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                                                   Alexander North

Getting across the body of water is much easier this time thanks to my improved body. And it also helps that most of the frozen ones near it are all still rushing towards the center of the city.

The thought of that makes me run faster, rushing into the city and through the streets in the direction of where Snow and Alexia are at. Because the slower I am, the higher the chance that everyone at planet hall will already be dead.

It ends up taking me only ten minutes to clear the distance to the bunker, where I fortunately find both Snow and the girl in the bunker after she turns on the camera inside. Although she doesn’t look very happy, and it’s obvious she’s been crying.

“You left…” she says, tears beginning to emerge from her eyes. Meanwhile Snow just barks.

I frown before saying, “Yeah, I’m sorry about that. But I’m going to have to leave again. Something dangerous is happening outside, so can you please stay in there until I get back?”

The tears just begin coming even faster after hearing my words.

Well, shit. I really don’t have the time for this.

Alexia stares at the screen while crying from pitch black eyes ringed with the same blue ring mine have, which is a little off-putting, before eventually saying, “Okay…” surprising me in the process.

Wait. She agreed?

Huh. That was easier than I thought.

“Remember, don’t open the door unless it’s me or someone you know,” I warn her, making her nod her head in understanding with a short sniffle. Then I turn around and begin making my way towards the planet hall.

I’m really glad Snow is there with her. She’s always made for good company. Even if she now looks like a monster.

Although, even as I run I can’t help but worry about the kid. After all, I’ve apparently accidentally turned her into something like me. And I can’t help but feel a little responsible for her because of that.

The poor kid.

I glance up at the massive swarm of flying frozen ones heading towards the planet hall for a second before facing forwards and speeding up my running pace.

Then again. I can’t exactly look after her as I am, and especially not if I die. I’m not really the parenting type.

The most I can do is try to keep her alive.

I continue running, eventually resorting to climbing a building and going between the roofs after catching up with the floor of frozen ones traveling across the ground. And in the middle of that, I also kill all of the frozen ones near me, simply absorbing their energy in the process without breaking my stride. Since I’ll need all the help I can get.

Most of the frozen ones I’m running across are rather weak and stand no chance against me and give me very little energy in general. But I guess that makes some sense since most of the stronger ones are likely already close to the planet hall. If they’re not already at it.

It isn’t until I get within the inner parts of the city that I begin finding stronger frozen ones. Ones strong enough that I actually have to take a second to pause in killing them. But still none strong enough to pose a threat to me anymore.

So I continue tearing my way through the frozen ones towards the center of the city, not stopping along the way until I finally reach the line of buildings overlooking planet hall. And what I find is rather terrifying.

All around the planet hall, frozen ones are rushing into the massive building’s main entrance in droves. And while most of them are incredibly weak, I also find quite a few with higher energy levels according to the terminal. Especially the intelligent frozen one.

Terminal, you’re sure you can’t read the intelligent frozen one’s energy level?

|Affirmative. The intelligent frozen one’s energy level is too powerful for the senses of your body to read and would overload you if you tried|

That… doesn’t bode well. Especially considering how much stronger I am now than before.

Wait, doesn’t that mean that if the intelligent frozen one tried when I first saw it, the thing would’ve been able to catch me almost instantly? Without any struggle at all?

Which means the only reason I am still alive and free is because it didn’t, leaving the question of why it didn’t. Was it just too arrogant to go after me personally? Too busy conducting the attack? Or just didn’t care enough?

Regardless of why, the creature is just standing there watching the frozen ones enter the planet hall. It’s not doing anything at all to assist them. Just simply standing there and staring with its arms held out to either side of it.

Meanwhile the gate to the planet hall – which used to be in one piece – is now just in frozen pieces lying scattered across the ground. And I also can’t help but notice the various frozen statues of frozen ones located in between it and the frozen gate.

I narrow my eyes at that before searching for any other entrances to the building. Eventually though I give up on that and ask the terminal to connect me to dad.

And this time he answers right away.

“What is it?” he asks, his face appearing in my vision thanks to my terminal.

I whisper in response, “The frozen ones have an intelligent leader and are currently assaulting the planet hall.” This doesn’t seem to surprise him, which makes sense considering that the others have likely already sent an emergency message, even if none of them have a direct port to him. “I’m trying to find a way inside to save the others. Do you know any other ways in?”

Dad looks conflicted for a moment, likely wondering if he should tell me as he knows it’ll lead me into a massive monster infested building, but he eventually gives in and tells me after seeing the determined look on my face.

“There are secret entrances scattered about the building, but to open them you first need to…”


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