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                                         Year 820 | Month 4 | Day 17

“So what was that about me ‘losing my lunch over the side of the ship’?” I ask with a smile while leaning my arms over the railing of the ship, ignoring the rain hitting my back as I see the man next to me hurling his lunch over the side of the ship. Ragnar Sigurdsson was one of the few hunters who had actually approached me during the past couple weeks on Aulta, and we became friends in this time.

And of course, the guy decided that it would be funny to tease me by trying to hand me a helmet to vomit into when I get sea sickness for going on the ocean for the first time.

Such irony.

After he finishes this round of vomiting, he wipes his mouth and turns his head to me, his long brown hair going over his shoulder in the process before he grumbles, “Shut up.” Then he turns back overboard and vomits again.

I just chuckle and turn around, leaning my back against the railing instead while pointing my face directly to the rain above us.

Since everyone here already knows my face, I don’t have my mask on. Instead, just having it hooked onto a ring I had added to my pants. So the rain feels rather refreshing on my face as the vast ship rocks back and forth in the process of making our way towards Yggdrasil.

We’ve been on the ocean for a few days now, and despite that, Ragnar is still suffering from seasickness. Which I find rather amusing, considering just how much he was trying to tease me and poke fun at me for not having been on the ocean before.

Mostly because the guy wouldn’t believe me when I said that I had been on the ocean before.

“I did tell you that I’d been on the water before,” I tell him once more, the smile still ever present on my face.

He just waves his hand, likely finally believing me.

So amusing.

I lower my head to look at the ship itself. The only real scenery that we’ve had for days now, outside of endless waves of course.

The ship is of the relatively simple layout style of the Aultans, with it being a single layer spanning the entire ship, with the ship itself having a long and relatively narrow shape when compared to the ship’s size. What with the size being about seventy or so meters in length and a dozen or two in width. It has one large sail, with several dozen holes for oars that aren’t currently being used by anyone as we’re just sailing through the wind right now.

I glance at one of the several hatches leading below deck as it opens to reveal one of the princes walking up onto the deck and quickly turning his gaze towards me. Then towards his own hunter party member next to me who is still puking his guts out.

“You still haven’t knocked that habit, Rag?” Prince Thórir de Alheim says, sounding both amused and exasperated, the guy having started showing more emotion to me since the first time I ran into him in the city before heading off to the glacier.

Ragnar answers him by raising his hand and doing a rather rude hand gesture before gripping onto the railing again as another bout of lunch disposal strikes him.

I can’t help but smirk at that for a second, only to turn serious when Thórir focuses on me and says, “Father wanted me to warn you that we’re starting to get into more dangerous waters now. So he would appreciate it if you’d keep an eye out on the waves for sea monsters.”

A grimace spreads across my face as I remember the run-ins we had with sea monsters on my trips to Yggdrasil with my own family.

“Understood,” I tell him before turning back around and looking out over the water, spreading my aura out around the ship in the process.

I hear his footsteps moving away for a few seconds, only for the sound of the hatch opening and closing to enter my ears.

The waves have been rather harsh over the past few hours, but that’d happened multiple times at random throughout the trip so far. And I should know, since I’ve been staying far away from below the deck this entire time, even going so far as to sleep up here just to avoid the drinking parties the Aultans are having below deck each night.

If there’s one thing I’ve learned on this trip, it’s that Aultans can really hold their liquor well. And they like trying to nudge others into drinking with them.

Best to stay away entirely if I ever want any sleep.

Even if it means sleeping in the rain, which never seems to end while on the ocean.

A sudden splashing sound echoes in my ears from a little bit further away from the ship, drawing my attention over to it as I ignore the man next to me still losing his lunch – or what’s left of it – overboard. And what I find has my eyes narrowing.

Yep. Definitely a sea monster.

I raise my hand and send a bolt of Wrath Lightning straight at the water where the large, two meter long fish can be seen, sending the red and black lightning throughout the water at the location of the strike. This immediately makes the approaching fish begin convulsing before it goes still, fully revealing itself on the surface while floating upside down alongside several bits of red ash that join it – likely from regular fish that had been caught up in my attack.

Hmm. The Wrath Lightning from Wrath Shock really is one of the best skills I could have for dealing with the sea monsters.

Another sea monster begins approaching from a different direction on the same side of the ship, so I send another bolt of Wrath Lightning at it, killing it as well and getting some nice EXP for killing it, since it’s apparently a the bottom of Tier 3.

Very nice for farming EXP. But it does worry me that the weakest sea monsters are Tier 3.

Makes me wonder what Tier the stronger sea monsters are at?

As I ponder over and vaguely fear this thought, I hear Ragnar hurling again. So I pat him once on the back before returning my attention to another sea monster.


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Hell yeah another step back to Cass’s family

Tyler Machado

Think you meant to title this book 3 since I am reading 2 on patreon now.


Reread the authors' notes I put on the last couple chapters. It's right. I'm just now starting book 2.