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                                                            Alexander North

“So the Sun God is finally making her move?” the intelligent frozen one’s voice echoes seemingly throughout the entire city as I watch wide-eyed from the window. “Don’t you think it’s a little bit too late for that?”

The new entity frowns but doesn’t say anything in response.

“Shall we forgo the talking then?” the intelligent frozen one asks after a few seconds of silence, and the new being immediately nods its head, still not saying a word. “Very well then.”

A shockwave bursts outwards from the two as they clash in midair, too fast for my eyes to see, despite my senses having improved greatly since losing my humanity.

Holy fucking shit… just where did this thing come from? And is it really on the side of humanity?

Considering that it has the energy that the terminal found in my, well, terminal, it might be. But it may also just be some sort of force trying to control humans as well for all I know.

The most important thing right now, is that it is fighting the intelligent frozen one. That’s all that matters.

I turn around and begin running right as the two beings begin wrecking parts of the city in their battle, sending waves of heat and frost in each clash. I climb up the stairs, focusing on each floor for any heat signatures I may find.

And eventually, I do manage to find some behind a wall. So I step back before ramming into the wall, smashing a hole through it into the other side to find some familiar faces along with a lot of unfamiliar ones all turning around and tensing while raising swords in my direction. But when my team sees it’s me, they quickly lower them.

“Alex?!” I hear Cynthia shout in shock, and I nod over to her after finding her without a helmet on. In fact, none of them have any helmets on, and their weapons are all damaged along with their armor. But what catches my eye the most are the significant number of frozen one corpses lying around the room, many of which seem to have no injuries.

I let out a sigh of relief.

My relief doesn’t last long though as I look through my team, only to find a few of them missing.

“Where’re Victoria and the captain?” I ask, directing my gaze towards Cynthia, but I feel a pit developing in the back of my throat as soon as I see her face. One of sorrow, regret, and fear.

No one answers me, and the soldiers behind the remainder of my team continue standing stiffly with their weapons raised, each of them looking directly at my inhuman eyes. But I ignore them as I step forward two steps and repeat, “Where are they?!”

Silence remains, with the only sounds being that of the loud explosions and crashing sounds coming from outside the building, caused by the fight between the two beings.

Eventually Cynthia finally answers, crushing my hopes of the two still being alive, “The captain and Victoria died giving us time to escape a lower floor.”

My eyes narrow immediately, and I feel a powerful hatred surge up towards that intelligent frozen one outside. But I still retain enough sanity through it to understand just how suicidal it would be to fight it. So I take a deep breath, flexing and unflexing my hands in the process as my claws continuously pop out on their own, an apparent side effect of my anger.

This appears to make the other soldiers even more cautious, but eventually the princess calms them down by explaining who I am.

After several more seconds of deep breaths, I calm myself down completely, returning to my normal, neutral thoughts. Simply blocking out the emotions for now until I actually have the time to process them.

“Do you know what’s going on?” Cynthia asks, having seen that I’ve returned to my senses.

I shake my head and quickly answer, “Not entirely. But here is what I’ve been able to discover so far...”

And so I spend several minutes simply telling them almost everything that has happened since we split up, except for the girl. Mostly because I don’t want these other soldiers knowing about her for some reason.

Maybe because they may choose to take her existence as a threat assuming they do so towards mine? And she can’t defend herself like I can, so.

Everyone stays silent for my words, explosions sounding from outside the building along with tremors as I do so until I reach the end and silence ensues.

One of the soldiers apart from my team speaks up first, asking, “How do we know you’re telling the truth.” And that immediately has the members of my team scowling at him. But I just send him an indifferent look before saying, “Why should I care if you believe me?”

At this point I think the most important thing to me is the survival of myself, my friends, and that kid and Snow. The other soldiers here and the civilians, they aren’t anywhere near as important to me. Trillions of people have already died in this hellscape, and even more are following suit. The best I can do is protect those I care about now.

The man opens his mouth to say something, seeming offended for a second, only for Cynthia to snap, “Lawrence, that’s enough. The person you’re speaking to is both a second lieutenant and a North.”

His mouth snaps shut without another word.

I glance at the insignia on his shoulder indicating his rank, just to find that he’s a sergeant. Meaning I outrank him by two ranks.

Putting the guy to the back of my mind for now, I glance at the other soldiers to find that most of them are all around the same rank as him. But in the corner I also find two captains, both injured pretty badly and seemingly dying with no one taking care of them beyond keeping them comfortable as we speak.

I wince slightly at that sigh but decide against mentioning anything.

Doesn’t look like there’s anything we can do for those two.

I return my attention to Cynthia, only to finally notice a scent coming from her designating her in my mind as a symbiont host. Which means her emergency symbiont was shocked to action.

That’s good. It’ll keep her safe.

“Let’s go,” I tell them before turning around and walking through the hole I made in the wall, soon hearing the others marching after me.


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I wince slightly at that sigh - sight