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                              Year 2849 | Month 12 | Day 8

I can’t help the grin that spreads across my face as I watch the wound on the bear finally begin to heal at a visibly faster pace than before, the spell finally taking hold and working after who knows how many trials. And all it took was a bunch of dead bears and deer, along with a few lessons from a magician who is now a lot nicer to me than he was before.

After watching the process work until the wound finally closes, I let out a sigh and grab the bear by the scruff of its neck before beginning to drag it through my cave systems towards the entrance. Then I open up the barrier to find several people standing out there seemingly wondering if they should ring the bell or not.

“Move,” I tell them, and they do so, following which I toss the bear outside, not killing it and instead letting it go. Then I focus on them to find the people seemingly split up into three groups. None of which are happy with each other. “So, what business do you have with me?”

The leader of the first of the three groups – a man wearing a black and green set of kevlar armor with a cap on his head – starts off, “We simply wanted to greet the Undying Magician and welcome you to our area of the continent.”

I raise a brow at that before sticking my hands in my pockets.

Certainly a large difference between how these people are talking to me and how the first soldiers I ever met were. And they’re even using that title the people of New Hope gave to me.

A rather bold, but also very true title, given my body’s situation.

“It’s appreciated,” I return with a nod before asking, “is there anything else?”

He quickly gets to the point. “We would like to know if a cooperative relationship could be struck between you and the city of Archal. Perhaps something along the lines of what you have worked out with New Hope?”

I frown at that. Then I glance at the other two groups to find them all pointedly staring at me, seemingly watching my every move and focusing on my every word.

Looks like they came to sniff me out and figure out my intentions. Probably learn more about my agreement with New Hope as well.

Guess it doesn’t matter if they know. Because New Hope isn’t my responsibility. Our agreement has ended now that I’ve learned about Tier IV spells, aside from the ‘bringing food in for the ability to trade in their city’ part.

“It’s possible,” I tell them, and each of the soldiers outside of my cave seems to perk up at that.

“Then may I ask what agreement you have worked out with them?” the man prods, pushing a little bit further. But before I answer that, I focus on him and ask, “First tell me your name.”

He blinks in surprise before his eyes widen at the realization that he never actually introduced himself beyond his affiliation.

“My apologies, great magician,” he says, bowing his head and raising it again a second later. “My name is Arnold Vlan, and I hail from the city of Archal to the East.”

I nod at that before answering his original question, “I don’t have any form of written agreement with them anymore now that I have finished creating the spell I asked for assistance in making. But should they wish to form another agreement in the future when I need more help in my spell craft, then I would be open to another.” He opens his mouth to speak, likely to ask what agreement it was, but I cut him off by finishing, “Our agreement was assistance in creating Tier III spells in exchange for a defensive pact. But now that I have finished creating my first Tier III spell and no longer need him, that agreement is null and void. But the other agreement we have, the one where I give them food every week or so in exchange for the ability to trade in their city, is still on the table.”

Originally the two agreements were combined, but it was a little one sided since I wouldn’t need their assistance after learning the Tier III spells. So the agreement for the tutorship was that I’d help them in the defense of their city once, along with any time they required it during the time of my tutorship. Which ended the moment I learned my first Tier III spell and got it working.

And the second agreement – where I give food in exchange for access to trade – became a regular thing. If I come by to trade, then I need to give them food in exchange for them to let me in. Since even if I did save them, they don’t like the idea of having a ‘vampire’ walking around their city.

Not that I really blame them.

“In that case, is there any assistance you need?” the man once again prods, clearly searching for a way to get me into a defensive pact with them as well.

But I just shake my head, seemingly disappointing him and making the other two groups excited, only to douse their excitement as well when I say, “Not right now. I’m just planning on creating more Tier III spells for a while and training my mana. But it is possible I could need help in the future.”

They all brighten up at the last part, if only a little bit. Then I turn to the other two groups to ask, “Is it safe to assume that both of your groups were here for the same reason as Archal city?”

“Yes, I am Amy Vecker, from the city of Frost Veil, but aside from that, we wish to know if you would be open to mercenary work,” one of them – a woman wearing blue streaked black kevlar – answers before the other group can.

Mercenary work?

“We would also like to hire you whenever possible for mercenary work, if that’s at all possible,” the leader of the last group answers, a guy whose black kevlar is streaked with red instead. “My name is Jackson Archford, and I hail from the city of Volten.”

I frown for a second, before glancing at the flame barrier covering my cave.

Mercenary work… could be good for me. Definitely good for training and keeping my skills sharp.

“Sure,” I answer before walking up to my barrier and calling out behind me, “come back tomorrow and ring the bell if you have a job you’d like me to do.”

A wave of agreements sound out from behind me, following which my barrier closes up again.

This could be interesting.


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