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                                The Forest Overlooking the Base Camp
                                       Year 2849 | Month 12 | Day 9

Amy can’t help but grimace when she sees the ‘Undying Magician’ – she mentally scoffs at that – takes a bullet straight to the heart before looking down at it. And that grimace only grows worse when she hears Jackson laughing his head off and saying, “Did you see that?! He died right away! You better get ready to give me that food!”

Damnit, I was expecting him to at least survive long enough to take out half of the magicians… but he couldn’t even fight more than two? And why the hell did he just walk right up to them, leaving himself open to an attack without even shielding himself?! Something seems off.

“Are you kidding me? Why the hell were we worried about someone like that?” she hears Arnold saying, but she doesn’t take her eyes off of the magician who she notes hasn’t actually fallen to the ground yet.

The two behind her continue ragging on him, with Jackson being incredibly happy about winning the bet so easily, and Arnold sounding pissed the fuck off as Amy’s eyes narrow on the magician who, after just a couple seconds, continues walking forward.

Right as an argument is beginning to build up between the two, she raises her hand and says, “Shut up and continue watching. He’s still alive.”

Both of them go silent right away and refocus on the screen in front of them showing the other end of the camera they have directed at the base camp. And as soon as they do, both of them stiffen up completely.

On the screen, the ‘Undying Magician’ – who Amy is starting to wonder if he is actually deserving of the title and not just arrogantly using it – continues walking forward, ignoring all of the bullets being sent his way by the magicians on the building roof from both the original shooter and a second one who joined him. But none of the points of impact of the shots are shown directly on the camera since it’s pointing at his back.

“Change the camera,” Amy says, and Jackson quickly does so, showing a different camera pointing from a different angle of the building, which barely shows the front of the building where the man is walking up to the base without much emotion shown on his face.

What catches the three city guard captains’ attention though isn’t his expression. It’s the sight of bullets going straight into his chest and then being pushed right out again as the wound closes up on its own without any blood left outside of it.

“What. The. Fuck?” Arnold exclaims, wounding shell shocked. Meanwhile Jackson just swears.

Is he a monster? Because a human shouldn’t have that level of regeneration… and I don’t think any fire spells should be able to do that either. Not when the wound seems to be drawing in all the blood and gore that came out of it in the first place.

Amy’s eyes narrow even further as the man continues walking up to the building, not even stopping when he gets to the door, simply just kicking it down and walking inside.

Or at least, not a spell any fire magician on the Kingdom of the Fallen has ever been able to make.

After several seconds of silence, gunshots can be heard echoing through the forest before they’re soon replaced with screams. Then silence. And then the process repeats again until the group of captains see one of the rogue magicians simply jumping off of the roof with a type of feather fall spell slowing his fall until he hits the ground. The man then looks back at the building and begins running, only for one of the non-magicians that was forced to work there to throw a rock at him, stunning him for a second from pure shock.

The captains then watch as all of the non-magicians begin throwing things at the guy, who only manages to raise a shield that doesn’t last long enough for him to get away from the non-magicians, who aren’t even frightened by seeing him sending a blade of wind to cut straight into one of their own.

This is just a massacre at this point.

After struggling against the dozens of non-magicians – who prove to be too much for the one Class D magician to handle while seemingly lacking in his mana, most likely due to the strike they had just recently done against Frost Veil the day the captains first approached the Undying Magician – the wind affinity magician’s shield finally collapses when a non-magician who had climbed up a wall dunks a giant block of concrete on him, shattering the shield that was already cracked from the many projectiles into pieces. The magician then takes the attacks with his body alone, either not thinking of putting up another barrier or not having the mana to do so.

All of the captains’ attention is brought to the building again when they see the Undying Magician standing on the roof watching for a few seconds before jumping down to the ground and approaching the wind affinity magician, making the non-magicians scurry away at the sight of his inhuman eyes and the black veins running across his face.

Or perhaps it’s the blood dripping down his mouth to his chin and off his face?

A shiver runs down Amy’s spine at the sight of him simply walking up to the magician, who by now is so wounded that he struggles to get up from the ground. And it only grows worse when the man – Nathan Fox, she believes his actual name was – simply raises his sword across his chest before swinging it down and cutting straight through the magician’s neck, cutting his head off entirely in an inhuman display of strength.

The man then kneels down and wipes the blade on the man’s clothing, not even bothering to use the cleaning enchantment on the sword that Amy knows is there before he sheathes the blade again and begins walking back to the captains, not bothering with looking at the non-magicians who are stilly scurrying away from him whenever he gets near.

“He’s a monster…” Amy eventually mutters, and the other two wordlessly agree.

The only way we’d stand a chance against him is if the Class C magicians of the region all joined together… I have to warn Lord Frost about this.


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