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The others – after their initial surprise to learning that I was the one who cleared the Fracture, and Belle’s initial scolding of my being reckless before she realized that I wasn’t – quickly move on to bringing the results of our shopping spree back to the limo. And during this process, I can’t help but notice that Arthur was still holding the bags when I got back.

Guess he held onto them in the bunker he hid in while the others fought.

And now he’s carrying them again.

I would feel pity for him, buuuut he was enjoying my suffering earlier. So he absolutely deserves to be the carrier boy.

My thoughts come to a halt when I feel a warm sensation flow through my body, followed by a flood of System messages echoing in my head from the battles I just went through, but without any of the ones that gave me little to no EXP. Then a new message after that.

{Level 38 Demon Hound defeated. An enormous EXP penalty has been extracted for killing a demon forty or more levels below you.} x25

{Level 37 Demon Spawn defeated. An enormous EXP penalty has been extracted for killing a demon forty or more levels below you.} x38

{Level 36 Demon Spawn defeated. An enormous EXP penalty has been extracted for killing a demon forty or more levels below you.} x16

{Level 40 Demon Spawn defeated. An enormous EXP penalty has been extracted for killing a demon forty or more levels below you.} x13

{Level 42 Demon Spawn defeated. An enormous EXP penalty has been extracted for killing a demon forty or more levels below you.} x14

{Level 41 Demon Spawn defeated. An enormous EXP penalty has been extracted for killing a demon forty or more levels below you. } x15

{Level 45 Demon Spawn defeated. An enormous EXP penalty has been extracted for killing a demon forty or more levels below you.} x18

{Level 39 Demon Spawn defeated. An enormous EXP penalty has been extracted for killing a demon forty or more levels below you.} x17

{Level 50 Demon Knight defeated. A large EXP penalty has been extracted for killing a demon twenty-five or more levels below you.} x5

{Level 70 Demon Knight defeated. A medium EXP penalty has been extracted for killing a demon fifteen or more levels below you.} x2

{Level 71 Demon Knight defeated. A medium EXP penalty has been extracted for killing a demon fifteen or more levels below you.} x2

{Level 72 Demon Knight defeated. A medium EXP penalty has been extracted for killing a demon fifteen or more levels below you.}

{Level 100 Demon Captain defeated. Bonus EXP is awarded for killing a creature above your level.} x9

{Congrats, you have leveled up to level 91. Two Free Points have been awarded to you and your stats have been updated.}

{Congrats, you have leveled up to level 93. Two Free Points have been awarded to you and your stats have been updated.}

{Twenty five Skill Points are awarded for killing the leader of a Fracture and destroying the core all by yourself.}

{Ten Skill Points are awarded for killing a demon captain ten or more levels above you without assistance.}

{Five Skill Points are awarded for killing a demon captain for the first time.}

{One Skill Point is awarded for killing a demon.}

[Skill ‘Blood Claws’ has leveled up to level 13.]

[Skill ‘Blood Regeneration’ has leveled up to level 7.]

[Skill ‘Blood Siphon’ has leveled up to level 12.]

[Skill ‘Life Drain’ has leveled up to level 13.]

[You have devoured the core of a Spatial Fragment and therefore meet the first of the two qualifications for breaking through to Class II: The absorption of a Class I Catalyst. To break through to Class II, the following requirements must be met: Reach level 101.]

I stop walking as I wince from the massive amount of information that was just kind of dumped into my mind instead of the System saying it in my head this time. Likely due to it being too much information for the System to spend who knows how long stating. So it just dumped it in my head, which I’d heard it could do but never experienced before.

The others stop after a few seconds, noticing my own stop, only to start talking with each other, likely understanding what I’m doing.

Wait a second. How are there so many Class V Guardians in the world if there have only been a few Class V Fractures, two of which weren’t stopped?

I have the last message replay through my head for a second before finding my answer.

It says a Class I Catalyst. It doesn’t say a Spatial Fragment specifically.

And I think Tar mentioned it was one of the possible things you could use, right?

Tar responds after a few seconds, making me wonder if he’s doing something right now, “That’s right.”


Outside of the achievements though, I only got a single Skill Point from every last one of those kills… that’s depressing.

I did get forty-one from the achievements though. And adding that to the ten I had leftover from the achievement I got in the last month makes fifty-one Skill Points to spend.

But what to spend them on… I already brought blood boil to level ten with the other SP I got from the achievement from killing over a thousand demons total, but what should I get next?

I open my status and allocate my free points first before staring at my skills list. Then, after much deliberation, I end up leveling Blood Thirst once, Blood Shadow once, Blood Manifestation twice, and Blood Armor once to use up all of the Skill Points without a single one to spare.

That should do it.

I nod my head in satisfaction.

It would’ve been nice if I leveled up blood diffusion a bit more, but the problem is that that skill needs me to get hit and defend against the hit using the skill. Which I haven’t exactly been able to train.

Maybe I should ask Allen or Sylver to help me with it? Same with blood regeneration too, now that I think about it.

I am kind of curious how good blood regeneration will be when it hits level ten, to be honest.

“It is one of the strongest skills a blood lycan can have,” Tar answers, sounding like his mind is only half here.

What are you up to?

“There are some procedures a fae has to go through after their contracted partner gets their catalyst,” Tar answers right away this time, “nothing you need to worry about. Just paperwork for my promotion in the current line of ascension.”

I stare straight ahead for a few seconds before muttering, “What?” bringing the others’ attention back to me.

“Remember that my place in the line of ascension to the throne and my current authority is dependent on your level and Class?” Tar asks before continuing without my answer. “Well, we’re required to submit a document to the King whenever our contracted partner gets a catalyst for advancement.”

Oh. Interesting.

I wave to the others as I catch up with them, all of us continuing our way back to the limo again.

Now then. What were you talking about earlier in regard to the demon feeling nostalgic about my scent?


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For those of you who can't view the image:

Name: Scarlet Asger

Human/Blood Lycan Hybrid

Magic: Blood

Age: 19

Level: 93

SP: 0


Physical: 227

Mental: 225

Magical: 225

Physical/Level: 2

Mental/Level: 1

Magical/Level: 2

Free Points: 0

Mana: 11023/25312.5

Free Points/Level: 2

Active Skills:

Blood Claws

Skill Level: 13


Blood Siphon

Skill Level: 12


Life Drain

Skill Level: 13


Partial Shift

Skill Level: Static


Blood Diffusion

Skill Level: 6


Blood Shadow

Skill Level: 6


Blood Retribution

Skill Level: 5


Blood Armor

Skill Level: 6


Blood Manifestation

Skill Level: 7


Blood Sacrifice

Skill Level: 10


Blood Boil

Skill Level: 10


Blood Bank

Skill Level: 5



Skill Level: Static



Skill Level: Static



Skill Level: Static


Passive Skills:

Blood Regeneration

Skill Level: 7


Blood Thirst

Skill Level: 7


Predator V

Skill Level: Static




Thanks for the chapter!


Goddamn lots of chapters tonight.. I don't wanna sleep now.. 😂


thanks for the chapter, and have a good night


Fun chapter


you earned your sleep! But I think your sleepy mind made a slight mistake? {Level 100 Demon Captain defeated. Bonus EXP is awarded for killing a creature above your level.} x9 the x9 means she killed 9 cemon captains? That can't be right, right?


There's a x9 after the captain kill message. Probably meant to be somewhere else since we've only seen one captain ^^


Not a typo. A copy paste error that I missed. Since I tend to copy paste the system messages from past chapters then changing them for the new set of messages instead of simply writing new ones because it's annoying to write so many of them each time. It's fixed.


lol. Fairy paperwork.

Melting Sky

It’s clear blood regeneration is different from her other skills and can only be raised via usage rather than SP?