity.

The spell circles above finally start producing results as I defend myself from the four Class C magicians hammering me with spells without much success, the magicians’ stronger grasp of mana, their higher Tier and more advanced spells, and their overall higher amount of mana arcs than me making this very difficult. But despite being hammered and having a lot of my armor – or what’s left of it – getting badly damaged and practically destroyed in places, I can’t help but look up to find a massive storm of ice, wind, snow, lightning, and water that quickly freezes to become hail along with the ice and snow building up above us all. And the storm soon begins to eradicate the forest around us.

Before it can directly reach us though, the purple spell beneath our feet finally activates, sending a wave of purple mana straight up from the ground to stop above all our heads, following which all nine magicians vanish. Not before one of the four magicians who were attacking me seals off the entrance to the cave by sending a bolt of nature mana straight at it, causing a cave-in.

Fucking teleportation special affinity. Of course they had a magician with that.

A loud crash of thunder echoes, followed by another, and another as the gales from above grow wilder and wilder. And along with the storm itself which has spread out over hundreds of meters, a funnel of what looks to be a tornado begins to form. Then the storm that had spread out around the area begins to condense, growing more and more focused on the building tornado, all the way till the tornado fully forms and crashes straight down towards me.

Well this might hurt.

Then the tornado of ice, snow, wind, and lightning hits.


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