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Without giving me the time to react, a pitch black door appears beneath both me and Sapphire, dropping us back into the dungeon, but this time on the two hundred and second floor. And after landing on the ground, I just stare up at the wall for who knows how long.

What the hell just happened?

“Dad…” Sapphire mutters, but I just shake my head.

At least I finally have proof that the System does exist in the void, aside from it having answered me and given messages while in the void before. Just looks like it was locked or something.

But now I also understand why I was given a storage item in the first place.

Before I forget, I open my inventory and grab half of my stamina potions, then place them all in my storage ring. Because I really don’t want to end up running out again in the middle of a battle.

Although the void creature’s ability to drain my stamina potions is concerning. I hope it’s not something all of them can do, but I have a feeling it is. Considering how it seemed to do it through its void element.

I get up from the floor before looking around at the corridor we’re in. Then I turn to Sapphire and say, “Looks like that served as the mini boss for the two hundred and first floor.”

She just nods her head while looking around.

Both of us turn around at the sound of some sort of metal dragging on the ground. And just seconds later, we find some sort of zombie with half of its face ripped off turning around a corner while dragging a line of chains. The creature is wearing armor and very clearly leaking a large amount of miasma from its body.

It also has a large horde of regular zombies slowly lumbering along behind it.

_-| Unnamed – Berserk Zombie Chain Master – Level 2241 |-_

“That thing’s high leveled,” I mutter, and Sapphire nods her head again. But it doesn’t stop me from waving my hand and sending a strong wave of ice through the floor, freezing everything it comes across. Only for the creature to flip its chain like a whip at my ice, coating the thing with miasma in the process and sending some of my voided eternal ice deviating towards the wall and avoiding it in the process even with the other zombies behind it freezing.

Well, that’s annoying.

I repeat the process but with voided flames instead, and these it doesn’t manage to deviate, making the flames burn it to a crisp.

Things really are getting toucher if just a random monster in the dungeon is able to redirect my ice…

I glance once at the large piles of ash before turning around and going in the opposite direction.

“Let’s go see if there are any special rooms on this floor,” I tell Sapphire as she begins walking with me.


                                                   Aegis – Safe Zone 52

In the beginning, Luke Adler was just going on instinct. But who could blame him? A System straight out of the video games his children played randomly started speaking to them saying that everyone would be moved to another world. So he acted on instinct, reaching for a weapon when something unexplainable and possibly threatening happened.

But when Wolf was sent to the Administrator Dungeon, everything became more real to him. Everything was really happening. They were in another world, with abilities previously far beyond the human capacity, and separated in zones located throughout the world with monsters everywhere. And to make matters worse? They had no leader, and very little trust.

And if Luke’s being honest with himself, if Wolf hadn’t been sent to the dungeon, the safe zone might never have been able to work together as smoothly as they do now. Not without a focal point to share their focus and eventually their pride.

Now though, as Luke finds himself staring at the portal in front of him while surrounded by almost every single human in the safe zone, he can’t help but wonder when things went wrong.

The portal itself is glowing with a black shimmer on its edges, revealing a beautiful landscape on the other side without any people nearby making the whereabouts of the ones who had already entered it unknown.

“You expect us to just walk into this-” the councilor is cut off as he passes through the portal, walking through it thanks to the influence of the mark on his chest. A mark that – as Luke has learned – forces you to enter the portal the moment you speak out against entering it.

Luke just sighs at the sight before saying, “Everyone needs to be ready when they enter in case the fae are on the other side, ready to attack us. Because while I doubt this’ll happen, since that’d just be wasting the Reaper’s soldiers if he set it up where the fae could find us so soon, we need to be prepared for the worst.”

Muttered agreements run through the crowd as everyone stands as far back away from the portal as they can. But not a single person left complains about their situation.

All of those that would’ve have already been forced into the portal, after all.

After a few seconds, Luke’s frown grows deeper and he adjusts his knives before calling out, “I’ll go through now.”

This makes everyone around them visibly tense up, but he doesn’t pay attention to them and instead begins walking through the portal. Then a notification appears in his vision the moment he touches the thing, making his eyebrows rise in surprise.

After Luke finishes reading the notification, he finds himself appearing in the middle of some sort of large fortress made purely out of a black metal.

His eyes narrow.

Looks like we will at least be rewarded for our assistance.


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Universal System

Universal System created by the Progenitor Council for the purpose of the war between Radiance and Void has been initialized for Void System player, ‘Luke Adler’.

Luke Adler is hereby inducted into the Void Faction.

During the extend of this war, any kill or act directly benefiting the Void Faction will grant Faction Points. These points can then be used to purchase items and skills from the Faction Store located at the main headquarters of the Void Faction within the Artificial Plane created for the war.

Many of the skills and items found within the store are unique and unable to be found outside of the void, and many others are incredibly rare and powerful.

Take this war as an opportunity to grow stronger.

See your Void Faction menu to find the exact number of points each act will grant you.

Betrayal of your faction is impossible while marked by Voided Karma until the karma is all spent.



Karma spent or Karma balanced?

Corwin Amber

'that would’ve have' -> 'that would’ve'

Corwin Amber

'During the extend' extend -> extent