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                                    Year 2849 | Month 12 | Day 5

I close out of my terminal before heading through the caverns and tunnels in the direction of the exit, eventually finding the fire barrier still perfectly in tact while the string I put up is constantly being tugged on.

Well, someone’s out there. That’s for sure.

And my nose tells me the same thing as I get closer to the barrier.

After making it within a foot or so of the barrier, the flames begin to move to allow my passage, revealing three people on the other side. Each armed with non-magi-tech kevlar and rifles. Nothing that can do much of anything to me beyond ruin my clothes. And one of the people is the captain from before.

“Mister Fox,” the man says while inclining his head towards me and using my last name. “The time has come for you to fulfil your end of the bargain and help us against our enemy.”

I narrow my eyes at that.

“What’s the situation?” I ask while reaching over my shoulder to pat my rifle.

The captain notices and stiffens up slightly before saying, “Our forces have been in direct combat with Darkin since this morning. They’ve been sieging the city ever since, making it hard to get out without them catching us.”

A siege?

“What do you want me to do?” I ask while patting the pommel of the sword at my waist.

He looks at me for a second, seemingly taking in my crimson eyes before answering, “Whatever you can to get rid of them.”

Then he begins walking away with the soldiers without saying another word, surprising me in that they’re not gonna try forcing me to work alongside them or something. But in the end, it’s probably better this way, since I have my doubts that the soldiers would like the idea of working with me very much.

I watch them go for a few seconds before turning around and going back into the cave to gather a few things.


After grabbing the star diagram, a couple of my extra blades that I got before leaving New Hope, and making sure I had all of my ammunition ready in my sniper rifle, I leave my home again and begin making my way towards the city.

If they’re trying to siege the city, then I’m kind of surprised that the captain managed to make it here undetected. And if I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if they actually were followed but just didn’t realize it. But there’s no real way to prove that without following directly behind them.

I continue walking through the woods for a little while until I eventually get close enough to the city to smell blood and hear the sounds of bullets being fired. So I begin to slow down at that point, traveling only through the trees and not the ground.

Eventually I come to a stop close to the tree line viewing the city where I focus on the battle going on, which consists of what looks like over a thousand soldiers fighting on top of the walls, one group wearing the same uniforms that the soldiers of New Hope wear, and the other wearing some slightly more advanced black armor mixing kevlar and a slightly more advanced metal by the looks of it. But the ones with the new uniforms appear to outnumber those of New Hope. So I ready myself on a branch, simply pulling out my rifle and aiming at the city, searching for the commanders of the enemy forces through the scope.

Since I have limited shots and don’t want to waste them all in a single battle, I should only shoot the commanders. And it doesn’t matter if I’m this close to them for that since I won’t be needing to keep my position secret for long.

Although I would rather find their magician if at all possible. Because they’re the only one that can probably be a nuisance to me at this point.

I search through the battle, noting the people of importance that I find before eventually finding Xavier facing off against someone else directly above the gate. And that someone else is very clearly using dark affinity magic in the black barrier coating their armored covered body. They also have a few black orbs floating around them that they seem to just be playing with.

This guy really is just toying with them.

And considering how Xavier doesn’t seem to be doing shit to stop him, beyond making a neutral mana barrier and having some neutral attack spells on hand, it must be true that he has no offensive magic.

I resort to reading their lips since I can’t hear a word they’re saying from this distance and with all of the gunfire going on.

‘Did you really think you could get away, Xavier?’ The dark magician says while still toying with his magic and not paying any heed to the magic Xavier is using.

Xavier grimaces at that but doesn’t say anything in response.

‘You can either come back with us, or you can die here where you stand,’ the dark magician says again. And immediately after he says that, I can tell without much difficulty that Xavier is about to attack him.

So I take the honors and do it first, inserting some of my fire mana into my sniper rifle through one of the jewels and then pulling the trigger, sending a flaming bullet straight towards the man. Then I use the mana jewel for reloading it and take a second shot soon after the first before watching as both Xavier and the dark magician turn in my direction, somehow sensing my bullet.

Is it from some sort of sensatory spell they have up? Or something else?

Either way, the dark magician’s shield blocks the first bullet without any struggle at all, but the second bullet manages to pierce through and enter his shoulder, unfortunately missing anything vital since the first one had knocked him away from his original position enough to save him. Not that the bullet would’ve likely reached his heart anyways, considering how much it was slowed down.

If I could’ve fired a third bullet, I would’ve. But the fast reload with a fire spell armed in both shots is taxing on both my mana and the rifle. Meaning I’ll have to wait a little bit to fire again.

Which clearly gives the dark magician time to set up a better defense along with a mist of darkness that blocks my line of sight.

Well, shit. Guess I did everything I could for Xavier there. He’ll have to take care of the rest on his own while I focus on sniping the commanders.

Then I can go down there and work on my swordsmanship.


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