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This week might be a bit hectic since I have finals this week and the next for the semester. So keep that in mind if there aren't as many chapters.

That and I'm sick.


                                        Year 820 | Month 4 | Day 18

Before I can say or do anything, a mission appears in my vision.


Mission Acquired!

Title: Eliminate or Drive Off the Ancient Lanflat

You have come across an Ancient Lanflat of the Grand Ocean!

Kill or drive off the beast!


Reward for killing the Ancient Lanflat:

1000000 EXP and a Tier 4 [Random Item Draw]

Reward for driving off the Ancient Lanflat:

500000 EXP and a Tier 4 [Random Item Draw]


I raise a brow at the rewards, which seem a touch mediocre for what I’d be doing. But I turn my head back and shout, “Thórir now’s a good a time as any!” before focusing on the beast again to find it practically right up in my face already with its mouth slowly opening to reveal hundreds of sharp teeth and a forked tongue that doesn’t befit the size of the creature. And behind it I can see a strange ball at the end of its dozens of meters long, narrow body glowing with an eerie blue light on the tip of its tail.

Another glowing blue light begins building up in its mouth, to which I raise my hands and send several bolts of Wrath Lightning to strike at, pushing whatever was forming into the back of its mouth and stunning the creature. But not doing much more beyond that as the light still continues to grow.

What does stop the creature though is the giant weapon at the front of the ship suddenly shooting out in the form of a massive spike, with various other spikes on the side of the weapon, piercing straight into the creature’s lower body beneath its head. The Tier 4 sea monster then lets out a scream while wagging its head back and forth, which I take advantage of to rain more bolts of Wrath Lightning down on it, only for it to leave nothing more than mere burns. And since it’s in the water, I can’t do much to it physically.

Damned sea creatures.

I only have a single ranged attack and it’s not doing shit to this thing. So how am I…

My eyes are drawn to the open wound that is left when the massive weapon on the ship slowly retracts out of the creature – a weapon given to each nation’s flag ship for the exact purpose of making it to the World Tree during Conjunctions.

I immediately switch my target from the creature’s hide to the open wound that is pouring blue blood freely into the water, and this time it actually causes some clear damage. Especially since water is also flowing into the wound, carrying the charge further with it.

The sea monster lets out a loud roar of pain before going beneath the surface and swimming away, leaving us be. Then I get a dinging sound echoing in my head followed by the notice of completion for the mission.

Huh. That wasn’t too hard.

Too bad there will be a lot more Tier 4 sea monsters throughout our trip. And that weapon can only fire once an hour.

“Looks like we’re in for the long haul,” I hear the prince shouting from his place on the deck fighting a siren, and I can’t help but nod my head in agreement as I continue attacking the smaller sea monsters approaching the ship from the sides with my Wrath Lightning.

This is going to be a really long night.


                                    Year 820 | Month 4 | Day 20

“Well, if there’s one thing that made this trip a lot more enjoyable, then it was the missions,” I mutter to the princes as we sit at a table on the deck a couple days after the first Tier 4 showed up. And since then, nearly a dozen other Tier 4 sea monsters appeared, most of which we dealt with using the three weapons given to us by the Sacred Beasts. But two of them I had to stall personally so that the weapons could run through their cooldown.

A massive pain overall, but each time a Tier 4 sea monster showed up, I was given a mission. So I got a large amount of EXP from all this.

“It’s too bad each mission was giving less and less EXP every time it happened though,” Thórir mutters, and I can’t help but nod my head in agreement.

Because if all of the missions gave the same amount of EXP, then I would’ve been past halfway to having the EXP needed to level The Calling of Wrath to level three. But nope. They had to lower each time.

I kind of wish I was able to kill one of them, but the monsters kept retreating before it got to that point. And I couldn’t exactly follow them, otherwise I’d be the one in trouble. Seeing as I have never fought in the water before, and I’m certainly not doing it for the first time in a sea monster infested ocean.

At this point I believe we’re around one more day’s distance from the World Tree, so there shouldn’t be much more in terms of danger around here. As long as we don’t run into the leviathan that is.

Or worse. The World Serpent.

But the last time that monster was seen was before I was born, so it’s not likely to run into it.

If we do though, then it’ll probably just eat us in one gulp with its massive size anyways, so it shouldn’t be a painful death.

I look away from the ocean to go back to watching the two princes in front of me play their card game. We’ve entered one of the less turbulent areas of the ocean according to the King, and since it’s the middle of the day, sea monsters are far less common. And this is what these two decided to do to pass the time.

An interesting game, if I’m being honest.

I glance at the hatch to the lower deck as it opens to reveal Ragnar as he walks up onto the deck, finally having gotten over his seasickness.

Took him a while.

The guy walks over to us, narrowing his eyes at me likely in the process of remembering his barfing sessions before he focuses on their game and pulls up a chair asking, “May I join?”

And both princes immediately let him in. One because he’s losing, and the other because he seems to be getting bored of constantly beating Thórir.

They both asked me a couple times if I wanted to join as well, but I said no.

I’m more of a spectator when it comes to cards.

So I continue wasting the day away just watching them play from my seat next to the table.


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Thanks for the chapter Hope you start to feel better soon and good luck on the exams.